Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 359: The Ten Ultimate Arrays are Hard to Break by Jiang Ziya

It was inappropriate for them to take the risk this time, and how could they directly destroy Xiqi? That would dissatisfy the Tongtian leader, so they wanted to use the Ten Jue Formation to embarrass Jiang Ziya and make him admit defeat. If If Jiang Ziya loses and refuses to submit, then they have something to say.

Jiang Ziya looked at it for a long time but said nothing.

"Fellow Taoists, I have finished reading these Ten Jue Formations. Haha, it is indeed exquisite. However, it takes time to think in order to break the formation. I hope some fellow Taoists can understand this!"

Jiang Ziya said.

When Shitianjun heard this, he realized that what Jiang Ziya said made sense.

"Okay, I'll give you time. It's limited to three days. If you Jiang Ziya can't come out after three days, don't blame us. The Shijue Formation won't show you this way, and they will directly set up a plan to kill you Xiqi until your blood flows into a river. You But I understand!"

Qin Wan said.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he nodded and left with everyone.

At this moment, Liu Ming in the void was also looking at the Ten Jue Formation.

This Ten Jue Formation is also a somewhat famous formation in the Fengshen Tribulation.

He had a thorough look at the Ten Jue Formations!

Although somewhat powerful, Liu Ming discovered that these ten Jue Formations actually had their own flaws.

Although there is not much research or achievement on formations, after all, Liu Ming learned about the Zhoutian Star Formation of the Monster Clan from the Hetu Luo Book. In other battles with the Wu Clan, the Twelve Capitals of the Wu Clan The Divine Evil Formation is also the most powerful formation in the entire prehistoric period.

So naturally Liu Ming, the little Ten Jue Formation, had some understanding.

It is not difficult to break through these ten ultimate formations.

"There is His Highness the Demon Clan Prince in the void!"

Suddenly, Qin Wan came directly into the void.

Liu Ming looked at him in surprise.

He didn't expect that Qin Wan could actually discover his existence!


"That's right, it's me. What's wrong? You want me to try your Tianjue Formation!"

Liu said calmly.

"Haha, the prince has misunderstood. Qin Wan doesn't dare. Qin Wan also admires everything the prince did in the prehistoric times. How can the mere Ten Jue Formation make the prince fall into the eyes of law!"

Qin Wan said with a slight smile.

"Then what's the matter with you?"

Liu Ming asked.

"Your Highness, the calamity of the gods is the Sanqing Dynasty. To be precise, it is the battle between Jiejiao and Chanjiao. This time we came to the human world to make Jiang Ziya fail. But thinking that His Highness the Prince is here, we invited the Prince Your Highness, please don't interfere, otherwise, haha, if Qin Wan says something to offend, if he interferes, he will be contaminated by the catastrophe of the gods, what do you think, His Highness the Crown Prince?"

After Qin finished speaking, he looked at Liu Ming.

When Liu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but look at Qin Wan in surprise. To be honest, Liu Ming had never paid much attention to a figure like Shi Tianjun who was very loud but not very powerful.

But now after listening to Qin Wan's words, Liu Ming understood that Qin Wan was not simple!

Just a few words are very reasonable and well-founded, which is rare.

"Haha, Qin Wan, Qin Tianjun, you are very good. Regarding your worries, I can tell you that you are worrying too much. I came here to supervise the gods to measure the calamity according to the order of Daozu, just to prevent the gods from measuring the calamity. If a problem arises, I will naturally not interfere easily. But now that you are in the Ten Jue Formation, I promise not to interfere. Don’t worry!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Qin Wan nodded and bowed his head to Liu Ming!

"That means you can rest assured. Haha, with His Highness the Crown Prince's guarantee, we can deal with Jiang Ziya with peace of mind!"

Qin Wan said.

"Qin Wan, you are good and interesting. At least I think you are better and more rational than your senior brother Duobao. Haha, but I would like to remind you that although you have violated the will of heaven, you still don't vomit. Sorry, your Ten Jue Formation also has some flaws, I hope you can pay attention to this!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Qin Wan's expression changed, and a glint appeared in his eyes.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is ridiculously complimentary. However, His Royal Highness must have studied formations very deeply. Why don't you please tell me frankly, what are the problems with this formation?"

Qin Wan asked.

Liu Ming suddenly laughed.

"Qin Wan, what I just said made sense and was a bit smart, but you asked such a childish question. Do you think I will tell you, or can I tell you? Don't forget, that day was another day. Watch!"

Liu Ming pointed to the sky.

When Qin Wan heard this, he immediately had a wry smile on his face.

"His Royal Highness, Qin Wan has made a appearance, which is very offensive. Now that the Crown Prince has agreed, you can rest assured and say goodbye, Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

After Qin Wan finished speaking, he bowed his head to Liu Ming again and left.

Liu Ming looked at Qin Wan's back and shook his head. He had to say that Qin Wan was pretty good, but it was a pity that he would soon be involved in a calamity.

Jiang Ziya, who returned to Xiqi, looked sad.

"Uncle Master, some people who look at this formation are dizzy, but Uncle Master has already thought of some way to deal with it!"

Jin Zha looked at Jiang Ziya and asked.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, his face became even more sad.

"Hey, how could this formation be broken by you and me so easily? I didn't have a clue, so I had to say something to delay it. Now I can only come back and think of a solution!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, everyone was a little disappointed.

I thought Jiang Ziya had some good solution, but now it seems that he has no solution!

Now it is just the illusion of a few formations. If the formation cannot be broken, I am afraid that what will happen in the end is that the formation will be directly blessed on Xiqi. In that case, the entire Xiqi will be in danger!

Seeing everyone's frowning faces, Jiang Ziya was helpless. He suddenly thought of someone.

"Yang Jian, where is your master? Go and ask your master to come!"

Jiang Ziya said directly.

When Yang Jian heard this, he had to go out to find Liu Ming.

But soon, Yang Jian came back.

"Prime Minister, I don't know where the master is, and I can't find him either!"

Yang Jian said helplessly.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he knew that Liu Ming would not help him.

Also, Jiang Ziya also understood that if he took action again, it would definitely attract the dissatisfaction of Heavenly Dao.

And just when Jiang Ziya was at a loss what to do, Wen Zhong's camp was already bustling with activity.

Wen Zhong now invited the Ten Heavenly Lords. Just now, the Ten Heavenly Lords told Wen Zhong the secrets of his Ten Jue Formations. Wen Zhong couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

This mere Ten Jue Formation is actually so complicated and even more profound!

And it must be very powerful!

Wen Zhongguang felt that the Ten Jue Formation was extremely powerful after listening to Shi Tianjun's explanation. He thought that when it was actually used, it would be even more powerful than what he heard now.

Now Jiang Ziya might not be able to save himself.

"Haha, thank you all Taoist brothers. Come on, Wen Zhong offers you a drink."

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