Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 342: Defeating the Four Saints of Kowloon Island

Jiang Ziya looked at the three people in such a posture and had no fear at all.

Now that the demon king has been killed, the three of them are not far from death.

Seeing Jiang Ziya being so proud, Yang Sen immediately became angry.

One of the Four Saints of Kowloon Island has now been killed, which is really unbearable.

The three of them charged towards Jiang Ziya, while Jin Zha and Nezha behind them walked directly in front of Jiang Ziya.

"Uncle Master, please stay away from the limelight first, while my two brothers will take care of these three people for you!"

Jin Zha looked at Jiang Ziya and said.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he retreated.

Jin Zha slashed with two swords in his hand, and Nezha also stabbed out with a fire-tipped spear.

The five people stood together in an instant. At this moment, Jiang Ziya couldn't help but feel worried while watching the fight.

Although Jin Zha and Nezha are not in any danger now, if Yang Sen and others sacrifice their magic weapons, they may be in trouble.

"Jiang Ziya, is the magic whip in your hand a fire stick? No need to wait any longer!"

Liu Ming, who was watching the battle in the void, suddenly shouted loudly. When Jiang Ziya heard this, his eyes sparkled with tears.

Yes, the divine whip in his hand is a magic weapon given by Yuanshi Tianzun. In addition to not being able to hit ordinary people, it can deal with anyone who is on the list of gods!

The Four Saints of Kowloon Island got involved for no reason, so they would naturally be included in the list of gods, so it was a good time to hit them at this time!

When Liu Ming reminded Jiang Ziya, he took out his magic whip.

"Today I will use this whip to whip you and so on!"

Jiang Ziya directly threw the Divine Whip out. After the Divine Whip flew into the air, it turned into a stream of light, and all the formations on it began to exert their power.

At this moment, Jin Zha was fighting against Yang Sen, and Nezha was fighting against Li Xingba. When Gao Youqian saw that no one was paying attention to him, he felt happy and sneakily attacked behind Nezha.

Jiang Ziya's face turned cold when he saw it.

"Hit the magic whip, give it to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whip went straight towards Gao Youqian.

Gao Youqian's expression changed drastically when he saw the divine whip above his head, because all his spells and aura were suppressed by the divine whip and could not be used.


Gao Youqian exclaimed and struck down the divine whip directly.

With a bang, Gao Youqian was hit so hard that his head burst open and his body was instantly destroyed. With Jiang Ziya's wave of his hand, Gao Youqian's soul flew directly to Xiqi Mountain.

And Bai Jian Bailing Banner, who had been waiting for a long time, waved his flag and took Gao Youqian's spirit into it.

Yang Sen, who was fighting, was a little frightened when he saw that Gao Youqian was also killed.

And Jin Zha took the opportunity to directly take out the dragon-escaping stake given by his master Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun.

And Nezha also seized the opportunity to throw the Qiankun Circle.

Yang Sen, who was avoiding the Qiankun Circle, was directly trapped by the dragon escape pile without warning. Jin Zha stepped forward and cut Yang Sen into two pieces with a sword.

His soul was also directly collected by Jiang Ziya into the Bailing Banner and entered the Conferred God Platform.

At this moment, only Li Xingba was left. He hurriedly forced Nezha back and retreated to the back.

Unexpectedly, he was the only one left among the Four Saints of Kowloon Island at this moment, and all three of them were killed.

This made Li Xingba no longer as domineering as when he first arrived.

Nezha and Jin Zha had their hands free at this moment, and they directly besieged Li Xingba.

Zhang Guifang and Feng Lin saw that three of the Four Saints on their side had been killed, and the other one was also besieged. He couldn't help being furious, so he slapped the horse and killed him.

At this moment, a young general came from the side. He was Huang Tianxiang, the fourth son of Wucheng King Huang Feihu!

Although Huang Tianxiang is not very old, the marksmanship in his hand has been passed down from the martial arts king Huang Feihu, and he wields his own spear majestically.

Seeing that Huang Tianxiang was so young, Feng Lin underestimated the enemy. In addition, he was eager to get rid of Huang Tianxiang to rescue the army, so he took action a little hastily.

But he was in a hurry, but Huang Tianxiang didn't panic at all. He waved the spear in his hand and enveloped Feng Lin like a violent storm.

Feng Lin couldn't resist, so he was stabbed from the side by Huang Tianxiang, which directly shocked Feng Lin.

After stabbing Feng Lin, Huang Tianxiang increased the strength in his hand and threw Feng Lin off the horse.

Feng Lin fell to the ground and had no breath. Also a divine soul entered the Conferred God Platform.

As Zhang Guifang watched Feng Lin being killed and Li Xingba trapped, he instantly lost any fighting spirit and directly ordered the army to retreat and returned to his camp.

Jiang Ziya looked at the battle with some excitement at the moment. He killed Gao Youqian, Yang Sen, Feng Lin, and nearly half of Zhang Guifang's army was also killed and captured. It was considered a great victory.

After returning to her camp, Zhang Guifang was already a little disheartened.

"Now my four brothers from Kowloon Island have come to help you. Unexpectedly, we lost three of them. You should quickly write a letter and let Brother Wen know and see how he responds!"

Li Xingba looked at Zhang Guifang and said.

Zhang Guifang had no choice but to follow Li Xingba's arrangement and notify Wen Zhong.

Jiang Ziya felt a little proud when he saw Zhang Guifang returning to the camp.

"Uncle Master, now is the time to pursue the victory, why don't we just kill again and capture Zhang Guifang in one fell swoop!"

Jin Zha looked at Jiang Ziya and said.

Jiang Ziya thought it made sense as soon as he heard it, and then led all the Xiqi army directly towards Zhang Guifang.

Zhang Guifang was originally going to take a rest, but when she heard that Jiang Ziya was coming to kill him, she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

I'm afraid things won't go well today.

After he left the tent, he looked at Jiang Ziya and gritted his teeth.

He has been defeated twice now, both at the hands of Jiang Ziya.

"Rebel, even if we try our best today, we still can't let you go!"

Zhang Guifang charged towards Jiang Ziya, but at this moment Huang Tianxiang stepped forward and stopped Zhang Guifang with the spear in his hand.

And Li Xingba, who was sitting down on his mount, was also charging towards Jiang Ziya. He wanted to capture the thief first and capture the king first!

But Nezha and Jin Zha, who had been waiting for a long time, could not let him get his wish.

The two of them killed each other directly.

Li Xingba rode on the ferocious beast and looked at Nezha and Jin Zha with murderous intentions. These two men killed his brothers.

"You two entangle this man, and I will use the magic whip to beat him to death later!"

Jiang Ziya said hurriedly.

When Nezha and Jin Zha heard this, they immediately surrounded him.

At this moment, Li Xingba looked at Nezha and Nezha, and when he heard Jiang Ziya's words about beating him with the whip, his fighting spirit suddenly disappeared.

He took advantage of the opportunity that Nezha and Jin Zha just wanted to surround him, slapped the ferocious figure on his seat, and escaped in an instant.

Jin Zha and Nezha were a little surprised when they saw Li Xingba who had escaped.

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