After Nezha heard Jiang Ziya's words, he suddenly laughed.

"Oh, you are Uncle Jiang Ziya. Haha, I heard from Master and several uncles. They said that Master, you are the first and the last disciple in Kunlun Mountain who has no magic!"

After Nezha finished speaking, Jiang Ziya's expression suddenly changed, and he almost wanted to get into the ground.

Originally, Jiang Ziya didn't learn any magic in the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain for forty years, just some superficial knowledge. Now that Nezha said it so openly, how could Jiang Ziya not be shy!

"Well, Immortal, since the Immortal has sent you here, you must have a way to deal with Zhang Guifang. Please take action as soon as possible. Several of my Xiqi generals are still in the hands of Zhang Guifang!"

Ji Fa looked at Jiang Ziya with an ugly expression and said to Nezha.

Upon hearing this, Nezha glanced at Liu Ming above him. Liu Ming didn't have much communication with Nezha, but just nodded.

"Don't worry, Prince Wu. I'm going to find Zhang Guifang right away and see what he is capable of!"

Nezha said directly.

"Okay, remember to be careful, this Guifang is not a mortal, but has some heretical methods!"

Nezha didn't take Ji Fa's instructions to heart at all.

He left Xiqi directly and headed towards Zhang Guifang's camp.

By the way, Zhang Guifang couldn't help but feel a little surprised when she saw that Jiang Ziya's fight-free card had been taken off for several days.

"This Xiqi must have found some helper. Let's go out and have a look. I want to see who can escape from my hands!"

Zhang Guifang said directly.

At this moment, Zhang Guifang heard a report coming from his subordinates, saying that someone outside was declaring war.

After Zhang Guifang went out, she saw Nezha.

At this moment, Nezha is stepping on the hot wheel and holding the fire-tip gun in his hand.

"I'm going to meet this kid!"

Feng Lin killed him directly.

"Are you Zhang Guifang? Come down and die quickly!"

Nezha looked at the visitor and shouted loudly.

"I am not a general, but Feng Lin, the general's deputy. How could a child be so arrogant? Are he really looking for death?"

Feng Lin said and killed him.

When Nezha saw it, he saw that a young lieutenant dared to be so powerful and stabbed out the fire-tip spear directly.

After the two exchanged a few moves, Feng Lin realized that he was no longer Nezha's opponent.

He ran away again. When Nezha saw that Feng Lin was about to escape, how could he let him leave, so he killed him directly.

Feng Lin heard the sound of Nezha chasing after him. After turning around and muttering something, he opened his mouth and spit out a stream of black smoke.

A large net in the black smoke pulled out a bead and hit it towards Nezha.

When Nezha saw it, he smiled softly, raised his hand, and used the magic power in his hand to destroy all the beads and black smoke.

"This is just a little trick, not the right way!"

Nezha said disdainfully.

When Feng Lin saw that his spell had been broken, he couldn't help but feel a little angry and went straight to kill Nezha again.

Nezha no longer had any interest in fighting Feng Lin. He was really vulnerable, so he threw out his own universe circle.

Feng Lin just rushed over and was hit on his shoulder by Qiankun Circle.

The entire shoulder was broken in an instant. After letting out a cry of pain, Feng Lin turned around and ran back, but Nezha did not chase him.

After Feng Lin returned to his camp, Zhang Guifang couldn't help but feel a little angry when she saw that he had been injured.

"You have a good rest, I'll go meet this guy!"

Zhang Guifang went out with her long gun.

"You are so brave. Where do you come from? You actually dare to hurt my lieutenant. I will make you look good this time!"

After Zhang Guifang went out, she looked at Nezha and said.

Although he said this, Zhang Guifang had already seen some differences in Nezha. The magic power in Nezha was too abundant, which made Zhang Guifang a little confused.

"Are you Zhang Guifang? If not, just get out of here, I don't have time to pay attention to you!"

Nezha said disdainfully.

"Huh, this general is Zhang Guifang. If you have the ability, come up and fight!"

Zhang Guifang said directly.

When Nezha heard that he was Zhang Guifang, he couldn't help but become interested.

"Okay, I've finally waited for you. Haha, come on, let your grandpa Nezha see how you can drop someone directly!"

Nezha killed him directly.

Zhang Guifang felt a little proud when she heard that Nezha was so rampant and that Nezha had already reported her name.

The two fought directly.

The fire-tip spear in Nezha's hand collided with Zhang Guifang's spear. Apart from anything else, Zhang Guifang still had some strength, at least the marksmanship in his hand was still very proficient.

It's just a pity that he met Nezha. Nezha was training in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, so his marksmanship couldn't be worse.

Soon, Zhang Guifang was not as powerful as Nezha in terms of marksmanship or strength, and was suppressed by Nezha.

Helpless, Zhang Guifang had no choice but to take a few steps back. He looked at Nezha with a sinister look in his eyes.

Zhang Guifang suddenly shouted.

"Nezha, why don't you dismount your horse?"

After Zhang Guifang finished shouting, she looked up and saw Nezha still stepping on the hot wheel and looking at him in the sky.

Now Zhang Guifang became a little panicked.

"Nezha, why don't you dismount your horse? Come down here!"

Zhang Guifang was shocked when she saw that Nezha was indifferent to her call. She hurriedly called out again.

But after shouting this time, Nezha still looked at him with a smile, and the Hot Wheels under his feet were as steady as a rock.

Zhang Guifang's face turned pale. Ever since she learned the spell given by her master, she had never made any mistakes!

This time it actually had no effect on Nezha.

This made Zhang Guifang a little dumbfounded.

"Impossible, why didn't you come down? Who are you?"

Zhang Guifang looked at Nezha in panic.

"Zhang Guifang, do you have any other skills? If you do, use them and let me see. If you don't have them, don't blame me!"

Nezha looked at Zhang Guifang and said.

When Zhang Guifang heard this, he was immediately furious. He shook the spear in his hand and killed him again. Nezha couldn't help but sneered when he saw that Zhang Guifang only had this one spell and it had no effect on him.

He directly reached out and took out his own Qiankun Circle and punched Zhang Guifang.

The Circle of Heaven and Earth was a spiritual treasure given to Nezha by Master Taiyi of Yuxu Palace. As soon as the Circle of Heaven and Earth came out, Zhang Guifang could not escape and was hit hard on her body.

Zhang Guifang screamed in pain and fled back to the camp on her horse.

Nezha saw that Zhang Guifang had fled back to his camp, but he had no choice but to return to Prince Xiqi's palace.

After Nezha came back, he went directly to see Ji Fa and others.

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