Guangchengzi looked at the oncoming boy and walked over.

"Fellow Taoist, please go and report that Yuxugong Guangchengzi has come to pay homage to your uncle!"

After Guangchengzi finished speaking, the boy nodded and went to Biyou Palace.

At this moment, the leader of Tongtian Cult had already sensed the arrival of Guangchengzi.

"Tell him to come in!"

The leader of Tongtian said.

Guangchengzi got the decree and entered Biyou Palace under the leadership of the boy.

Leader Tongtian raised his head and glanced at Guangchengzi.

"Disciple Guangchengzi pays homage to his uncle!"

Guangchengzi hurriedly saluted the leader of Tongtian Cult.

Leader Tongtian raised his head, looked at Guangchengzi, and nodded.

"Is there anything wrong with you coming to my Biyou Palace?"

Leader Tongtian asked.

"Uncle, this disciple came here for one thing. Jiang Ziya was ordered to assist the Eastern Expedition of the Great Zhou Dynasty. At Jiameng Pass, he met his disciple Fire Spirit Mother, who was sitting down and blocked the way. She hurt Hong Jin, and also hurt Haotian and Yaochi. Princess Long Ji, her daughter, almost killed Jiang Ziya in the end. The disciple tried to dissuade her again and again, but she still prepared to deal with the disciple. The disciple had no choice but to kill her, but her golden glow crown was in the hands of the disciple, and he came here to give it to him today. This treasure!"

After Guangchengzi finished speaking, he looked at Master Tongtian.

After hearing this, Master Tongtian's face did not change at all, and he just looked at Guangchengzi calmly.

But Guangchengzi's heart was churning, because he was also afraid now!

No matter what, you killed someone else's disciple and returned the treasure in the end. This is a bit suspicious of killing someone and then showing off to someone else's headquarters.

It's just that Guangchengzi has no choice but to obey others' orders!

"The three sects jointly discussed the matter of canonizing the gods. It is only a matter of days before the calamity arises. Pindao has ordered the disciples of Biyou Palace not to go down to the lower realm. Since the Fire Spirit Madonna does not obey the order, it is her own fault. No one else is to blame. You will kill her. , it’s only a few days, but my strength is not as good as yours, I have nothing to say, I have to bother you to make a trip, you can just keep the Golden Cloud Crown, why send it!"

Leader Tongtian said calmly.

But when Guangchengzi heard it, it was like a roaring wave.

He looked at the calm leader Tongtian and began to feel scared.

The leader of Tongtian Cult has always been protective of his calf and has the most fiery temper. Now he is so calm. Isn't this an explosion of calm?

"Uncle, I don't dare. This is the treasure of Biyou Palace. How can I keep it by myself? I just had no choice but to kill the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit. I had no choice but to make it clear to my uncle." , the way of heaven dictates the destiny, and it is difficult for disciples to violate it!”

Guangchengzi stood up quickly and said respectfully.

"Haha, you don't need to explain. I know it clearly. You are a disciple of Yuxu Palace, and you are also a disciple of Sanqing. Huo Ling, this evil obstacle, really deserves to be killed. Leave this Golden Cloud Crown behind. You can go back. I will naturally restrain you. Doorman!"

After Master Tongtian finished speaking, Guangchengzi nodded hurriedly. He was eager to leave now. If Master Tongtian scolded him or beat him, he would not be afraid and thought it was normal. But now it is like this Like, this made Guang Chengzi feel a little uneasy.

After saying goodbye to Master Tongtian, Guangchengzi left in a hurry.

After he left Biyou Palace, Master Tongtian looked at Jin Xiaguan and his face instantly became gloomy.

"Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao, plus Huo Ling, huh, the poor Biyou Palace has been reduced to a situation where anyone can kill at will!"

After Master Tongtian finished speaking, his expression returned to calm.


Taoist Duobao, who was in his cave at the moment, directly smashed the Ruyi in his hand to the ground.

"Okay, that's too much. He actually killed my disciple, the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit, and came up to show off his power. How can I bear it? Let him Guangchengzi stay in my Biyou Palace forever!"

Taoist Duobao said fiercely.

Next to them, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, and the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit were also angry.

Although the three of them have been practicing Qing Dynasty, they also feel that this time they should obey the wishes of the Tongtian Cult Leader and not go down the mountain at will.

But this time Guangchengzi made them all angry.

It's so shameless to come up and humiliate someone after killing someone!

"Elder brother, tell me how we should do it!"

Holy Mother Turtle Spirit said.

"Hmph, Guangchengzi is so bold this time, I can't stand it. No matter what the master says, we can't let him leave Jinli Island. Let's go, let's kill him and tell Yuxu Palace. We in Biyou Palace also dare to Killer!"

Taoist Duobao said directly.

"Wait a minute, senior brother, now Guangchengzi is here alone. Although he is a bit presumptuous and a bit bullying, if the four of us go together, I am afraid there will be something wrong, and we will end up being bullied by a large number of people!"

Our Lady of Golden Spirit said.

When Taoist Duobao heard this, he shook his head.

"Now it's either you die or I live. Why do you still care about so many things? Killing him directly is the most important thing. There is nothing important about friendship or face!"

Duobao waved his hand and said.

"Senior brother, what senior sister said makes sense. If we go together like this, I'm afraid it will bring trouble to Master. Yuanshi Tianzun will come to cause trouble. I think it's most appropriate to go alone. If that doesn't work, just one more person can go. That’s it.”

Our Lady of Wudang said.

After hearing this, Duobao also felt that it made sense.

"In that case, senior brother, I'll go meet Guang Chengzi for a while and see how powerful he is, the first of the twelve golden immortals in Yuxu Palace!"

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit killed her directly.

Guangchengzi left Biyou Palace and hurried on his way.

He didn't dare to delay any longer, because the feeling that Master Tongtian gave him made Guangchengzi feel a little uneasy!

Just when he was about to leave Golden Turtle Island, Guangchengzi suddenly stopped.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to leave, it’s that he can’t leave!

"Fellow Taoist Guangchengzi, where are you going in such a hurry!"

Mother Turtle Spirit looked at Guangchengzi and asked.

"It turns out to be Taoist Friend Guiling Holy Mother. This time I came to see Uncle Tongtian. The matter is over. I will go back to Yuxu Palace. Master is still waiting for me!"

Guangchengzi said hurriedly.

The appearance of the Turtle Spirit Mother made Guangchengzi feel a little bad.

"Oh, that's it. Haha, fellow Taoist Guangchengzi, I heard that you killed the Holy Mother of Fire Spirits and gave her back the Golden Cloud Crown. You really mean something!"

Holy Mother Turtle Spirit said.

"No, what do you mean?"

Guangchengzi asked with some confusion.

"Humph, what do you mean? Guangchengzi, you killed my disciples of Biyou Palace, and you came here to give me some magic weapon. This is a ridicule and humiliation to my Biyou Palace. Now I am the one who died in my sect. revenge!"

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit said and killed her.

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