Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 378 The disciples of Yuxu Palace are in trouble again

After Yun Xiao finished speaking, he felt a little regretful. He knew earlier that he had lent it to Zhao Gongming. It was just a magic weapon. But now it has caused such embarrassment and guilt. It should not have happened!

After all, Zhao Gongming left Sanxiao and didn't know where to go. After all, besides Sanxiao, he and others in Biyou Palace couldn't open their mouths.

"Hey, I really can't bear to part with these two magic weapons. There is really nothing I can do now!"

Zhao Gongming thought to himself, thinking about who he should go to.

"Brother Gongming, why are you here!"

Suddenly, a person behind him looked at Zhao Gongming and said.

Zhao Gongming looked back and saw the person coming.

It is that Hanzhixian.

Zhao Gongming recounted his experience.

When Han Zhixian heard this, he couldn't help but become furious instantly.

"Brother Gongming, I didn't expect that Kunlun Mountain would bully people like this. Humph, I really thought that there was no one in Biyou Palace. Even Shi Tianjun was killed so many times. It's really hateful. That Sanxiao was even more excessive. Brother treated them So good, but they actually refused to help Brother Yu at the critical moment. It was because Brother Bagualu's treasure had not been successfully refined yet. Otherwise, they would have accompanied Brother for a trip. Come on, I will take you to find Sanxiao! "

Han Zhixian said directly, with a bit of indignation on his face.

Zhao Gongming hurriedly grabbed her.

"No need, Sanxiao also has their difficulties, why bother confusing them, that's all!"

Zhao Gongming waved his hand and said.

When Han Zhixian heard this, he grabbed Zhao Gongming and headed towards Sanxiao.

Sanxiao was a little surprised when he saw Zhao Gongming coming back.

"Good luck to you and Sanxiao. Now that Brother Gongming is in trouble, you actually refuse to help and are so prevaricating. Do you know how Brother Gongming treated you in the past? He treated you like his own sister. And you, this is how you repay him. With him! If it weren’t for my brother Bagualu’s treasure refining, I would have accompanied brother Gongming there!”

Han Zhixian looked at Sanxiao and said directly.

When Sanxiao heard this, he couldn't help but look guilty.

She was already a little embarrassed that she didn't lend it to Zhao Gongming. After Zhao Gongming left, Sanxiao felt very uncomfortable.

Now I didn't expect that Zhao Gongming was brought back by Han Zhixian, but he knew that he had to borrow it no matter what he said this time.

Yun Xiao sighed, stretched out his hand, and took out his magic weapon, the golden dragon shears.

"Hey, Hanzhixian, you don't need to say more. It's really because of Master's instructions that we don't dare to act rashly. It's not that we don't care about the friendship between brothers and sisters. Senior brother, this golden dragon scissors is for you. You can take it to find the burning Deng, if he returns your magic weapon, that's it. If he doesn't, you can use the golden dragon scissors directly. If he takes back the magic weapon, please leave the human world as soon as possible and return to Biyou Palace!"

After Yun Xiao finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the golden scissors were in Zhao Gongming's hands.

Zhao Gongming held the golden scissors and nodded directly.

Afterwards, Zhao Gongming said goodbye to Sanxiao and Han Zhixian and returned directly to Wenzhong Camp.

Wen Zhong was happy to see Zhao Gongming come back with the treasure, and then he went straight to kill Xiqi.

When Ran Deng heard that Zhao Gongming was provoking, he couldn't help but sneer. Without Ding Haizhu, why would he be afraid of him?

"Randeng, if you hand over my treasure, I won't hold you accountable. Otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless this time!"

Zhao Gongming looked at Ran Deng and said.

Ran Deng felt even more disdainful upon hearing this.

"Haha, I dare to ask fellow Taoist Gongming, have you ever been merciful? Pindao tells you, your magic weapon! It can no longer be returned, so you just give up!"

Ran Deng said directly.

When Zhao Gongming heard this, he thought that Ran Deng was unwilling to return it. He knew that Ran Deng had already handed over Ding Haizhu to Liu Ming.

At this moment, Liu Ming had already regarded Dinghaizhu as his treasure and was studying it.

Furious, Zhao Gongming directly stepped on the black tiger and killed him.

Burning lanterns also urges the sika deer to come forward.

This time he wanted to see what Zhao Gongming could do to deal with him.

After the two exchanged a few moves, Zhao Gongming took out Sanxiao's golden scissors.

These golden dragon scissors were transformed into two dragons. When they flew in the air, they were two rays of light, which directly transformed into the shape of scissors and killed them with incomparable power.

Ran Deng was originally watching the fun and waiting for Zhao Gongming to make a fool of himself, but when the golden dragon came out, Ran Deng's expression changed drastically.

The dragon ascended to the sky and entered the earth. It was omnipotent, and its speed was extremely fast. Ran Deng ran away directly.

But the sika deer under his crotch didn't have time to run away, and was cut in half by the golden dragon.

Ran Deng could no longer care about the sika deer at this moment, and had already fled back to Xiqi Camp.

When Zhao Gongming saw that Ran Deng was running away, he felt a little relieved, but he couldn't get his magic weapon back this time!

Unfortunately, Zhao Gongming lost his opponent and had no choice but to go back.

Otherwise, there is no use waiting here. Ran Deng will not come out again, so we can only wait for another chance.

When Ran Deng returned to Xiqi and told everyone about his experience, everyone looked sad.

We have just dealt with Ding Haizhu, and this time another golden dragon scissors came.

Why is Zhao Gongming of Biyou Palace so difficult to deal with!

"This Biyou Palace is so powerful, every magic weapon is so powerful!"

Yang Jian couldn't help but said directly.

After Ran Deng and the Twelve Golden Immortals heard this, their expressions changed immediately. How embarrassing!

What Yang Jian said is right, Biyou Palace is indeed powerful. Even though there are many people, it is still so difficult to deal with, and every magic weapon is so powerful!

Ran Deng was helpless, and the Twelve Golden Immortals had no good solution.

Just when everyone was helpless, Yang Jian came to Liu Ming with a look of disdain.

"Master, it seems that Ran Deng and the Twelve Golden Immortals are not that powerful! Even Zhao Gongming is stumped! It's better for Ding Haizhu to lend you his magic weapon. Now that the golden dragon scissors are here again, there is nothing they can do. , Huh, Biyou Palace seems to be much more powerful than Yuxu Palace!"

Yang Jian said.

"That's for sure, it's because Biyou Palace is already so powerful, and it's getting so powerful that Yuxu Palace is scared, so that's why Biyou Palace was included in the Conferring Tribulation, with the purpose of suppressing Biyou Palace! "

Liu Ming said calmly.

Yang Jian nodded in understanding.

"Master, who can save them this time? Isn't it because you have to take action again?"

Yang Jian asked.

Liu Ming shook his head.

He won't get involved this time. The last time he lent Luobao money to Ran Deng, it was because Zhao Gongming was too arrogant and refused to give himself face, so he could only make him suffer a little.

This time I won't take care of it. If I do, I'm afraid that I won't be supervising the calamity, but the law of heaven will directly send down the cause and effect and involve me in the calamity.

This is terrifying, and Liu Ming naturally knows how powerful it is.

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