Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 363: Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet

"It goes without saying that Uncle Donghuang will definitely fight him directly. This Donghuang Bell is his companion spiritual treasure. Besides, others may not be able to use it if they take it!"

Liu Ming said angrily, but after he just finished speaking, he looked at Nuwa with a serious look on her face.

"Huh, do you understand now? This Tai Chi Diagram is the object for Taishang Laojun to attain enlightenment. It is also an innate treasure passed down to him by Taoist Hongjun. You dare to touch its mind. Where do you think the Tai Chi Diagram is, Taishang Laojun?" Don’t you know? Besides, if someone takes the Donghuang Bell and you say you may not be able to use it, but you take the Tai Chi diagram and you can use it? It’s really ridiculous!”

Nuwa looked at Liu Ming mockingly.

After Nuwa said this, Liu Ming finally understood.

What Nuwa said seems to make sense!

I was indeed a little impulsive.

"Liu Ming, the Conferred God Calamity Tribulation has entered a white-hot state. More and more people from Chan Jiao and Jie Jiao have begun to take action. In addition, although there are not many disciples in Bajing Palace, they will not stay out of the matter. Remember, Don’t get involved, just mind your own business, and when the calamity is over, your merits will naturally come down, do you understand?”

Nuwa reminded her again, and Liu Ming nodded helplessly.

Nuwa saw that her intention had been conveyed, and the clone disappeared.

"I'm sorry, Saint Nuwa, I know you are worried about me. I just nodded and promised you that I will not do Tai Chi Tu. However, I will not just watch this matter of teaching and interpretation, because I want to Take revenge on them!"

Liu Ming secretly thought in his heart.


Just when everyone was at their wits' end, Chi Jing came back.

He was not the only one who came with him, but there were also eleven golden lights.

Guangchengzi, fearing to leave his grandson, Taiyi Zhenren, Qingxu Daode, Huanglong Zhenren, Manjusri Guangda Tianzun, Cihang Taoist, Puxian Zhenren, Lingbao Master, Yuding Zhenren and Daoxing Tianzun all came.

All the Twelve Golden Immortals from Yuxu Palace have arrived.

Not to mention Ji Fa and other Xiqi civil and military officials, even Jiang Ziya, Nezha and others were a little surprised and shocked to see such twelve golden immortals appearing together.

"Brothers, I didn't expect all of you to come. It's really rare! It's rare. Thank you Ziya!"

Jiang Ziya said directly.

Nezha, Jin Zha, Muzha, and Huang Tianhua all went to greet their masters.

After some pleasantries, the Twelve Golden Immortals looked at Jiang Ziya and asked.

"Junior brother, now we are going to break the Ten Heavenly Lords' Ten Jue Formations for you this time! If you have any ideas or methods, you can tell us and discuss them together!"

Guang Chengzi looked at Jiang Ziya and asked.

Jiang Ziya shook his head hastily. He didn't have any ideas, not at all.

Everyone looked at Jiang Ziya and knew that there was nothing he could do.

Just when everyone was about to discuss how to break the formation, suddenly a person fell from the sky again, riding down on a sika deer.

It was none other than Taoist Ran Deng of Yuxu Palace, who was as famous as Antarctic Immortal and Yun Zhongzi.

The Twelve Golden Immortals saluted Taoist Ran Deng.

Jiang Ziya is already a little numb now. There are too many people coming to Yuxu Palace this time. The key is that these people are not seen at all on weekdays!

Every time Xiqi was in trouble, the most they could do was send their own disciples.

Unexpectedly, the current Ten Heavenly Lords deployed the Ten Absolute Formations, and all the Twelve Golden Immortals and Ran Deng Taoists came.

Jiang Ziya hurriedly welcomed the group of people into the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Taoist Ran Deng looked around, as if he was looking for something.

Jiang Ziya looked at Taoist Ran Deng with curiosity.

"Senior Brother Randeng, what are you looking for!"

Jiang Ziya asked.

Ran Deng's face was very calm, "Hasn't the prince of the demon clan already come to the human world? Why didn't he show up after overseeing the tribulation of the gods?"

After Ran Deng finished speaking, the Twelve Golden Immortals also looked around with a solemn expression.

No sign of Liu Ming was found.

Liu Ming, the prince of the demon clan, had issues with them.

Now that Ran Deng was brought up, the atmosphere suddenly became a little depressing.

Jiang Ziya also knew about this matter.

"Haha, Brother Randeng, the prince of the demon clan has indeed come to the human world and is in Xiqi, but he always doesn't care about anything and is erratic all day long, so I don't know where he is!"

Jiang Ziya said directly.

Ran Deng nodded after listening.

At this moment, Ran Deng's expression suddenly changed, and he looked up directly.

"Haha, Ran Deng, are you looking for my prince?"

Suddenly, Liu Ming's figure appeared in Jiang Ziya's camp.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Liu Ming, Jiang Ziya also felt depressed. He was afraid that he would not be able to be kind now!

Originally, the two parties had a feud, but now they actually meet!

Ran Deng and the Twelve Golden Immortals were watching Liu Ming appear.

Not long after, Liu Ming appeared and walked over step by step.

"Haha, fellow Taoists, long time no see, but you are doing well!"

Liu Ming said directly with a smile.

Jiang Ziya felt relieved when he heard that Liu Ming was in a good mood.

"It's been a long time since I last saw the prince of the demon clan. I miss you so much!"

Ran Deng looked at Liu Ming calmly, but now he could no longer calm down in his heart, and a flame suddenly lit up.

It was Liu Ming who used the Chaos Slash to injure him and almost kill him. If not for the secret help from the West, I am afraid that the current level of Ran Deng would have fallen.

Despite this, the foundation of his enlightenment has been destroyed. In the words of Yuanshi Tianzun, he is afraid that there is no hope of attaining enlightenment.

He has been thinking about revenge against Liu Ming every moment for so many years.

Now that Liu Ming appeared in front of him, how could he be so calm.

Among the Twelve Golden Immortals, there are also many people who are dissatisfied with Liu Ming.

Taiyi Zhenren, Qingxu Daode Zhenjun, Yuding Zhenren, Guangchengzi, Chi Jingzheng, fearing to leave his grandson, and others also looked at Liu Ming with some dissatisfaction.

Coupled with Yuanshi Tianzun, Liu Ming completely offended the entire Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain!

In fact, Liu Ming wanted to kill them now.

Not to mention how they forced Liu Ming, nor how they offended Liu Ming, Liu Ming will never forget the fact that it caused the Four Saints to fight against Liu Ming and the demon clan, and finally Sun Wukong was beaten to death by them in order to let Liu Ming escape.

Seeing the scene where although the words were not angry, the atmosphere was already tense, Jiang Ziya couldn't help but smile bitterly, he still thought he had seen it!

"Brothers, Your Highness the Crown Prince, now the Ten Heavenly Lords' Ten Jue Formations have hindered Xiqi's footsteps, and also hindered the progress of Fengshen Calamity, so our top priority now is to break the Ten Jue Formations!"

Jiang Ziya looked at the silence on both sides and said directly.

He is reminding everyone that big things are important!

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