Jiang Ziya is waiting for news of Nezha and the others' return in his camp.

Down below, Huang Feihu and the others were also waiting.

"Report, Prime Minister, our army's robbery camp was defeated!"

Suddenly, someone came to report the news.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he stood up directly.

Big defeat?

"What's the situation? Tell me quickly!"

Jiang Ziya asked hurriedly.

Others also looked at the messenger with some anxiety.

"Prime Minister, when we went to rob the camp, we never thought that Kong Xuan had already prepared and ambushed us! We suffered heavy losses! In addition, the three generals also..."

"What is that too?"

Jiang Ziya asked hurriedly.

"Nezha and Lei Zhenzi were captured by Kong Xuan using the five-color light, and General Huang Tianhua, he was killed!"


After the messenger finished speaking, Huang Feihu fell directly to the ground.

People around him hurriedly helped him up.

Jiang Ziya's face became very ugly.

"My son!"

Huang Feihu burst into tears immediately, and Huang Feihu's brothers and sons were also very sad.

Jiang Ziya didn't know what to do at this moment.

This time I originally planned to rob the camp, but in the end I lost so many men and horses, and also lost Nezha and Lei Zhenzi. The most important thing is that Huang Tianhua was killed!

This is a big defeat, a big defeat!

Now, before leaving Jinjiling, we have lost three generals and tens of thousands of horses.

If this goes to Chaoge, I'm afraid there won't be many people left given the situation!

What a fart!

Jiang Ziya now actually had the idea of ​​withdrawing his troops and returning to Xiqi.

It’s difficult!

Kong Xuan was like a big mountain pressing on the head of the entire Xiqi army.

There is nothing anyone can do now!

Huang Feihu stood up leisurely, looked at the messenger and asked how his son Huang Tianhua was killed.

After learning that Gao Jineng was being persecuted by those centipede bees, he couldn't help but feel angry in his heart.

Nangong Shi on the side walked over.

"King Wu Cheng, your son has now sacrificed his life for the Great Zhou Dynasty. He is a hero of the Great Zhou Dynasty. I hope King Wu Cheng will not be sad. Now it is the right way to kill Gao Ji to avenge your son!"

Nangong Shi said.

Upon hearing this, Huang Feihu straightened his expression and uniform.

Nangong Shi was right, the top priority now is to avenge Huang Tianhua.

"Xian brother, but now that Gao Ji has such a magical power, how can he take revenge! Who can break his magic!"

Huang Feihu said with some embarrassment.

"Hey, go find Chong Heihu, he may have a solution. This Chong Heihu is also a person who practices such evil magic!"

Nangong Shi said.

When Huang Feihu heard this, his eyes lit up, yes, look for Chong Heihu.

After making up his mind, Huang Feihu directly gave instructions to his son and brothers before leaving the camp, got on the five-color sacred cow, and left.

Jiang Ziya's face was still gloomy, and Huang Feihu actually left without asking for instructions and report.

Although his son died in the battle, he was a general under his command after all, and he left without reporting to himself, the Prime Minister and the Generalissimo.

Jiang Ziya was already dissatisfied at this moment, but when he thought about Huang Feihu's son's death, he didn't say anything more.

No matter what, he died because he sent him out to rob the camp.

At this moment, Jiang Ziya felt helpless.

Now not only are the troops and generals lost, but my prestige in this camp has also been somewhat reduced!

But now he has no choice.

Jiang Ziya even thought that maybe he would go to Kunlun Mountain again this time.

But thinking that the Twelve Golden Immortals have had their top three flowers cut off and are practicing again, I feel a little embarrassed. I can't directly invite Yuanshi Tianzun!

After Jiang Ziya thought for a moment, he suddenly thought of someone, so he walked out.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

Jiang Ziya looked at Liu Ming and said.

"Well, are you here for Kong Xuan?"

Liu Ming said directly.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he nodded immediately.

And when he heard what Liu Ming said, he knew that Liu Ming already knew everything.

"Prince, Kong Xuan is now blocking the army from advancing. Nezha and Lei Zhenzi were captured just now, and Huang Tianhua was also killed. Huang Feihu is very sad. Hey, Kong Xuan is awesome, I don't know what to do!"

Jiang Ziya said.

Liu Ming looked at him quietly.

"Haha, you know the origin of this Kong Xuan!"

Liu Ming asked.

Jiang Ziya shook his head.

"I don't know, but it's not like the disciples of Jiejiao. Besides, Kong Xuan gives me a feeling that I can't resist. It's so powerful!"

Jiang Ziya said.

And Liu Ming laughed softly. Jiang Ziya was still thinking about Kong Xuan, which was simply a dream.

Liu Ming looked at Jiang Ziya and smiled playfully.

Jiang Ziya is so awesome!

Not very powerful!

Last time, I actually wanted to use Nangong Shi to make a fuss, and the purpose was just for Yuxu Palace.

Since he met Kong Xuan this time, he should be asked to go to Yuxu Palace!

"By the way, Prime Minister Jiang, since Kong Xuan is difficult to deal with now, I advise you to find reinforcements quickly. You can't let the God of Conferment Calamity stop here!"

Liu Ming said.

At this moment, he looked like he was watching the fun.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, his expression changed.

"Hey, Prince, now all the twelve golden immortal brothers in Yuxu Palace are concentrating on their cultivation, and no one can help them!"

Jiang Ziya said.

"Really? Without the Twelve Golden Immortals, aren't there still Yun Zhongzi, Antarctic Immortal Weng, Ran Deng, and your master? Let your master come down, and the little Kong Xuan will naturally not be a problem!"

Liu Ming said.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he smiled bitterly.

If I had found these people, why would they have come to find you?

"Prince, now Kong Xuan is hindering the calamity measurement. The prince is also a participant in the Conferring Gods Measuring Calamity. Please find a way to subdue this Kong Xuan!"

Jiang Ziya said directly.

I came here just to make Liu Ming take action, how could I just let him go.

Liu Ming curled his lips after hearing this.

"Haha, Jiang Ziya, I also want to help you, but I'm sorry! I can't help you. Kong Xuan is too powerful. Besides, you seem to have made a mistake. I am the one who supervises the measurement of the gods, and you are the one who presides over the measurement. People of the calamity, now that the calamity has stagnated, you are responsible, I remind you now, you'd better find a solution, otherwise if there is a problem with the calamity, you are the culprit!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Jiang Ziya's face became a little ugly.

Liu Ming already understood what he meant and was simply unwilling to take action.

I came here in vain this time.

Jiang Ziya felt angry in his heart when he saw Liu Ming smiling at him.

This is schadenfreude!

Okay, since you don't want to.

Jiang Ziya walked away directly.

Liu Ming looked at Jiang Ziya's back and sneered. He wanted to settle Kong Xuan's situation for him. Just let him dream, and he didn't even look at how much he weighed.

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