Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 367: Breaking wind roar, forcing Yang Jian

He had just taken refuge in Xiqi and used Fang Bi as cannon fodder.

This Taoist Ran Deng is too careless.

Just when Liu Ming was slandering Taoist Ran Deng in the void, Dong Tianjun saw that Fang Bi had entered his wind roar formation and waved his formation flag.

Suddenly the black wind danced wildly, heading towards Fang Bi with bursts of wind blade power.

Although Fang Bi was powerful, he was still an ordinary man with a body of flesh and blood. This wind blade was as powerful as a weapon. Fang Bi could not avoid it. It didn't take long before he was completely strangled by the wind blade.

When Dong Tianjun saw that he had succeeded in the Wind Roar Formation, he walked out with a smile.

Wen Zhong on the side felt something bad in his heart.

He has come to some realizations now. The Ran Deng Taoist always uses a cannon fodder to test, firstly to find out whether the formation is real or not, and secondly to make the Tianjun who set up the formation feel a little proud after killing someone. .

In the end, Ran Deng sent out those who could truly break the formation.

Wen Zhong has understood now.

"Brother Dong, don't be careless. The person just now was just a lure. Ran Deng is about to send someone to break the formation! Be careful!"

Wen Zhong reminded him hurriedly.

But Ran Deng still looked calm.

He handed the Dingfeng Pearl to Taoist Cihang who was standing aside.

"You take the Wind-fixing Pearl and break this formation!"

Upon hearing this, Taoist Cihang nodded.

He walked over slowly.

Dong Tianjun was reminded by Wen Zhong and did not dare to be careless.

The two fought for a few times, and Dong Tianjun entered the wind roar formation. He wanted to set up the formation in advance to try to exert greater power.

And watching Dong Tianjun enter the formation, Taoist Cihang still slowly entered the wind roar formation step by step.

It was as if he was deliberately giving Dong Tianjun time to arrange his formation in advance.

Dong Tianjun stepped onto his formation and kept waving the black flag in his hand. After the black wind blew by, the entire formation was already filled with sharp wind blades.

Dong Tianjun was full of confidence at this moment. He felt that Taoist Cihang would be strangled soon.

As soon as he entered the formation and saw the wind blade coming towards him, Taoist Cihang stretched out his hand and took out the Wind-fixing Pearl. After a short time, the wind blades in the entire formation stopped flying and seemed to be frozen.

Dong Tianjun was stunned by the scene in front of him.

"Ah, no, he's going to break my formation!"

Then, Dong Tianjun yelled, but it was already too late. Taoist Cihang took out his magic weapon, the pure glass bottle!

He took out the pure glass bottle and threw it into the air, with the mouth of the bottle facing down towards Dong Tianjun.

Then he directly summoned the yellow scarf warrior to come out, and a black smoke came out from the mouth of the bottle. Dong Quan and Dong Tianjun were directly captured by the yellow scarf warrior and sucked into the pure glass bottle.

"Senior Brother Ran Deng, the wind roar formation has been broken!"

Taoist Cihang said unhurriedly.

Ran Deng nodded.

But Wen Zhong hadn't come to his senses at this moment, so Yuan Tianjun rushed out directly.

"You Ran Deng, Kunlun Mountain, and Yuxu Palace, you didn't show mercy at all. They killed several of my Taoist brothers from Biyou Palace. I thought some of my brothers came to Xiqi and didn't take action directly. Taking into account the feelings of Jie Jiao, Jiang Ziya asked Jiang Ziya to break the formation to determine the outcome. Unexpectedly, you guys came, so he went on a killing spree and killed three of my Taoist brothers. Today, I am afraid that my ice formation cannot be let go. You live!"

Yuan Tianjun cursed at Ran Deng.

Ran Deng's face remained calm, as if nothing could arouse his interest at all.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan's words are wrong. Didn't several of the disciples sent by our Yuxu Palace to break the formation also died? Could it be that my Yuxu Palace disciples died, but your Biyou Palace didn't die? Humph, what's the point of this! Mo! Speaking of which, even if you file a complaint with Dao Ancestor, you still have no excuse!"

After Ran Deng finished speaking, Yuan Tianjun felt a little aggrieved for a moment. I also killed a few people from Yuxu Palace on my side, but the problem is that the ones you killed were all minions, while those on your side were all powerful people!

However, Yuan Tianjun also understood that he could not argue with Ran Deng.

"Okay, come on, whoever breaks my ice formation, I will freeze you to death and strangle you with ice blades!"

Yuan Tianjun said angrily.

In the void.

"Hey, another cannon fodder has appeared! Praying for you!"

Liu Ming curled his lips and said.

Sure enough, after Yuan Tianjun finished speaking, Ran Deng looked at everyone again.

After going through this several times, even a fool understands the meaning of sending Ran Deng out to lead the charge every time.

Cannon fodder, well-deserved cannon fodder!

So Ran Deng looked over and saw that except for the Twelve Golden Immortals and the others, others including Xiqi's generals also hurriedly lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Ran Deng.

This thing is not about meritorious service, it is about dying!

Ran Deng looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Yang Jian.

Liu Ming, who was in the void, looked at this scene and his face instantly darkened.

This old guy Ran Deng really wants to plot against himself!

"I want to see how you plan. Humph, I'm so annoyed. I'll reveal all your details in the wild!"

Liu Ming thought to himself.

"Who is this general? Who does he study under?"

Ran Deng suddenly asked.

Yang Jian looked at Ran Deng and said nothing, but just puffed out his chest.

Yang Jian was not stupid at all, so he naturally understood Ran Deng's intention.

In addition, he already knew the grudge between Liu Ming and everyone in Yuxu Palace, and Yang Jian quickly figured out the purpose of burning the lamp.

"I asked a question, why didn't you answer it?"

Ran Deng asked again, with a hint of anger in his tone.

When Yang Jian saw it, he knew that he couldn't anger Ran Deng anymore, as this would be bad for both himself and Liu Ming.

"I am Yang Jian, my disciple is Taoist Priest!"

Yang Jian said.

"Taoist Priest? Where did the Taoist Priest come from!"

Ran Deng asked.

Jiang Ziya took a look and realized that it would be impossible if he didn't come forward.

Just said a few words in Ran Deng's ear.

After Ran Deng heard this, a smile appeared on his lips.

"I see, I am a disciple of him. Haha, you must have learned the true skills. After all, his apprentice is not bad. You just want to take a trip to this ice formation! Yang Jian!"

Ran Deng said directly, although his tone was calm, it still revealed an unquestionable flavor.

Yang Jian frowned, this Ran Deng is a bit difficult to deal with!

And Jiang Ziya showed a wry smile, hey, I'm afraid I can't control it now!

The original purpose of telling Ran Deng was to let Ran Deng let Yang Jian go.

But now it seems that Ran Deng doesn't know who Yang Jian is. He did this on purpose!

"Uncle, this ice formation seems interesting. How about letting my nephew take a trip and enjoy it!"

Nezha, who was on the side, saw Yang Jian in trouble, smiled and stepped out of the hot wheel.

"You are so presumptuous, stand down. Your uncle Randeng has been ordered to break the formation. Why are you so troublesome!"

Master Taiyi looked at Nezha and scolded him directly.

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