"Teacher, let me see, you, well, I'm afraid you will be..."

Liu Ming paused as he spoke.

Yang Jian couldn't help but asked hurriedly.

"Master, don't scare me. What will happen to me in the future?"

"Haha, you will become a saint in the future!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he laughed.

And Yang Jian couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.

"Master, you are making fun of me!"

It is said that after Jiang Ziya paid homage to the generals at Jintai, he reorganized his troops, deployed his troops and generals, and made arrangements for the Eastern Expedition.

There are many generals in Xiqi, and there are nearly 600,000 soldiers and horses!

Ji Fa originally planned to stay in Xiqi by himself, but later Liu Ming told him that he should also go out with the army.

After all, this is a great opportunity for Xiqi to send troops to conquer Chaoge and achieve unparalleled achievements.

If Ji Fa stayed behind and succeeded in the end, everyone would think it was Jiang Ziya's credit, and Ji Fa was just sitting back and enjoying the success.

In this case, who else can surrender to Ji Fa? After all, whoever has the greater credit will be able to speak forcefully in the future!

In addition, this expedition was also a good opportunity to broaden his horizons, and Liu Ming did not want Ji Fa to miss it.

After what Liu Ming said, Ji Fa was enlightened and understood.

And Liu Ming's purpose is also very simple, that is, to suppress Jiang Ziya.

Although Jiang Ziya can't do him any harm now, the greater Jiang Ziya's contribution, the more prosperous the luck of Yuxu Palace will be.

Therefore, Liu Ming is not willing to let Yuxu Palace benefit. After Ji Fa joins the army, after all, he is the Lord of Xiqi and the King of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and all his luck lies with him. Last time, Liu Ming used the Dragon King of the Four Seas to extinguish the fire in Xiqi. After that, Ji Fa secretly shared some of Da Zhou's luck with Liu Ming because he was grateful.

Now if Ji Fa can get luck, Liu Ming will naturally benefit.

After Ji Fa told Jiang Ziya that he wanted to go out with the army, Jiang Ziya was also stunned for a while.

He didn't expect Ji Fa to take the initiative to go.

"Your Majesty, if Xiqi doesn't have your Majesty in charge now, who will it rely on inside and outside?"

Jiang Ziya said.

"You can rely on San Yisheng for internal affairs. Huang Gun, a veteran of foreign affairs, has been through many years and is very experienced. However, if you leave it to him, Prime Minister, you don't need to say anything. I have already made up my mind on this matter!"

After Ji Fa finished speaking, Jiang Ziya was stunned for a while, but since Ji Fa had already said it, he couldn't stop him and could only agree.

In fact, Jiang Ziya is a little dissatisfied in his heart. Now that Ji Fa and Liu Ming are here, he may not be able to do anything he wants in the future.

At this point, Jiang Ziya has no choice.

After Ji Fa arranged everything, he directly ordered Jiang Ziya. The army marches eastward!

Jiang Ziya ordered his troops and horses, and with many generals, he waited for Ji Fa to get on his shaft and then ordered the army to go out.

The entire Xiqi army set off in a mighty manner.

The army marched forward confidently, but suddenly stopped after reaching Shouyang Mountain.

It turned out that two people stood in front of this army and stopped Xiqi's army.

Ji Fa sent someone to check, but Jiang Ziya was worried and went there himself.

As a result, one look at the two men in linen clothes and cloth shoes, and some of them don't look like bad people.

"Bo Yi, Shu Qi has met Prime Minister Jiang. He must be King Wu Jifa behind him!"

Boyi and Shuqi saluted Jiang Ziya and said.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he realized it was these two people!

Because they were humble to each other and refused to inherit the title left by their father, people admired them a little.

"I don't know why you two blocked the road again!"

Jiang Ziya asked.

"I wonder where this army is going!"

Boyi looked at Jiang Ziya and asked.

"Prime Minister, these two people dare to block the advance of my army. They are simply abominable. Please give me an order and I will kill you with one shot!"

Long Huan on the side looked at the two chattering and couldn't help but get angry.

It would be understandable for this army to be stopped if it encountered an enemy. Now that two mountain villagers were able to block the road, it was simply outrageous.

Jiang Ziya waved his hand directly. These two people cannot be killed. After all, they are ambitious people of Dashang. Killing them will have a bad impact on Xiqi.

"You two, today the army is sent out for one thing, and that is to march eastward to attack King Zhou. King Zhou is stupid and immoral, disobeys the destiny of heaven, and harms the people. I, Xiqi, am sending troops to Zhaoge for the sake of the people of the world. , but also for the whole world to return to order!"

Jiang Ziya said.

When Boyi heard this, he and Shuqi looked at each other, with a hint of displeasure in their eyes.

"Prime Minister Jiang, you should know this truth when a son does not reveal his father's faults and when his ministers do not expose the emperor's evil deeds! Now, Xiqi is attacking the Great Shang Dynasty and attacking the monarch in one place and as a prince. It should not be done! Aren't you afraid that everyone in the world will laugh at you? Aren't you afraid that everyone in the world will resent you?"

Boyi and Shuqi looked at Jiang Ziya and scolded him.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Although what you two said makes sense, don't you know the major events in the world now? Don't you know what the world has become? Haha, where does everyone feel resentful? I'm afraid that if our Xiqi army goes to Chaoge, only everyone will Everyone applauds, we have been waiting for it for a long time! You two, get out of the way, this is the general trend of the world, you can’t stop it, and you can’t stop it!”

Jiang Ziya said directly with a smile.

After hearing this, the two people couldn't help but change their expressions.

"Jiang Ziya, you, Xiqi, cannot commit offenses below. Although the Great Shang Dynasty has become somewhat chaotic, as ministers, you should dissuade the king and not attack! This is inappropriate and disloyal!"

Shuyi said directly.

After Jiang Ziya heard this, his face became a little gloomy.

"Huh, disloyal? What is loyalty? King Zhou killed so many loyal ministers and good generals. Jiang Huanchu and E Chongyu persuaded them. What happened? You two lived in seclusion in the wilderness and lived a leisurely life. But the people are already in dire straits. You have seen it. , Okay, let’s get out of the way!”

Jiang Ziya waved his hand and said.

The surrounding armies were already preparing to advance.

When Boyi and Shuqi saw Jiang Ziya about to advance with his army, they knelt on the ground and blocked Jiang Ziya's path.

"No, Jiang Ziya, I can't let you pass now. This is unfaithful, unfilial, and unkind!"

Shuyi said directly.

The soldiers on both sides were already furious. The two men kept nagging, which was simply hateful. He was about to draw his sword and prepare to take action.

Jiang Ziya hurriedly stopped everyone.

"These two are the righteous men of the world. You can't do anything. Someone comes and helps them to both sides. The army will set off immediately!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, several people came out and pulled the two of them away.

After the army passed by, they were released.

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