Seeing that Wen Zhong had gone back, Jiang Ziya also ordered to withdraw directly and rectify on the spot.

After Wen Zhong returned to his camp, he felt even more uncomfortable.

After three years of military deployment, there were countless casualties!

As for Xiqi, Jiang Ziya already knew that Wen Zhong was at the end of his rope.

"Generals, this time Wen Zhong's army is at the end of its rope. We cannot allow him to continue to exist. Generals, listen to the order and immediately mobilize troops according to my arrangements. This time we will directly capture Wen Zhong and send out troops!"

After Jiang Ziya made the arrangements, he directly ordered the dispatch of troops.

Wen Zhong was shocked when he suddenly heard the sound of war horses outside in his camp.

"Well, you Jiang Ziya actually took the opportunity to rob my camp. Cheer me up. I'll see how Jiang Ziya can break my camp this time!"

Wen Zhong arranged all the people and horses.

When Jiang Ziya's Xiqi army arrived, although they saw Wen Zhong's tight defense, they still had no fear and killed him directly.

Jiang Ziya himself took charge of the central army and kept advancing along the way, breaking up all the checkpoints arranged by Wen Zhong.

Soon they arrived in front of Wenzhong's camp.

When Wen Zhong saw that Jiang Ziya was already coming to kill him, he knew that his situation was over.

He got on Mo Qilin and took the opportunity to kill Jiang Ziya. He wanted to capture the thief first and capture the king. Wen Zhong was bound to want to kill Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya was not to be outdone. Although he was not as powerful as Wen Zhong, he still had the magic whip in his hand. I can still compete with Wen Zhong a few times.

Others have already shown their talents.

The men and horses in Wen Zhong's camp kept retreating, and there were already countless casualties.

In a panic, Wen Zhong found that he couldn't hold on any longer, so he hurriedly retreated.

When Wen Zhong retreated, Jiang Ziya saw the opportunity and struck down the magic whip directly, hitting Wen Zhong's arm on the forehead. Mo Qilin almost fell off Wen Zhong.

When Tao Rong was fighting Huang Feihu, Huang Tianhua stabbed him from behind, directly hitting the back of the heart, and he fell to the ground.

When Wen Zhong saw that he was injured and Tao Rong was also killed, he felt angry and helpless in his heart.

I had no choice but to lead the people to retreat while fighting, and they retreated for more than seventy miles.

Finally, when he finally had the chance to stop, Wen Zhong took stock and discovered that he originally had 300,000 troops, but now he only had less than 30,000, and only Deng Zhong and Xin Huan were left with him.

Wen Zhong couldn't help but hide his face in pain.

I remember that I brought 300,000 troops to Xiqi in a mighty manner, and even invited the Ten Heavenly Lords, Zhao Gongming, and even Sanxiao and others later are gone now. They were killed by Xiqi. and Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain were killed.

Now there are only tens of thousands of people left!

This time the battle to conquer the West was defeated!

"Grand Master, leave quickly. If you don't leave, Jiang Ziya will come after you!"

Deng Zhong said hurriedly.

Wen Zhong also put away his thoughts and led his troops directly towards Jiameng Pass.

But not long after leaving, I saw a person blocking the way.

Wen Zhong took a closer look and recognized it. This was Guangchengzi, the Twelve Golden Immortal.

"Guangchengzi, you have already been cut off and you still dare to stop me. It's really funny. I will kill you today!"

Wen Zhong rode Mo Qilin directly to kill him.

Guangchengzi Wen Zhong, who has become a mortal, will not be afraid.

But he didn't expect that just when he was about to pass, Guangchengzi laughed and took out something.

"No, this is Fantianyin!"

Wen Zhong has recognized Guang Chengzi's treasure. Although Guang Chengzi is not afraid of Wen Zhong now, he must be afraid of this heavenly seal!

Helpless, Wen Zhong ran away in a hurry.

But not far away, I saw another person.

Red sperm has been waiting for Wen Zhong for a long time.

"Fellow Daoist Wen Zhong, this road is blocked, please find another place!"

As Chi Jingzheng said this, he took out the yin-yang mirror and threw it towards Wen Zhong.

Wen Zhong didn't dare to fight hard and ran away on Mo Qilin.

And the red sperm didn't pursue it anymore.

It is said that Wen Zhong ran away all the way and finally reached Qinglong Pass, when a loud shout came from the sky.

Nezha stepped on the hot wheel and came to kill.

After a few fights, Deng Zhong on Wen Zhong's side had been beaten to death by Nezha's Qiankun Circle.

Wen Zhong was unwilling to fight, so he ran away.

Some people in the army behind them followed, but some of them failed to follow and were all captured.

Wen Zhong kept running all the way, and finally got tired and stopped. When he looked back, he saw that there were only Xin Huan and 10,000 horses.

Wen Zhong almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

I am so miserable now!

But what was even worse was that before he could rest, Huang Tianhua came to kill him.

Wen Zhong was careful this time and ran away without saying anything.

Xin Huan looked at Huang Tianhua and wanted to kill him and give Wen Zhong some time, but Huang Tianhua looked at Xin Huan's wings flying around in the sky and directly shot out the fire dragon mark.

He hit Xin Huan's wings and fell down.

Immediately afterwards, the heart-saving nail was already in his hand, but after Xin Huan was injured, he ran away without giving Huang Tianhua a chance.

Wen Zhong was already a little panicked now.

No matter where you run!

Wen Zhong had already expected that he would be chased all the way, and he was afraid that he would be doomed.

As soon as he had this thought, he felt cold all over. When he looked up, a man in Taoist robes was smiling at him.

When Wen Zhong saw it, his expression changed drastically.

"Yun Zhongzi, are you actually here to participate?"

The person who came was Yun Zhongzi from Yuxu Palace, who always ignored affairs and had an encounter with Liu Ming because of Lei Zhenzi.

And Yun Zhongzi laughed.

"Hey, it was not my intention, but you found Biyou Palace Sanxiao and cut off the top three flowers of the twelve golden immortals, so you had no choice but to send me here, and you surrendered. Well, it’s destined that you can’t win! Fellow Taoist Wen Zhong, why bother yourself!”

Yun Zhongzi said with emotion.

And Wen Zhong already knew at this moment that he was afraid that he might not be able to survive this time.

However, when he heard that Zhong Nai was a great master of the Shang Dynasty and was a disciple of Jiejiao, how could he surrender?

"I want to see what you, Yun Zhongzi, are capable of!"

Wen Zhong slapped Mo Qilin and rushed out.

Yun Zhongzi shook his head, stretched out his hand, and a formation trapped Wen Zhong.

Wen Zhong took a look and saw that the mere formation could not restrain him. He was preparing to break the formation, but he knew how powerful the formation was. After several tossings, Wen Zhong had nothing to do.

And with a flash of light in Yun Zhongzi's eyes, several bolts of thunder and fire hit Wen Zhong!

In an instant, Wen Zhong was beaten to death physically, and his soul floated to the Conferred God Platform.

Poor Grand Master Shang, he actually died here.

Wen Zhong's 300,000 troops were now killed and destroyed together with Wen Zhong himself.

Yun Zhongzi saw that Wen Zhong was dead and left directly.

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