Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 383 Ji Fa breaks the formation and reaches the lower realm of Sanxiao

Ji Fa nodded.

"The Taoist priests came to Xiqi in person for the great cause of Xiqi. Now that Ji Fa is useful, naturally they cannot retreat. Please tell the Taoist priests how to break the formation!"

Ji Fa asked.

Ran Deng stretched out his hand, and two spells hit Ji Fa, one on the chest and back.

"This time we sent two people to escort King Wu to break the formation. Who will go?"

Ran Deng looked at everyone and said.

After everyone looked at the burning lanterns, they were thinking.

After hearing Ran Deng's words, Ji Fa immediately remembered Liu Ming's instructions.

"Master Ran Deng, please send my brothers Lei Zhenzi and Nezha to accompany me this time!"

Ji Fa said.

When Ran Deng heard this, he felt that it made sense. Lei Zhenzi was Ji Fa's brother, and Nezha was also very capable. They were indeed two good candidates.

"Okay, Lei Zhenzi and Nezha, you two, accompany King Wu and escort King Wu into the red sand formation to break the formation!"

Ran Deng looked at the two of them and said.

The two walked out directly.

"Okay, you three go break the formation!"

Ran Deng looked at the three of them and said.

Lei Zhenzi and Nezha directly protected Ji Fa on the left and right before stepping forward.

As soon as Zhang Tianjun saw the person who broke the formation, he immediately became alert.

"Who broke the formation?"

Zhang Tianjun looked at the three people and asked.

"Xiqi Jifa comes to break the formation!"

Ji Fa said directly.

When Zhang Tianjun heard that the visitor was actually Ji Fa, the Lord of Xiqi, he couldn't help but get a little excited, and he directly waved his weapon to kill him.

Lei Zhenzi and Nezha rushed out instantly to protect Ji Fa.

Zhang Tianjun was no match for Nezha and Lei Zhenzi, and he was defeated by the two of them.

Helpless, Zhang Tianjun had no choice but to retreat into his own red sand formation.

And Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, and Ji Fa also entered the red sand formation.

When Zhang Tianjun saw that his strategy of luring the enemy deep had taken effect, he directly activated the formation.

Zhang Tianjun grabbed a handful of red sand and hit it directly. Nezha stepped on the hot wheel and hit it back.

And Zhang Tianjun once again threw a handful of red sand towards Ji Fa. How could Ji Fa avoid it? He was hit directly and fell off his horse.

Lei Zhenzi hurriedly protected Ji Fa.

Zhang Tianjun beat the red sand out again.

Lei Zhenzi couldn't avoid it and was hit.

Once again, a handful of red sand flew towards Ji Fa, who was hit both front and back.

Fortunately, thanks to the talisman given by Ran Deng, even though he was beaten, his life was not in danger.

At this moment, Jiang Ziya and others were already a little anxious, and Ji Fa didn't come out for a long time.

"Senior brother, when will this Martial King come out!"

Jiang Ziya asked.

"This is the fate of the three of them. They won't be able to get out for a hundred days, but there is nothing dangerous. Don't worry!"

Ran Deng said calmly.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he couldn't help but become a little impatient. It would take a hundred days to break out of the formation?

This is too long!

Liu Ming in the void looked at the three people in the red sand formation, and gradually took back the power in his hand.

Originally, Liu Ming was ready to take action when he saw Ji Fa acting like this. This time he took action and God would not be able to punish him. He supervised the Conferred God Measuring Tribulation. Now Ji Fa, the key to measuring the calamity, the human master, was in danger. He could not Take action to save him, how to proceed.

But after listening to Ran Deng's words, Liu Ming let go, because he also saw that although Ji Fa suffered a lot in the formation, his life was indeed not at stake.

Even this time may be an opportunity to temper the three of Ji Fa.

"That's all, it's good to suffer some hardships!"

Liu Ming secretly said and left the void directly.

When Wen Zhong heard that Zhang Tianjun actually trapped Ji Fa, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

Zhao Gongming's death originally made Wen Zhong a little upset, but now he finally has good news!

Ji Fa kept receiving attacks from Hongsha in the formation. He was in unbearable pain, but now he had no choice but to endure it. Nezha and Lei Zhenzi couldn't save them even if they wanted to. Hongsha kept coming. Attacking both of them.

Now all I can do is keep persevering.

At this moment, someone secretly came to Biyou Palace.

It was Shen Gongbao.

He came directly to Biyou Palace Sanxiao.

After meeting Sanxiao, he told him that Zhao Gongming had been killed.

When Sanxiao heard this, he couldn't help but become furious.

"Fellow Taoist, what did you say? How is my senior brother?"

Yun Xiao asked hurriedly.

"Hey, I don't dare to lie to you. Zhao Gongming is already dead. He was shot dead by Jiang Ziya using the Nail-Head Seven Arrows Book!"

Shen Gongbao said with some sadness.

When Sanxiao heard this, he knew it was true.

"Hey, senior brother, I regret that you didn't listen to me or Master's instructions. You went down the mountain privately and became a person on the list of gods. Now you have been killed. It's really a pity!"

Yunxiao looked up to the sky and sighed.

Bixiao on the side was already a little dissatisfied.

"Sister, you are so cruel. My senior brother has been killed now, and you are still like this. You really don't care about our feelings. My senior brother treated us so well in the past. You must have forgotten!"

Bixiao said directly.

"That's right, sister, when senior brother came to borrow the golden scissors, you were unwilling. This time, senior brother has been killed, and you said this, how can you be so cruel!"

Qiong Xiao was also a little dissatisfied.

When Yun Xiao saw that his two sisters were complaining about him, he felt helpless.

Didn't she know that Zhao Gongming was good to them, but now was not an ordinary day, but the day when the gods were consecrated to measure calamity!

The leader of Tongtian Cult has given a death order and cannot go down the mountain, otherwise he will be on the list of gods and will not escape misfortune!

Zhao Gongming refused to listen and went down the mountain privately to attack Xiqi for Wen Zhong. Now he was killed, which proved the words of the Tongtian leader. How could she dare to go down to Biyou Palace now?

If they're not careful, the three of them may also become people on the list of gods!

And while Yunxiao was judging the pros and cons and thinking secretly, Bixiao and Qiongxiao saw that Yunxiao was still unable to make up his mind, so they flew away towards the world.

Yun Xiao came back to his senses and saw the backs of the two of them, and couldn't help but change his expression.

"Two sisters, come back!"

But no matter how Yunxiao shouted, the two of them left without looking back.

Yun Xiao felt helpless and could only look at Biyou Palace and sighed.

"Master, I'm helpless! Now that the two sisters have left Biyou Palace, I can't ignore them. As for what happens next, I'm afraid we won't be able to control it. I can only watch them!"

After Yun Xiao finished speaking, he chased directly towards the two of them.

But Yun Xiao didn't know that just after she left, the Tongtian Cult Master in Biyou Palace opened his eyes.

His eyes shot out a murderous light.

"Good for you Yuanshi Tianzun, good for you Shen Gongbao!"

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