After listening to Ran Deng's words, Liu Ming understood everything.

This Yuanshi Tianzun has completed the layout.

What is waiting for the leader of Tongtian now is the joining forces of several forces!

"Haha, it's rare to have such a clear plan! But Ran Deng, I think it might be better for you to borrow this matter than Guangchengzi!"

Liu Ming suddenly said playfully.

Ran Deng was not a fool, he understood the meaning of Liu Ming's words.

"Prince, I know what you are thinking. First of all, Yin Jiao is a disciple of Guangchengzi, not mine, so he will do his part in this matter. Also, when I went to the west, it was easy for me to get the blue Baolian flag. But Prince, after everything I have experienced now, I have figured it out. Whether it is Yuanshi Tianzun, Jieyin, or Zhunti, they are all using me and have never thought of treating me as one of their own.

You hurt me and destroyed my foundation. I hate you, but the reason is that I am for Yuanshi Tianzun and you are for the demon clan. We are enemies. Naturally, we will not give up until we kill each other. There is nothing to say about this. , and then he secretly taught me Western teachings. Although it was ostensibly to heal me, the purpose was to control me and make me his! "

Ran Deng said and glanced at the sky.

"After going back and forth, their purpose is to use me. Haha, I have become a puppet for both of them! So now, Prince, if you threaten me by saying that I have practiced Western teachings, it is useless, because I feel that Yuanshi Tianzun I’m afraid I already knew it!”

After Ran Deng finished speaking, Liu Ming's expression changed.

He looked at Ran Deng with some doubts.

"You mean Yuanshi Tianzun already knows? Then he can still tolerate you staying in Yuxu Palace?"

Liu Ming asked with some confusion.

"Haha, I am also guessing, but he can calculate everything so carefully. I think he will not know this about me. After all, even you can feel the atmosphere of the West. He, Jie Yin and Zhunti became saints together. , we have been together for tens of millions of years, how could we not know!"

Ran Deng smiled bitterly.

"What you said makes sense, so isn't your situation now a bit embarrassing?"

Liu Ming looked at Ran Deng and seemed to sympathize with him.

Yuanshi Tianzun knew that he was being treated secretly. In fact, Yuanshi Tianzun might have deliberately let Yuanshi Tianzun see him. The purpose was to see Yuanshi Tianzun's attitude towards Ran Deng and the West.

Nowadays, the Fengshen Calamity Tribulation Yuanshi Tianzun still needs the help of the Second Saint of the West, so naturally he turns a blind eye to Ran Deng. The Second Saint of the West will also be happy that he will have a powerful subordinate in the future.

Under this delicate balance, neither side said anything. How could the life of Ran Deng, who was caught in the middle, be easy?

"Awkward? Haha, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's already like this, what else can I do? Prince, the most important thing I think about now is freedom. I was very free in Lingjiu Mountain at the beginning, but I didn't expect that for the selfish desires in my heart, I would now be free. It’s like this, haha, everything I’m doing now is so that I can have some freedom in the future, that’s all, but it’s probably too much to ask for!”

Ran Deng said with a wry smile.

And Liu Ming didn't know what to say. In fact, Ran Deng also understood things that he could understand.

In the future, Ran Deng will definitely be arranged by Yuanshi Tianzun, and the goal is the West!

"That's it, Prince, I know what you want to do, but I advise you to be careful, be careful, because only now do I understand the meaning of all saints are ants, haha, whether it is strength or calculation, We are no match at all!"

After Ran Deng finished speaking, Liu Ming was extremely shocked. Perhaps he felt that everything he had now was also under the control of these saints.

If this is really the case, it would be a little scary just thinking about it.

However, Liu Ming then thought about it. He was the prince of the demon clan, and he was not a disciple of his Yuxu Palace or the West. Everything about him was based on the luck of the demon clan and had nothing to do with them. They must not be able to affect him.

Thinking of this, Liu Ming was relieved.

But Ran Deng is right, it's better to be careful.

Be careful and you won’t make a big mistake!

Guangchengzi left Xiqi and came to Bajing Palace.

He saw Master Xuandu waiting for him, and couldn't help but hurriedly took a few steps to rush over.

"I've met Senior Brother Xuandu!"

Guangchengzi said hurriedly.

"Well, you are here. Master asked me to wait for you again. If you have anything to say, please tell me!"

Master Xuandu said directly.

When Guangchengzi heard this, he hurriedly explained his intention to surrender Yin Jiao.

When Master Xuandu heard that he wanted to borrow the flame flag from the ground, he couldn't help but look solemn.

"Just wait here, I'll ask Master!"

Master Xuandu said.

Guang Chengzi nodded.

In the Bajing Palace, Taishang Laojun was meditating on his futon. After Master Xuandu came in, he told Guangchengzi that he wanted to borrow the Li Di Yanguang flag.

Taishang Laojun nodded slightly, then waved his hand and gave the flaming flag off the ground to Xuandu.

"Go and let Guang Chengzi take you away!"

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking. Master Xuandu left directly.

After Master Xuandu left, Taishang Laojun showed a glint in his eyes.

"Haha, my junior brother! You have made a good plan. Unfortunately, I am naturally willing to help you. Why are you so tempting? It is really unnecessary!"

Taishang Laojun said to himself and meditated again.

Guangchengzi breathed a sigh of relief when he got the flaming flag off the ground. The next step is to go to the west!

This time I am afraid that the flag of the West will not be easy to borrow.

The west.

Mount Sumeru.

After Guangchengzi stepped on it, he felt a little dizzy.

Although this western dojo is not as majestic and immortal as Kunlun Mountain, he doesn't know why it feels a little strange and confusing.

Everything here is filled with golden light, making it look particularly solemn and solemn.

As the saying goes, there are endless scenes in the Seven Treasures Forest, and there are auspicious pearls falling by the Bade Pond!

What a holy place in the West!

Back then, the West was destroyed due to the battle between Taozu and Luohu. The spiritual roots were destroyed, and only the luck of Mount Sumeru was left.

Later, Liu Ming led the demon clan army and used the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation to destroy it once. Now there is still such a scene, which shows that Jie Yin and Zhunti have also wasted a lot of hard work!

Guang Chengzi shook his head and threw away all his distracting thoughts.

Walked up directly.

When he looked up, he saw a boy walking towards him.

"Who is coming? This is the Holy Land of the West, don't be arrogant!"

The boy said loudly.

"I'd like to inform you that Guangchengzi of Yuxu Palace wants to see the Western Saint!"

Guangchengzi looked at the boy and said.

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