Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 404: Asking for Medicine in Fire Cloud Cave

"Haha, the Three Saints of Poisonous Fire Cloud Cave can be eliminated!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Jiang Ziya was stunned. The Three Saints of Fire Cloud Cave, Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan!

However, although these three people once controlled the human world, they were later sealed off by Taishang Laojun to practice in Fire Cloud Cave. They can be regarded as a force, and I don't know them! How can we invite them to come?

Jiang Ziya glanced at Liu Ming and immediately understood that what he couldn't do didn't mean that the demon prince in front of him couldn't do it!

"The prince must have a good relationship with the Three Saints of Fire Cloud Cave. Can you please invite them down the mountain?"

Jiang Ziya asked.

"Haha, the relationship is not good, but I am willing to go for Xiqi. Don't worry, I will definitely be able to get the antidote. You can settle everyone down and don't lose heart. I will be back in half a day at most. You have to guard me and don't let Lu Yue took advantage of the loophole."

Liu Ming gave instructions and Jiang Ziya nodded hurriedly.

Then Liu Ming disappeared directly and headed towards the Fire Cloud Cave.

Huoyun Cave is the dojo of the three saints Fuxi, Shennong and Xuanyuan.

Liu Ming had also visited the Fire Cloud Cave once when the Three Saints had just entered it. That time it was to open up the knot in Fuxi's heart.

After the Lich War, Fuxi reincarnated into the human world and became the co-owner of the human race. Later, it was because Taishang Laojun forcibly took away the human race, and he felt guilty about Liu Ming.

After being reminded by Nuwa, Liu Ming went to find some answers.

This time was his second visit to Fire Cloud Cave.

"Who are you? This is the Three Saints Dojo!"

As soon as Liu Ming landed, a boy came forward to ask.

"Haha, I know this is the Three Saints Dojo. If it weren't for the Three Saints Dojo, I wouldn't come here. Little guy, who are you!"

Liu Ming has been staying in the human world, and it is inevitable that he will be a little bored. Now that he sees this boy, he can't help but laugh!

"Hmph, I am the boy from Huoyundong. You just barged in without even saying your name. You are really rude!"

The little boy looked at Liu Ming and pouted.

Not only was Liu Ming not angry, he actually thought this boy was so cute.

"Me! I'm here to capture you, why don't you run away quickly!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

"Catch me, do you have the ability?"

The little boy said disdainfully.

When Liu Ming heard this, he burst into laughter. This little boy seemed a little interesting!

"Then I really caught him!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he waved his hand and brought the boy to his side.

When the boy saw that he had no resistance, he knew that he could not defeat Liu Ming.

Just when Liu Ming wanted to tease him, the boy burst into tears.

"Master, help me, bad guys are coming!"

This cry caught Liu Ming off guard, and he quickly put the boy down.

"This, haha, little guy, it's just a joke!"

Liu Ming said a little embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, while playing with Dafa, this kid actually made him cry!

"How dare you, the prince of the demon clan, to bully me, the boy from Huoyundong!"

Suddenly, a joking voice floated over from a distance.

Then the three people appeared next to Liu Ming.

The boy saw it and ran over in a hurry, but the tears on his face were still not dry.

"Haha, it's just a joke. I've seen three saints!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

"I've met the demon prince!"

Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan also returned the favor to Liu Ming.

"The majestic prince of the demon tribe, you have resolved the calamity of the lich and fought against the evil formation of the twelve capital gods of the witch tribe. You, who have always been domineering in the ancient world, actually bullied my boy!"

Fuxi couldn't help but said angrily.

"Haha, didn't you already tell me that I am so domineering? Bullying a child is nothing!"

Liu Ming said disdainfully.

When Fuxi and the other three heard this, they burst into laughter.

"You really don't suffer at all, but you made my boy cry, so you can't just dismiss it with just a few words!"

Fuxi suddenly had a glimmer of light in his eyes.

When the boy behind him heard this, he also showed a sly look.

"It's just that you made me cry, so you can't let it go!"

Liu Ming suddenly laughed.

"What kind of master there is is what kind of disciple there is. Haha, Fuxi, you are really good at it. That's all, little guy, I shouldn't make you cry. Tell me what you want to do!"

Liu Ming also relaxed a little at this moment.

"You, you, compensate me, compensate me..."

But the little boy kept mumbling for a long time but didn't know what to say.

"You kid, you finally met this man, how could you not know it? Didn't you say you don't have any magic weapon? Why don't you ask him for one!"

Fuxi said directly.

When the boy heard this, he stretched out his hand and put it in front of Liu Ming.

"Haha, you little guy is smart, but just like your master, you are greedy! That's all, there is nothing good about it. I'll leave this sword for you to play with!"

Liu Ming stretched out his hand and placed a sword in the little boy's hand, an innate middle-grade spiritual treasure.

Fuxi looked at it and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

"The prince is so generous, why don't you thank the prince!"

Fuxi patted the little boy on the head.

After the greetings were over, Fuxi and the others headed back to the Fire Cloud Cave with Liu Ming.

"The prince is not supervising the gods and measuring the calamities in the human world, so why did he come to us!"

Fuxi asked. Among the three, he had the deepest relationship with Liu Ming, so he had no worries about speaking.

"Hey, something happened this time. Please help me three of you!"

Liu Ming said.

"Oh? Tell me!"

Fuxi asked.

Afterwards, Liu Ming explained the problems Xiqi was encountering now.

When Fuxi and the other three heard this, their expressions changed. Although they were immortals now, they were all once masters of the human race. Now that they learned that Xiqi had been poisoned, they couldn't help but become a little anxious.

"Hmph, this Lu Yue is from the Biyou Palace, right! Such despicable means can be used by the sect, it is simply harmful to Tianhe! In addition, Chengtang Qi has been exhausted, why would he forcefully change his fate against the will of heaven! "

Fuxi said dissatisfied.

"Yeah, it just adds to the loss of life. Oh, it shouldn't be!"

Xuanyuan on the side also said the same.

"Hey, no matter whether they are human or immortal, no one will take the initiative to admit defeat. Only when they are beaten to death will they understand. It is still important to save everyone in Xiqi!"

Liu Ming said.

When Shen Nong heard this, he nodded.

"I'm going to refine the elixir right now!"

Shennong stood up and said.

Xuanyuan looked at Liu Ming and Fu Xi and knew that they might have something to say, so he stood up directly.

"I'm going to help Shennong!"

The two of them left the Fire Cloud Cave directly.

Only Liu Ming and Fu Xi were left.

"You are at ease now! This Fire Cloud Cave is good, you have enjoyed the happiness!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

After hearing this, Fuxi also laughed.

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