When Guangchengzi saw the Tianyin, he couldn't help but turned pale with fright. He turned around and ran away without any stop.

This Heavenly Seal is his magic weapon, how could he not know how powerful this Heavenly Seal is.

Now that all his magic weapons have been given to Yin Jiao, he has no means to subdue Yin Jiao and can only run away.

After returning to Xiqi, Guangchengzi's face looked a little ugly. The dignified master was beaten by his disciples and ran back in despair. It was really embarrassing!

And Jiang Ziya didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only sigh.

"Nowadays, things are big in Yin Jiao, but Ma Shan is just a small matter. Let's do this. Pindao will subdue Ma Shan first, and then we can free up our hands to deal with Yin Jiao!"

After Ran Deng finished speaking, he went out directly to prepare to surrender Ma Shan.

And Ma Shan was originally a wick, but now he encountered a burning lamp, how could he escape!

"Nie Zhan, you didn't even come over here. It's really abominable. You actually sneaked down by yourself, huh!"

After Ran Deng finished speaking, Ma Shan returned to the glass lamp involuntarily.

Now Ran Deng felt relieved. Then when the colored glass lamp turned on, Ran Deng poured his magic power into it. It was impossible for Ma Shan to come out again.

Back in Xiqi, after some discussion, everyone already had a way to deal with Yin Jiao.

Jiang Ziya went directly to call for formation.

This time when Yin Jiao heard that it was Jiang Ziya, he immediately killed him. This time he wanted to avenge his brother, but he didn't see Jiang Ziya actually showing excitement.

Yin Jiao went straight to kill him, and when the weapon in his hand struck, Jiang Ziya also took action.

The two were fighting together. Wen Liang stepped forward and prepared to attack Jiang Ziya directly, but Nezha could not let him succeed. The fire-tip spear instantly flew into the air to kill.

Wen Liang sacrificed his white jade ring to fight Nezha, but Nezha also had a Qiankun Circle. The white jade ring was no match for the Qiankun Circle, and it shattered under direct collision.

Wen Liang couldn't help but got so angry that he actually broke all his magic weapons!

How can this be endured!

Wen Liang went straight to Nezha and prepared to fight for his life, but Nezha was not easy to mess with. He took the gold brick in his hand and Wen Liang was hit directly in the back of the heart and fell immediately.

And Yang Jian took the opportunity to kill him with one knife.

When Yin Jiao saw that Wen Liang was actually beaten to death, he was furious and took out the Fantian Seal to suppress Jiang Ziya. At this moment, Jiang Ziya directly sacrificed his central Wuji apricot yellow flag.

This apricot-yellow flag is an important defensive treasure. In an instant, thousands of rays of light shot out, and bursts of auspicious clouds had already enveloped Jiang Ziya.

Fan Tianyin was thrown out by Yin Jiao, but unfortunately it stayed in mid-air and could not go down.

While Yin Jiao was stunned, Jiang Ziya directly hit him with the divine whip, causing Yin Jiao to fall from his horse. When Guang Chengzi saw it, he was about to step forward to deal with Yin Jiao, but Yin Jiao escaped with his earth escape.

Jiang Ziya was helpless when he saw Yin Jiao running away.

After returning to the camp, Yin Jiao felt a little depressed because of his injury.

At this moment, someone came to report that a Taoist priest had come and wanted to see Yin Jiao.

Yin Jiao ordered and invited them in.

The person coming is Luo Xuan from Fire Dragon Island!

"You must be His Highness Yin Jiao! Shen Gongbao came to me and asked me to help you!"

Luo Xuan said.

Yin Jiao hurriedly treated him warmly, but a few days later he found that Luo Xuan was indifferent.

When Yin Jiao asked, he realized that he was waiting for his fellow Taoist to come.

Sure enough, not long after, another person came.

The self-reported family name is Liu Huan from Kowloon Island!

Now they both gathered together and asked Yin Jiao for orders to go and deal with Jiang Ziya.

Upon hearing this, Yin Jiao nodded and agreed.

The two of them went to find Jiang Ziya after leaving the camp.

After Jiang Ziya came with everyone, he saw this person.

Luo Xuan, who was all red, and Liu Huan beside him.

"You must be Jiang Ziya, huh, you are so brave. Although you are a disciple of Yuxu Palace, you have humiliated Biyou Palace like this. It is simply unforgivable. Today you and I will have a battle of victory and defeat. I’ll let you know how powerful Biyou Palace Jiejiao is!”

Luo Xuan looked at Jiang Ziya and said.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he couldn't help but feel so angry, and he came to find him again.

Although he presided over the Conferred God Tribulation, he was also ordered by others to solve the problem. In addition, he had never taken the initiative to deal with anyone. Why did he come here to take revenge on himself?

Do you really think you are easy to bully?

These people came here to force themselves and were killed in the end!

They all came here to seek death, okay?

Can you please tell me some truth?

Jiang Ziya is about to collapse. He has bullied others too much. He has bullied others too much!

Luo Xuan saw Jiang Ziya meditating and ignored him, thinking that Jiang Ziya was ignoring him, and couldn't help but become even more angry.

Killed him directly with two swords.

Jiang Ziya had no choice but to resist.

When Nezha saw it, he also hit him.

Liu Huan couldn't just sit idly by and stopped Nezha directly.

But he didn't expect that Xiqi could hit so many people. Yang Jian took action, Huang Tianhua, Lei Zhenzi, Tu Xingsun, and Wei Hu all took action.

Forced Luo Xuan had no choice but to transform into three heads and six arms. Even so, it was still difficult to cope with it.

Jiang Ziya took the opportunity to release his magic whip and directly knocked down Na Luo Xuan.

After Luo Xuan got off his mount, on the other side, Nezha also punched out his own circle of heaven and earth. How could Liu Huan resist, and he was beaten so hard that he ran away with his head in his arms.

Helpless, Luo Xuan hurriedly took Liu Huan back to the camp.

Jiang Ziya let out a bad breath.

I saw Luo Xuan and Liu Huan feeling angry after returning to the camp.

This Jiang Ziya doesn’t follow martial ethics! He actually sent so many people to beat the two of them.

"I said, since Jiang Ziya has bullied you and me like this, we don't have to worry about anything anymore. We can just send him Xiqi away. What do you think?"

Liu Huan asked directly.

When Luo Xuan heard this, he nodded.

Now that Jiang Ziya is seeking death himself, he can't blame anyone else.

At night, when everyone in Xiqi was asleep, Luo Xuan and Liu Huan came directly to Xiqi and threw the cloud smoke in their hands directly into Xiqi. The cloud smoke was a rocket. Once it was shot, it would It's a raging fire.

In just an instant, everything in the southeast, northwest and northwest of Xiqi burned down.

This noise shocked Jiang Ziya and others, and they hurriedly ran out to take a look.

As a result, when they came out, they saw the surrounding fires soaring into the sky and black smoke billowing. The fire had illuminated the entire Xiqi, making it look like daylight!

This disaster has plunged the entire Xiqi into panic and exclamation.

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