Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 447: The Five Mountains Return, Ji Fa Retreats

After Huang Feihu and the four Chong Heihu rushed back to the camp, they went to see Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya also adjusted his mentality at this moment.

He has understood that at this time, nothing is as important as the attack on Dashang Chaoge and the completion of the Tribulation of the Gods.

This is not only related to his own destiny and good fortune, but also related to the future of Yuxu Palace. This cannot be careless.

Jiang Ziya saw Huang Feihu and the four people coming, and greeted them directly.

"Thank you for your hard work, King Wu Cheng!"

Jiang Ziya said.

At this moment, Huang Feihu no longer had the resentment he had before.

Although Huang Tianhua died, he was still sent out to die by Jiang Ziya.

But after all, he died in battle, and Jiang Ziya didn't mean it. No one could have imagined that such a thing would happen.

And he, Huang Feihu, is also a war general and a marshal. He naturally knows that this battlefield is a battlefield where swords have no eyes, so now Huang Feihu has calmed his heart. At this moment, he has only one thought, that is, the most important thing is to avenge Huang Tianhua.

After Jiang Ziya invited five people in, they greeted each other.

At this moment, Ji Fa arrived.

Everyone hurriedly stood up and saluted.

"I heard that my great general Huang Tianhua, the son of King Wucheng, was unfortunately killed. My heart is as sharp as a knife!"

Ji Fa looked at Huang Feihu and said.

Huang Feihu saluted hurriedly.

"Your Majesty!"

Ji Fa nodded, while Chong Heihu, Wenpin, Cui Ying, and Jiang Xiong behind him also saluted hurriedly.

Ji Fa walked directly to the top.

"This time, I led you all out of Xiqi and marched eastwards towards Chaoge. I originally wanted to do it for the sake of the world and the suffering of the people, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing! The entire army was blocked by Kong Xuan at Jinji Ridge Come on, hey, I have been pondering for a few days and feel that what Boyi and Shuqi said is true, I am afraid that we are indeed a little reckless this time!"

Ji Fa looked at everyone and suddenly said.

When Jiang Ziya and the others heard this, they couldn't help but be a little surprised. Something about what Ji Fa said made them feel something was wrong!

"Your Majesty, although I was blocked at Jinji Ridge this time, I will find a way to solve it. Your Majesty, you don't have to be so anxious!"

Jiang Ziya said hurriedly.

And Ji Fa waved his hand.

"Now I have just left Xiqi, and before I have gone far, Boyi and Shuqi blocked the way first, and then Kong Xuan appeared, and also lost Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, and Huang Tianhua, the son of King Wucheng. I already understand . Maybe it was a mistake to send troops to Xiqi. The ministers cannot attack the monarch. Now I am afraid that God is giving a warning! So I think we should retreat!"

After Ji Fa finished speaking, everyone suddenly looked at him in surprise, and some looked at each other.


This is a bit too shocking!

We just sent out troops and paid homage to the generals at Jintai. Now we have to withdraw our troops. This is too inappropriate!

"Your Majesty, how can you retreat?"

Jiang Ziya said anxiously.

Looking at Ji Fa, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

Retreating is no joke!

Just now, Jintai worshiped the generals with such great momentum, and Yuanshi Tianzun and the Twelve Golden Immortals were both here. If they retreat now, Yuanshi Tianzun may have a hard time explaining it.

"Your Majesty, although Kong Xuan is blocking the way now, Your Majesty, don't worry. I am naturally capable of solving it. This is God's will. It is just to test our Xiqi army! In addition, Your Majesty, the momentum and news of our dispatch of troops has been spread. The entire Everyone in the world already knows that we, the Great Zhou Dynasty, have sent troops. If we go back at this time, we will not only break the trust of the people, but also chill the hearts of other returning princes! I am afraid that we, Xiqi, will no longer have credibility in the future!"

Jiang Ziya hurriedly said again.

If Ji Fa retreats, it will be a blow to Jiang Ziya, a devastating blow!

Not only was he unable to receive blessings in the human world, but he also let the matter of conferring a tribulation on the gods be ruined in his hands.

After hearing this, Ji Fa's expression gradually softened.

"What the Prime Minister said makes sense, but I feel a little uneasy right now!"

Ji Fa said.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. I am following the way of heaven and leading the people of Xiqi to march eastward. It is for the sake of the world and the common people. The Great Shang Dynasty has been exhausted, and the Great Zhou Dynasty is about to flourish. This is what my master said. Your Majesty, please rest assured. I just want to Find a way to deal with Kong Xuan and clear the way for my army to advance!"

Jiang Ziya said swornly.

Ji Fa nodded.

"Since the Prime Minister has a solution, I can rest assured. Well, then I will leave everything to the Prime Minister. I will sit in charge of the army and help the Prime Minister stabilize the morale of the army!"

After Ji Fa finished speaking, he comforted Huang Feihu with a few words and left.

"Generals, you have heard what the king just said. The king has already begun to think about retreating because of this obstacle. However, after our Jintai worship generals, our purpose is to overthrow the Great Shang and establish the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is also for you to establish Meritorious service will remain in history, so we cannot let the king down like this again. Please join me in leading the army into Chaoge!"

Jiang Ziya looked at everyone in the big tent and said.

Huang Feihu, Deng Jiugong and others also nodded after hearing this. Jiang Ziya was right, this was for Da Zhou, for Xiqi, and for themselves.

"Chong Heihu, now that Gao Jineng has killed King Wu Cheng's son, if we can't take revenge, everyone must be unhappy. I ask you the truth, but we are sure to kill Gao Jineng!"

Jiang Ziya asked.

And Chong Heihu nodded.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, Gao Ji will definitely die without a burial this time!"

Chong Heihu said firmly.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he nodded.

In this case, the first step is to kill Gao Jineng and cut off Kong Xuan's right-hand man.

the next day.

Huang Feihu led Chong Heihu and others directly out of the camp and announced the formation to Kong.

But what Kong Xuan heard was not Jiang Ziya, and Huang Feihu and the others were not very interested.

"Gao Jineng, go and get the people in Xiqi back quickly!"

After Kong Xuan finished speaking, Gao Jineng nodded directly and went out.

Gao Jineng couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Chong Heihu.

"Chong Heihu, you are not in the north, why are you here!"

Gao Jineng naturally knew Chong Heihu.

Chong Heihu looked at him coldly and smiled.

"Haha, Gao Jineng, I came here just to kill you. You are doomed this time!"

Chong Heihu said with a smile.

When Gao Jineng heard this, he also laughed.

"Kill me? I think you, Chong Heihu, came all the way to die! Now that you are here, it just so happens that you are also killed. This is also a great achievement! It can also be regarded as putting down a rebellion for the king!"

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