Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 369: The formations were broken one after another, Wen Zhong asked for help

After returning to Xiqi's camp, there was no emotion on Ran Deng's face.

Jiang Ziya and the others didn't know what happened.

And Wen Zhong couldn't help but be a little curious when he saw Ran Deng coming back.

"I say, Fellow Daoist Randeng, if you still can't break my ice formation, get out of the way and hand over Xiqi!"

Yuan Tianjun looked at Ran Deng who came back and said dissatisfiedly.

He had already laid out the formation, but after waiting for so long, he still didn't wait for Ran Deng to come back. If Wen Zhongrang hadn't calm down, he would have been ready to take action.

"Yuan Tianjun, are you so anxious to die? Okay, Pindao will help you, Xue Ehu, break the formation for me!"

At this moment, Ran Deng, who was full of grievance and anger, directly vented his anger on Yuan Tianjun.

Xue Ehu told him to break the formation as soon as he heard it. He was the first to lead the formation and die!

But there was no other way. He came down under the order and had no choice but to kill Yuan Tianjun directly.

Yuan Tianjun trapped Xue Ehu in his ice formation after a few fights.

There was ice all around, and when Yuan Tianjun waved his formation flag, the ice suddenly turned into ice blades and shot towards Xue Ehu.

Poor Xue Ehu couldn't resist and was killed instantly.

Ran Deng's expression did not change at all, as if the person who died was not one of his own.

Then let Master Puxian take action!

As soon as Master Puxian took action, he killed Yuan Jiao and Yuan Tianjun.

Later, Ran Deng sent people to break into the formation again, and Guangchengzi broke through the golden light formation of Our Lady of Golden Light and killed Our Lady of Golden Light.

Taiyi Zhenren broke Sun Tianjun's blood formation.

In just a few hours, Xiqi defeated the Ten Jue Formations of the Ten Heaven Lords invited by Wen Zhong, including the six formations of Tian Jue, Earth Lie, Ice, Wind Roar, Golden Light, and Blood Transformation.

He also lost the six heavenly kings.

When Wen Zhong saw it, he couldn't help feeling a little distressed and angry.

However, he didn't dare to let the remaining four people take action. If the fight continued, he was afraid that the remaining four of Ten Tianjun would not be saved in the end!

Helpless Wen Zhong had to retreat.

Wen Zhong retreated, and Ran Deng stopped chasing and returned to Xiqi.

Both sides ushered in a short break.

In Xiqi, Ji Fa learned that Ran Deng and the others had returned and hurriedly arranged a lively banquet.

Liu Ming was also notified.

After Liu Ming arrived at the palace, Ran Deng stared at him.

Liu Ming had naturally felt Ran Deng's gaze, but he didn't care.

Ran Deng didn't dare to take action against him in the void, and now he doesn't even dare to borrow ten of his courage.

At best, he is just a little resentful towards himself.

Just as Xiqi was celebrating, Wen Zhong couldn't stay in his camp any longer.

Seeing that only four of the Ten Heavenly Lords were killed, how could Wen Zhong just sit back and do nothing.

Not to mention anything else, the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain has already sent Ran Deng and the Twelve Golden Immortals. The disciples of the Biyou Palace cannot be bullied like this.

"The four of you must not move rashly, and guard the camp. When I come back, I will go to Biyou Palace again!"

After Wen Zhong ordered everyone, he left the camp directly and headed towards Biyou Palace.

At this moment, in Biyou Palace, Master Tongtian suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at the changes in Tiandao, his expression became a little solemn.

Then he sighed and closed his eyes again.

At this moment, Wen Zhong came.

After arriving at Jinlu Island and Biyou Palace, Wen Zhong headed directly towards Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming was originally practicing in seclusion in Biyou Palace following the instructions of Master Tongtian.

Suddenly I heard someone calling me, so I went outside to take a look.

"Huh? Brother Wen, why are you here!"

Zhao Gongming couldn't help but be a little surprised when he looked at Wen Zhong.

Then he invited Wen Zhong into his hall.

Wen Zhong looked at Zhao Gongming and hesitated to speak.

"Brother Wen Zhong, if you have something to say, you might as well say it directly, why bother hiding it? You and I have been brothers for many years, what's the matter?"

Zhao Gongming asked.

"Hey, to tell you the truth, now I am a grand master in Dashang, assisting the government. This Xiqi has become more and more powerful now. I originally invited a few of our fellow Taoists to go, but they were all killed. , then I had no choice but to come to Biyou Palace and find Qin Wan and the others, and they also set up the Ten Jue Formation. I thought it was safe this time, but in the end, oh!"

Wen Zhong sighed as he spoke.

"Qin Wan? Has Shi Tianjun left Biyou Palace?"

Zhao Gongming looked shocked.

You must know that the leader of Tongtian Cult has issued a death order, and the disciples are not allowed to go down the mountain privately, otherwise they will bear all the consequences.

Seeing that the Conferred God Calamity Tribulation has arisen, how could these Ten Heavenly Lords dare to intervene in it?

On weekdays, the relationship between Zhao Gongming and the Ten Heavenly Lords was quite good.

"That's right, Brother Gongming, they brought the Ten Jue Formation down the mountain to help me break Xiqi, but I didn't expect an accident!"

Wen Zhong looked at Zhao Gongming and said.

"Oh, come on, tell me what happened, why are you hesitating?"

Zhao Gongming asked anxiously.

"We were already sure of winning, but Jiang Ziya actually went to Kunlun and invited powerful helpers from Kunlun Mountain. Now six of the Ten Heavenly Lords have been killed and captured, and seven of the Ten Jue Formations have been destroyed. Now only The three of them, I don’t dare to let them die again, so that’s why I want Brother Gongming to come and help me!”

Wen Zhong said.

And Zhao Gongming suddenly became a little angry at this moment.

"What did you say? Seven Lords of the Ten Heavens have been killed and captured now. Hey, Wen Zhong, Wen Zhong, you are, hey, that's all, who did it, so bold!"

Zhao Gongming looked at Wen Zhong and asked.

"Brother Gongming, this matter was originally my fault. If it weren't for me, they wouldn't be like this. It's my fault!"

Wen Zhong saw that Zhao Gongming was a little dissatisfied, so he directly admitted his mistake.

"Okay, this has already happened. What's the use of talking about it? Tell me quickly, who is so arrogant in Kunlun Mountain!"

Zhao Gongming asked hurriedly.

"I dare to let Brother Gongming know that Kunlun Mountain has made it clear this time that it will compete with our Biyou Palace. Taoist Ran Deng took the Twelve Golden Immortals and many of their disciples to Xiqi. Now Xiqi has many soldiers and generals, so it is very powerful!"

Wen Zhong said directly.

When Zhao Gongming heard this, he was suddenly surprised and shocked.

"You said that the Ran Deng Taoist from Kunlun Mountain also went to Xiqi? The Twelve Golden Immortals also participated. How can this be a competition? They are preparing to start a war with me, Biyou Palace! What a Yuxu Palace, do you really think that there is no one in Biyou Palace?"

Zhao Gongming suddenly said angrily.

Then, Zhao Gongming's eyes were filled with determination.

"Brother Wen, let's go. I'll go with you this time. I want to see how arrogant the Ran Deng and the Twelve Golden Immortals are!"

Zhao Gongming made up his mind.

"Brother Gongming, if not we should bring more people with us this time, just in case!"

Wen Zhong said.

He was afraid that if something happened, it would be safer to have more people.

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