As soon as Liu Ming discharged his electricity, Nuwa noticed it.


Liu Ming cried out in pain and grinned!

Sage Nuwa silently used a saint's law to directly hit Liu Ming.

Stingy, isn’t it just a look?

At this time, Taishang Laojun on the side looked at Di Jun with a calm expression and asked: "Di Jun, who among your demon clan is going to the underworld!"

"Haha, the Witch Clan should also come this time, but I don't know why I didn't see it!"

Di Jun did not answer, but changed the subject.

"The Wu Clan has experienced heavy losses in the war, so we have already stated that we will not come. After thinking about it, we think what the Wu Clan said makes sense, so I will send people from the West to take over the people from the Wu Clan!"

Jie Yin on the side said calmly.

Di Jun couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard this.

Did they send people from the West to replace them?

"It's so kind to welcome the saint, haha!"

Di Jun said sarcastically.

"Haha, it's not just the witch clan. Senior Brother Taishang only has one disciple, Master Xuandu. As for the rest of his disciples, they are not as big as Da Luo, so we from the West also sent people to help. Since Saint Nuwa was unwilling to participate, we from the West also sent people to help. !”

Jie Ying said proudly.

"Oh? There is such a thing. In that case, I, the demon clan, should also take the trouble to lead the saint and send someone to help. Thank you very much, Emperor Jun!"

Di Junpi said with a smile.

The underworld has been given to you, I won’t play with you anymore.

After hearing this, Jieyin's expression suddenly turned ugly.

"Emperor Jun, the help from the West is all inconvenient. Your demon tribe is now so numerous and powerful, with so many masters! Haha, you are not thinking that you are unwilling to contribute!"

Jie Yin said coldly.

"Haha, I see that the Holy Saint is very interested in the underworld, so I'm just going to give it to you. Since you don't appreciate it, forget it!"

After Di Jun finished speaking, Jie Yin snorted.

"Tell me, who did the demon clan send? Let us take a look!"

Quan asked.

Under the attention of everyone, Liu Ming walked up step by step.

"I've seen all the saints!"

Suddenly everyone was confused.

The smile on Liu Ming's face was unexpected!

"Di Jun, what do you mean? Haha, he is just a Taiyi Golden Immortal. Didn't you understand?"

Zhunti said.

At this moment, Jie Yin suddenly had a hint of excitement on his face.

"Haha, although he is in the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm, he is the son of our Emperor Jun, the Prince of Heaven. Why, with this status, does it still matter whether he is a Daluo Golden Immortal?"

Di Jun said proudly.

"Yes, Di Jun is right. The dignified eldest prince of the demon clan has taken action, so naturally nothing else matters. Haha, Di Jun is so courageous!"

Jie Yin secretly gave Zhunti a wink.

Then the people from the Second Saint of the West also showed up.

This time when we went to the underworld, the West sent four people!

This made Liu Ming a little surprised!

Aren’t the West very poor?

When did the four Daluo Golden Immortals actually take action?

It seems that these two guys, Huang Mao and Baldhead, are kidnapping people to the west!

It’s really awesome!

Such a comparison, it seems that the West is very powerful now!

"Okay, if that's the case, let's go to the underworld as soon as possible. Hou Tu is still waiting for us!"

Taishang Laojun said.

When Taishang Laojun finished speaking, Liu Ming stepped forward directly and said: "Senior saints, there is an ancestor of the Netherworld Blood Sea and Styx River in the underworld. This person is accompanied by Yuan Tu and the two swords of A Bi. He is cruel and ruthless and has extraordinary strength. I'm afraid it's us. You will encounter danger when passing through the blood sea!"

Why don't you give Patriarch Styx some eye drops at this time?

"Haha, don't worry, I have taken care of everything. Ancestor Styx will not stop you! Since there is nothing else, let's get on the road."

Jie Ying said proudly.

Liu Ming glanced at Jieyin strangely but said nothing.

Have you taken care of everything?

I think there are some ulterior secrets between you and Ancestor Styx!


In the underworld!

Liu Ming and the others arrived here safely.

Ancestor Styx didn't even fart.

This made Liu Ming even more convinced that he was related to Huang Maobalding and the others.

"I've met Queen Houtu!"

Everyone who came saluted Hou Tu.

Only Liu Ming looked disdainful.

"Haha, all the great masters really care about the underworld and me! Okay, now that I'm here, let's get to work! Go and reincarnate all those wronged souls!"

Hou Tu said with a normal expression.

After everyone heard this, they didn't have any opinions and got busy directly.

Only Liu Ming sat directly aside.

"Why, your highness the prince came to my underworld to put on airs!"

Hou Tu said with some displeasure.

"Hey, no, Houtu, I just wanted to talk to you. Why do you just want to let them interfere in the underworld!"

Liu Ming asked.

"Hmph, try it. The five great innate saints sit right here with you and ask you if you need help. Can you withstand it?"

Hou Tu said angrily.

Liu Ming understood as soon as he heard it. He was right.

Sure enough, someone is scheming!

As for who it is, Liu Ming can use his butt to figure out who it is, besides Western yellow hair and bald head!

But what are they going to do, just intervene in the underworld?

"Hmph, go and do your work. Now that you have come to the underworld, you are a member of my underworld. Don't think that you are the prince of the demon clan outside. You listen to me here!"

Hou Tu looked at Liu Ming and immediately urged him.

"Houtu, I'm just here to take a look. Do you really think I'm your subordinate? You're overthinking it. By the way, come here!"

After Liu Ming said something in Houtu's ear, Houtu's expression suddenly softened a lot.

"I didn't expect it! You still have such thoughts, haha, yes, just follow what you said, the underworld is mine, others should give up as soon as possible!"

Hou Tu said coldly.

Later, Hou Tu suddenly announced that the underworld would establish ten halls of Yama, which would be in charge of all the souls in the entire underworld.

The ten palaces of Yama divide the underworld into ten parts, each of which is in charge of one of them.

And these ten people were all found by Hou Tu himself, and none of Liu Ming and his party were useful.

This surprised everyone else.

Soon, Hou Tu's arrangements were made, and everyone except Liu Ming had their place.

The Tianlingxian of Yuanshi Tianzun is in charge of the order of the underworld.

The leader of the Tongtian Church sat down with Yiqixian, a disciple of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, to take charge of the purgatory of the underworld.

The four people sent by the Two Saints of the West became the four guardians of the underworld.

These people happily took up their posts, but were soon dumbfounded.

The underworld has been firmly controlled by the Ten Palaces of Yama, and they don't even talk shit.

You are in charge of order, but Yama of the Tenth Palace does not listen to you, so order will naturally not be improved.

In charge of purgatory, all those who come here are sinful souls.

You look at their past life experiences every day and feel nothing but anger.

The four protectors?

Haha, I'm sorry, those are Hou Tu's four bodyguards.

What? Do not listen?

That won't work. Empress Houtu responded directly to the Second Saint of the West, your people are not useful, please take them away!

Liu Ming looked at Hou Tu with a proud look on his face and said, "How about it, my method will work, hehe!"

As the eldest prince of the demon clan, although he didn't know what these saints were planning, Liu Ming just didn't want them to succeed.

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