Although he didn't have this aura, he knew what it was after staying in Kunlun Mountain for forty years.

"You all stand back and go back!"

Suddenly, a person appeared in front of everyone, it was Liu Ming.

When Kong Xuan used all his strength, Liu Ming had already sensed it.

So he just came forward.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he hurriedly took everyone back. This was not something they could participate in.

"You want to stop me? Prince of the demon clan!"

Kong Xuan looked at Liu Ming in front of him and asked coldly.

Liu Ming shook his head.

"It's not to stop you, but to save you. Kong Xuan, if it weren't for Yuan Feng's relationship, I wouldn't pay so much attention to you. You know now that if you really dare to use your strength against Jiang Ziya, you will Take a look at it from the beginning, the way of heaven will definitely be destroyed, do you believe it?"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Kong Xuan suddenly raised his head and glanced at the sky. There was already a faint power that made him suffocate.

Kong Xuan looked at Liu Ming and directly took back his quasi-sage pressure.

"Humph, you know that I was beaten by an unknown young man just now. Can I not be angry? I think that except for a few saints in the ancient world, who would dare to offend me?"

Kong Xuan said dissatisfied.

"If that's the case, then why do you come to this world to ask for trouble!"

Liu Ming asked.

"It's not like Saint Jieyin and Zhunti didn't know what conditions they agreed to to Yuanshi Tianzun, try to trick me!"

Kong Xuan suddenly stopped.

"Haha, I know this kind of thing just thinking about it. Do I still need to trick you?"

Liu Ming said disdainfully.

When Kong Xuan heard this, he didn't say anything more.

"Kong Xuan, although I don't know the real purpose of your coming here, I think this is not a good thing for you. Do you understand? After being contaminated by the cause and effect of two knots, you may not know your fate yet. But there’s no benefit in thinking about it!”

Liu Ming said directly.

After Kong Xuan heard this, he looked at Liu Ming with some suspicion.

"how do I say this!"

"Think about it, this is the calamity of the Three Purities. Does it have anything to do with the West? No, then you were actually sent down. It was too late for others to escape, but you actually came up on your own initiative. Haha, this is not Are you causing trouble for yourself?"

Liu Ming said.

After hearing this, Kong Xuan's face became a little ugly.

"Keep talking!"

"I don't know the specific consequences, but at least it will be a disaster for you, maybe soon. You just can understand it!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he sighed.

And Kong Xuan was not as angry as before.

"Hmph, whoever dares to plot against me, I will make sure he looks good. I think you might still want to persuade me to let Jiang Ziya go. Hmph, okay, I'll give you a face today and just give up. I won't do it next time. Will forgive them!"

Kong Xuan left directly and returned to his camp.

Liu Ming looked at his back and sighed. Kong Xuan had actually accepted his statement, but he didn't want to believe that the Second Saint of the West would harm him.

But Liu Ming knows very well the virtues of those two saints in the West. They are not good people!

At this moment, Jiang Ziya had returned to his tent.

Jiang Ziya was startled as soon as Yang Jian appeared. After Yang Jian explained how he could escape, Jiang Ziya breathed a sigh of relief, but soon his face turned ugly.

I originally thought that I would be able to see Kong Xuan's origin clearly this time, but in the end, it was of no use at all.

Once again, Li Jing and his son were trapped.

Jiang Ziya had mixed feelings in his heart at this moment.

"Prime Minister, your Majesty, please come over!"

Ji Fa sent someone to invite Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya did not dare to delay and went directly to see Ji Fa.

"Prime Minister, four generals have been lost this time! In addition to Huang Feihu and Nezha, we have already lost twelve generals, and one of them was killed. The remaining eleven will probably be in trouble in the end. Got it!"

Ji Fa said directly.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he couldn't help but feel helpless and sad.

Ji Fa was right. If you look at it carefully, you have already lost so much!

Except for Yang Jian who escaped, there were eleven generals left.

"Prime Minister, last time Huang Feihu and Chong Heihu said they could defeat the enemy, and I believed what the Prime Minister said, but now it seems that Kong Xuan is simply impossible to deal with. With him standing in front of us, how can we go?" After the song, Prime Minister, I have now made up my mind, withdraw your troops!"

Ji Fa said directly.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, his expression changed. Ji Fa was about to retreat again.

"Your Majesty..."

"Prime Minister, I know that you have great ambitions, and you also want to conquer the world for me, the Great Zhou Dynasty. But have you ever thought that I, Xiqi, only have dozens of generals who can conquer and fight well?" , now there are more than a dozen of them, and if we continue to struggle, it will not take long for dozens of people to come. In this way, we have really defeated Kong Xuan, so why are we fighting against King Zhou? There are no generals available! "

Ji Fa saw that Jiang Ziya was listening to his words seriously and continued.

"Prime Minister, if things cannot be done, why don't we stop our losses in time? If this continues, I am afraid that the whole army will be defeated in the end. So I think that now that we have withdrawn our troops and returned to Xiqi, we are making arrangements for reorganization and looking for opportunities. !”

Ji Fa said.

After Jiang Ziya heard this, he felt a little relieved.

What Ji Fa said makes sense!

The current situation is like this. If all the generals in Xiqi are captured by Kong Xuan in the end, the Eastern Expedition will be meaningless. Who will Jiang Ziya use to lead the army?

He can't lead his own troops to kill him!

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense. I have no good way to defeat Kong Xuan these days. Maybe now is the time to retreat!"

Jiang Ziya finally accepted Ji Fa's opinion.


Ji Fa heard this and nodded.

"Prime Minister, then you make arrangements to retreat as soon as possible. We consume too much food and grass here every day. If we continue to drag it out, without Kong Xuan and King Zhou attacking, we will cut off the food and grass ourselves and ultimately fail. , let’s go back to the Xiqi base camp, there is still a chance to defend our foundation!”

After Ji Fa finished speaking, Jiang Ziya's face was full of bitterness.

yes! Not only were the generals lost, the food and fodder problem also cannot be underestimated!

It seems that we really have to retreat.

Jiang Ziya said goodbye to Ji Fa directly and went down to make arrangements.

But he couldn't understand why the Eastern Expedition, which had the right time, place and people, encountered such a variable as Kong Xuan in the end.

This really shouldn’t happen!

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