Kong Xuan looked at Zhun and asked.

This was also because Kong Xuan was smart. After knowing that he had been plotted, he understood that Zhunti and Jie Yin must have some purpose in plotting against him.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have gone through such a big trouble to set a trap for myself.

"Kong Xuan, you secretly descended to the human world and hindered the calamity of heaven. Therefore, you must endure the purification of this sin in order to eliminate it. I am grateful that your cultivation is not easy, but I can't bear to abolish your cultivation. So and so, You just cultivate in the west of me, become the mount of the poor Taoist, and practice under the poor Taoist seat to resolve your sins, do you understand?"

Zhunti said directly.

When Kong Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but tremble all over. He stared at Zhunti for a long time.

"What are you talking about? Let me be your mount? Haha, it's really ridiculous. I am the first peacock in the world. I am so noble. I am in the west of you just for the sake of enlightenment. I am just below you two to pick you up. If you want me to be your mount and behave like an animal, Zhunti, you have such a vicious mind!"

Kong Xuan cursed directly at Zhunti. Only now did he truly understand that he had indeed been sold out by Zhunti and Jingyin this time. The purpose of selling him was to make him become Western slaves generally.

Zhunti looked at Kong Xuan and just sneered.

"Kong Xuan, it's useless even if you say that you want to break the sky. If you don't give in, that's fine, then you just wait to perish. Now you have committed a great crime, which is not tolerated by heaven, not by Yuxu Palace, and not by the poor West! "

Zhunti said directly to Kong Xuan.

"Haha, I can't tolerate this, I can't tolerate that! Kong Xuan, come here, I will take you to the Demon Clan. Although you have indeed committed some sins, you can live a good life in the Demon Clan and strive for it. Just resolve your sins as soon as possible!"

Liu Ming suddenly appeared from the void and said.

As soon as Liu Ming came out, the whole atmosphere changed.

Now Kong Xuan, Zhunti, Ran Deng, and Liu Ming are already considered to be the major forces in the entire prehistoric period.

Zhunti represents the West, Ran Deng was sent by Yuanshi Tianzun to represent the Yuxu Palace, and Liu Ming represents the largest sect of demons in the past.

Kong Xuan watched Liu Ming appear, and suddenly he truly understood what Liu Ming had said to him before.

I was too arrogant and too confident at the beginning and didn't take everything seriously. Now it seems that I was wrong.

It’s so wrong!

Zhunti's expression darkened when he saw that Liu Ming dared to come out to disrupt the situation.

"You have to interfere!"

Quan asked.

"Sage Zhunti, as the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together and the road is uneven, everyone will step on it. Haha, I don't want to interfere, and I think this matter is a bit excessive, so I want to say a few words!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

"Hmph, when will it be your turn to make irresponsible remarks? Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi may still have the qualifications. You are not enough. Get out of here!"

Zhunti said and headed towards Liu Ming with a surging momentum.

When Liu Ming saw that Zhunti actually exerted such power towards him, he waved his hand to resist. Even though the power of a saint was just a force, how could it be resisted so easily? Liu Ming had no choice but to take a few steps back to remove Zhunti's momentum. .

Zhunti stared at Liu Ming. What he just learned could only be a small lesson. If he was still not satisfied, he would be merciless next time.

The last time I came here, I was stopped by Liu Ming.

He also spoke to Tiandao and Daozu, making Zhunti afraid to say more.

This time it's him again!

"Kong Xuan, now there are only two days to go before you. First, you can become a poor mount and resolve your sins. Second, you can let Heaven punish you. You can choose for yourself! If it weren't for the fact that you are in the west of me, You should feel lucky that I haven't been like this for so many years!"

Zhunti said directly.

Kong Xuan's mood at the moment was a bit mixed.

When I first entered the wilderness, I met Zhunti, and finally followed Zhunti to the West. Although I have not made any achievements in the West these years, at least there is hard work without credit!

In the past, I was mentioned as Kong Xuan of the West, but now if I agree to Zhunti's request, I will be Kong Xuan, the mount of the Saint Zhunti of the West!

"Sage Zhunti, this prince is ordered to supervise the matter of conferring gods and measuring tribulations. I should intervene in the matter of Kong Xuan!"

Liu Ming said to Zhunti again.

If he continues to put pressure on Zhunti, he is also testing Zhunti.

"It's none of your business here, Prince of the Demon Clan, please don't interfere!"

Before Zhunti could speak, Kong Xuan suddenly looked at Liu Ming and said.

Liu Ming looked back in surprise, and soon understood what Kong Xuan meant. He didn't want him to get involved!

As for the purpose, he didn't want to confront Zhunti anymore, which was considered a good intention.

Liu Ming sighed!

"Sage Zhunti, if you can break my five-color divine light, I promise you, and I am convinced. How about it? If you can't break it, then you can no longer control me, and I will never do it again. If you stop Jiang Ziya, I will return to the primitive world and live a happy life!"

Kong Xuan looked at Zhunti and said.

Upon hearing this, Zhunti nodded directly.

Now that Zhunti agreed, there was nothing more to say, and Kong Xuan was ready to take action.

Ran Deng retreated directly, but he didn't want to be affected.

When Liu Ming saw that Kong Xuan had already made up his mind, he had no choice but to take a few steps back.

Kong Xuan may have miscalculated this time, because Zhunti is a saint after all!

It's not a problem to break his five-color divine light.

And Liu Ming now understands something.

Kong Xuan's character was rebellious. Although the West had surrendered to the Second Sage of the West, they were still a little dissatisfied with Kong Xuan on weekdays.

So this time, with the help of Yuxu Palace, Kong Xuan was thrown into the wilderness, with the purpose of forcing Kong Xuan to submit.

With the help of heaven and calamity, Kong Xuan truly became their slave.

Under such coercion, Kong Xuan had only two options: submission and death.

This was also a good plan of the Second Sage of the West. In the first place, they had nothing to do wrong in a big sense. After all, Kong Xuan had made a mistake, but they still gave him a way out out of consideration for their feelings.

Secondly, their goal was achieved!

This is the most appropriate ending for them, both in name and in terms of strength.

Just like Yin Jiao and Yin Hong back then, except that they no longer have the use value of Kong Xuan, so they can be wiped out with just a random accusation.

After Liu Ming figured it out, he was helpless.

He can't interfere too deeply, because he can figure it out, and Kong Xuan is probably thinking it through now.

Now all this is the result of Kong Xuan's own choice.

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