Sanxiao, Han Zhixian, and Caiyun Fairy returned to Wenzhong Camp.

Wen Zhong felt a little proud, finally there was good news!

After experiencing the murders of Shi Tianjun and Zhao Gongming, Wen Zhong was about to lose confidence.

Now I didn't expect Sanxiao to be so powerful. He captured three people in one move.

In addition to Lei Zhenzi, Nezha and Ji Fa who are still in the red sand formation, he has now captured six of Xiqi's people.

These six people are not just cats and dogs, but important figures in Xiqi, plus there is Ji Fa.

Wen Zhong is becoming more and more confident!

He thought that he would not be defeated again this time!

Jiang Ziya, who had fled back to Xiqi, turned a little pale.

It’s so scary!

No matter how powerful you are, that magic weapon will directly suck you into the formation. Tell me whether you are afraid of it or not!

After listening to Jiang Ziya's words, Ran Deng's expression suddenly changed.

"This is Sanxiao's powerful magic weapon, Hunyuan Golden Dou!"

Ran Deng said.

And the Twelve Golden Immortals are all serious.

Sanxiao and the others are also familiar with the powerful figures in Biyou Palace!

"Hey! How to break the formation this time! Senior brother!"

Jiang Ziya asked hurriedly.

Ran Deng shook his head.

"This formation is not easy to break! You still remember what Master warned you!"

Ran Deng looked at the Twelve Golden Immortals and asked.

When the Twelve Golden Immortals heard this, their expressions all became strange.

"Could it be that the disaster Master said has come for us!"

Guang Chengzi asked.

Ran Deng nodded.

"That's right, I'm afraid this is the disaster for you Twelve Golden Immortals! Hey, I'm afraid it's hard to break this formation!"

Ran Deng said helplessly.

When the Twelve Golden Immortals heard this, their expressions became serious.

Yuanshi Tianzun had already given instructions when they came down the mountain. Because of their practice, the Twelve Golden Immortals suffered the disasters of the world of mortals and the calamity of killings, so this calamity of becoming gods was closely related to them.

It also told them that there was a catastrophe that they would have a hard time getting through, but after it passed, their catastrophe would completely disappear.

I think it was this Sanxiao formation that Ran Deng was talking about.

The Twelve Golden Immortals are ready.

Ran Deng also closed his eyes and rested, waiting for Sanxiao to come again.

In the void at this moment, Liu Ming suddenly sighed.

He already knew that Yang Jian went to the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

He couldn't watch Yang Jian fall into it like this!

To be honest, Liu Ming couldn't break this Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation!

What a powerful formation!

Liu Ming descended directly from the void and came to Wenzhong Camp.

Wen Zhong got the news and thought that Xiqi had sent people to break the formation again.

So he called Sanxiao and the others.

After Sanxiao arrived, when he looked at Liu Ming, his expression became a little strange.

When Yuxu Palace and Biyou Palace competed with each other for powerful casual cultivators in the prehistoric times to increase their luck, Sanxiao also met Liu Ming several times.

"I've met the demon prince!"

Sanxiao said to Liu Ming in unison.

Liu Ming nodded.

"Haha, Empress Sanxiao of Biyou Palace, you are now in a state of calamity!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

Wen Zhong, who was on the side, saw Liu Ming again. Last time Liu Ming and Zhao Gongming had some unpleasant troubles.

However, Zhao Gongming already regretted it and told Wen Zhong about his feelings.

Wen Zhong naturally knew Liu Ming's legend and power, and he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Liu Ming this time.

"It's helpless. Senior brother Gongming was killed. The three of us were ready to come down and ask for explanations. It was also an explanation for ourselves. As a result, haha, His Highness must also know that Yuxu Palace deceives people too much! Even if we die, we must let Yu Xugong pays the price!”

Yunxiao said directly.

When Liu Ming heard this, he knew that Sanxiao had made up his mind!

I'm afraid what I'm saying is useless.

"Prince of the Demon Clan, you have heard that according to the intention of Heavenly Dao and Dao Ancestor, you are supervising the Conferring God Calamity. Logically speaking, you should be a neutral person. Now you are actually here. Could it be that you want to destroy Xiqi and everyone in Yuxu Palace?" Are you ready?"

Bixiao asked directly.

Yun Xiao also looked at Liu Ming with some confusion.

Liu Ming waved his hand.

"No, you also said that I am the one who supervises the calamity. How can I be involved in the calamity? Haha, I actually have an unmerciful invitation when I come this time!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

When Sanxiao heard this, he looked at Liu Ming in surprise.

"If you have any questions, the prince might as well say it directly. As long as the three of us can do it, there is no reason not to agree to anything that is not difficult. No matter what, the prince has helped Biyou Palace and can be regarded as our friend. In addition, the senior brother was But we were saved by the prince, we know this, we Sanxiao are not indiscriminate people, prince, tell us!"

Yunxiao said directly.

When Liu Ming heard this, he felt a little relieved. Not bad, this Sanxiao's attitude is much better than that of the dead Zhao Gongming.

Apparently he also remembered the help he had received.

"If His Highness the Crown Prince wants us to remove the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, then it goes without saying!"

Bixiao added directly.

When Liu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"You misunderstood. I don't have that much time to do. I don't care about this nosy business. I don't care if you and Yuxu Palace are beaten to death. I came to see you today just for one thing, for my apprentice!"

Liu Ming paused as he spoke.

"In the battle between you and Jiang Ziya just now, he was taken into the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation by your Hunyuan Jindou! He is that Yang Jian, the man holding a three-pointed two-edged sword!"

Liu Ming said.

When Sanxiao heard this, he couldn't help but look a little surprised.

"Prince, you are responsible for supervising the calamity, but your apprentice is from Xiqi. Is this right?"

Qiong Xiao asked.

"Hey, I am helpless. I don't know why this apprentice was contaminated by the cause and effect of the calamity, so I let him go to overcome the calamity. Now he has been taken into your Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation. As a master, I can't ignore it!"

Liu Ming said helplessly.

Yunxiao glanced at the other two sisters.

"So, the prince means to save him!"

Yunxiao asked.

Liu Ming shook his head.

"He is also destined to have this calamity, and I can't forcefully intervene. So I am here to ask you to show your kindness and let him survive in the formation. Don't make him stupid, let alone let Jiuqu Yellow River be in the formation. The aura of destruction destroyed his foundation!"

Liu Ming said directly.

Yunxiao, Bixiao, and Qiongxiao looked at each other.

"Okay, His Highness the Crown Prince, we understand your request. Don't worry, since His Highness the Crown Prince has spoken in person, he will not deny you face for trivial matters. Don't worry, your disciples promise that nothing will happen! It's just that we want to deal with Yuxu Palace. So we can’t let him out, so please take care of him, Prince!”

Yunxiao said directly.

Liu Ming nodded after hearing this.

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