Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 357 Wen Zhongbi visited the palace to ask for help

Just when Wen Zhong left his camp and headed to Biyou Palace, Lei Zhenzi also came to Xiqi.

He came directly to the palace of Prince Xiqi.

When Jiang Ziya heard that someone was coming, he went out to take a look and saw Lei Zhenzi.

Lei Zhenzi looks a little weird because of the wings on his back.

Jiang Ziya just looked at it a few more times.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Jiang Ziya asked directly.

And Lei Zhenzi looked at Jiang Ziya with a somewhat familiar aura.

"You must be Uncle Jiang Ziya! I am the disciple of Kunlun Mountain Yun Zhongzi, Lei Zhenzi!"

Lei Zhenzi said directly.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Disciples of Yun Zhongzi!

That Yun Zhongzi's status in front of Kunlun Mountain and Yuanshi Tianzun is much higher than himself!

"Haha, it turns out to be the nephew of Lei Zhenzi! Come in quickly, are you here in Xiqi to assist the uncle?"

Jiang Ziya said happily.

"That's right, I came to help my uncle according to the master's order. In addition, I am also here to see my brother Wang. Please take me in!"

Lei Zhenzi said.

"Your brother Wang?"

Jiang Ziya asked with some confusion.

"That's right, Brother Wang is Ji Fa. I am the hundredth son of my father Ji Chang, and I am apprenticed to my master, Yun Zhongzi!"

After Lei Zhenzi finished speaking, Jiang Ziya finally understood and hurriedly took Lei Zhenzi to see Ji Fa.

When the two brothers met, they naturally had a lot to say.

After expressing their feelings to each other, Ji Fa directly sent someone to invite Liu Ming.

Before Ji Fa could introduce him, Lei Zhenzi saluted Liu Ming.

"I've met Yafu!"

Lei Zhenzi said respectfully.

"Haha, it turns out it's you! Why, your master Yun Zhongzi is willing to let you come down. That's good. Xiqi is now in a period of employing people. You can help Xiqi by staying!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

Jiang Ziya on the side was a little dumbfounded. He looked at Liu Ming with heavy doubts in his eyes.

I didn't expect that Liu Ming and Lei Zhenzi have such a relationship!

Because Jiang Ziya discovered that Lei Zhenzi directly called Liu Mingya's father before Ji Fa introduced him, which meant that they had known each other before.

"The Prime Minister is a little confused. Haha, when Lei Zhenzi came into the world, he was accompanied by visions of heaven and earth. I rushed over to take a look. It happened that Ji Chang was going to Chaoge, and he took Lei Zhenzi's son on the way. At this time Even though Yun Zhongzi wanted to accept a disciple, I just tried to bridge the gap between them, and in the end, they made each other successful!"

Liu Ming looked at Jiang Ziya with some confusion and explained.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he realized that there was such a thing!

That's no wonder.

But Jiang Ziya didn't think Liu Mingnai discovered Lei Zhenzi accidentally.

"Okay, now that you've come down, let's fight for your brother Wang! If you have anything, you can come to me!"

Liu Ming gave instructions.

Lei Zhenzi naturally nodded and agreed.

At this moment, Wen Zhong has arrived at Golden Turtle Island.

He couldn't help but feel a little proud as he looked at the ethereal immortality of Biyou Palace not far away.

I am a third-generation disciple of Biyou Palace!

The power of Biyou Palace is a good thing for him!

After Wen Zhong went to Biyou Palace, he was ready to find his master, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit!

But just after taking two steps, I heard someone calling me.

Wen Zhong hurriedly looked back and saw who had stopped him.

It is that Hanzhixian.

"Brother Dao, where are you going!"

Wen Zhong asked in surprise.

After hearing this, Han Zhixian laughed.

"It's for your sake, brother Taoist. You failed to attack Xiqi, but Shen Gongbao came a few days ago and asked us to help you, so we thought of a way. Other Taoist friends have already gone to Bailu Island and are working on You are refining the formation, but I still have some magic weapons that have not been successfully refined, so I cannot accompany you. Please go to Bailu Island to meet them first, fellow Taoist!"

Han Zhixian said directly.

When Wen Zhong heard this, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. Then Wen Zhong became happy.

It seems that I came to the right place this time!

Shen Gongbao has already made arrangements for himself, and now the brothers and sisters in Biyou Palace have begun to help him.

After Wen Zhong and Han Zhixian said goodbye, they went directly to Bailu Island.

At this moment, the Ten Heavenly Lords were refining the formation together on Bailu Island.

Seeing Wen Zhong arrive, they all stood up and went out to welcome him.

"I've met a few Taoist brothers, but Wen Zhong disturbed me!"

Wen Zhong said with a smile.

"Haha, Brother Wen Dao, don't be polite. Come on, sit down. Now we are refining the formation. Haha, to tell you the truth, once this formation is released, it will definitely be able to help you and eliminate the mere presence of Xiqi. That’s it!”

Qin Wan and Qin Tianjun looked at Wen Zhong and said.

When Wen Zhong heard this, he laughed with some satisfaction.

He was a little moved when he saw that the ten heavenly kings on Jinlu Island were all refining formations to help him.

At critical moments, you can only rely on your senior brothers!

But Shi Tianjun didn't let Wen Zhong wait for too long, and he all came out directly.

"Brother Wen Dao, now that our formation has been refined, this time I will accompany you to the human world and kill Xiqi for you. Let's go!"

Zhao Jiang and Zhao Tianjun looked at Wen Zhong and said.

Wen Zhong nodded directly and headed towards his camp with the ten heavenly kings.

Soon, they returned to the camp.

Deng Zhong and others looked at the ten people Wen Zhong brought back, and they all looked a little extraordinary, so they became a little respectful.

"Where is Xiqi?"

Qin Wan asked directly.

Wen Zhong pointed to the front.

"Brother Dao, Xiqi is nearly eighty miles away from here. Now that we have been defeated once, we have to retreat and retreat here!"

Wen Zhong said a little embarrassed.

"Hmph, this Xiqi is really powerful. Okay, if we come here this time, we will definitely help you destroy that Xiqi. Let's go and meet everyone in Xiqi for a while."

Qin Wan said directly.

Wen Zhong then arranged for everyone to go.

At this moment in Xiqi, Jiang Ziya couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard that Wen Zhong had arrived with his troops.

"This time Wen Zhong actually took the initiative to come. He must have found some way to crack it, or he has found a powerful helper. We can't underestimate it. Come here and send the order, all generals go together!"

Jiang Ziya gave the order directly.

Originally, Liu Ming was not planning to go out, but suddenly he felt something strange coming from outside, so he just looked up into the sky.

When he saw the result, Liu Ming's expression became serious.

There were ten people around Wen Zhong, and these ten people were probably from Biyou Palace.

"By the way, I remembered, these ten people are the masters of the Shi Jue Formation, the Ten Heavenly Lords of Biyou Palace. Haha, Wen Zhong brought the people from Biyou Palace. Now the real battle between the two sects of Jie Chan has begun. It’s a competition!”

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