Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 47: The ancestral witch cannot come out, Hongjun retreats into seclusion

After listening to Nuwa's words, Jieyin and Zhunti felt unwilling, but there was nothing they could do.

If you are honest and don't give Hongjun face, the consequences will be serious!

"Haha, okay, calm down, let's let this matter go!"

Taishang Laojun smiled and tried to persuade him.

"I, Dongfang, have recorded this matter today, Di Jun, please don't fall into my hands!"

Jie Yin said, his eyes resting on Liu Ming.

"Hmph, take the lead. Next time, even if I, Emperor Jun, self-destruct, I will knock you off the throne!"

Di Jun is not to be outdone!

Sanqing is the easiest, because they are just here to watch the show and have nothing to do with them.

Now that the opera was over, the three of them left directly in the clouds and mist.

"You should also go back and hand him over to me. I will take him back to Wa Palace to avoid further trouble. You should be careful!"

Nuwa said as she hugged Liu Ming and floated away.


Di Jun waved his hand, and the demon clan army in heaven left directly.

Only Jieyin and Zhunti were left.

Looking at the devastated and dilapidated Xumi Mountain, the many disciples below who were killed by the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation could not take a breath and fell straight back!


Zhunti shouted and hurriedly led him back to the hall with anger.

Witch clan territory.

In the Ancestral Witch Hall.

Xuan Ming and others, who had just received the news, looked pale at the moment.

Qiang Liang, Tian Wu was killed!

Died at the hands of the demon prince!

There were only eight left, and now two more are gone!

There are now only six of the twelve ancestral witches of the mighty witch clan left, half of them!

I was originally planning to go to Liu Ming to settle the score, but if things didn't work out, I would plan to kill him.

But the battle between the Monster Clan and the West made them completely give up.

Daozu Hongjun didn't even do anything to Liu Ming!

Do the six of them have this strength?

The answer is no!

"What should we do now!"

Zhu Jiuyin asked softly.

Now Liu Ming was unable to kill him. As a saint, Zhunti was beaten violently by the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation because he used evil tactics to deal with Liu Ming.

How many more times can their Witch Clan territory withstand this!

"From now on, our ancestral witches and their talented great witches can go into seclusion and seclusion. The Twelve Capital Gods and Evil Formation will not come out until it is formed!"

Xuan Ming said with a solemn expression.

"In this case, how will the rest of our tribe deal with the human race? The human race is very powerful now!"

Pingshou asked.

"If you can give up, give up, if you can avoid it, give up. If you can't, we can only leave it to fate. We can't control it. Only the twelve capitals of the gods are our foundation!"

After Xuan Ming finished speaking, the other five could only sigh. Hongjun had already given in, how could they die!

After the decision, the Ancestral Witch Hall of the Wu Clan was instantly closed.

No one can enter!

Unless someone opens it, even a saint cannot break open the Ancestral Witch Hall, because it is protected by Pangu's power.

The disappearance of the ancestral witch and several great witches caused the witch clan to completely lose its backbone.

Under the leadership of Fuxi, the human race directly defeated the Wu tribe.

The human race is rising to become the strongest.


Zixiao Palace!

The surrounding spiritual energy is abundant and strong, the cranes are flying, and the beauty of the fairyland makes people feel relaxed and happy.

And Hongjun, the Patriarch of Heavenly Dao, who was sitting on his futon, had no time to pay attention to this beautiful scenery at the moment.

Tongzi Haotian and Yaochi did not dare to go in and disturb them, and stayed outside the hall motionless.

"Yaochi, what's wrong with Dao Zu!"

Haotian really couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart.

"Don't say anything more. Dao Ancestor is the incarnation of the way of heaven. How can I allow you to speculate like this? I will punish you carefully!"

Yaochi warned.

When Haotian heard this, he shut up and stopped talking.

At this moment, Hongjun frowned, his own jade plate and the will of heaven were in chaos.

Originally, Hongjun had understood the instructions of Heaven and was advancing step by step according to the will of Heaven.

And it is precisely because of this that the law of heaven came down to allow him to further align with the law!

But now, the way of heaven is somewhat elusive, and what worries Hongjun even more now is that the prehistoric future that he had smoothed before has been completely disrupted.

It was chaos, nothing could be seen clearly.

The Lich Tribulation never came, or in other words, it simply didn't follow the instructions of Heaven.

What happened after that was no longer visible.

"Hey, how could this happen?"

Hongjun shook his head.

He couldn't help but think of the purple divine thunder when he wanted to kill Liu Ming.

That is the divine punishment of the great avenue!

Today's prehistoric world only has the way of heaven, where can the great road come from!

The way of heaven governs the entire prehistoric world, and it is impossible for the great road to appear!

But that time Hongjun really felt that the laws of the great law on the divine thunder made him feel afraid.

"Hmph, the prehistoric times are unclear now, and the direction is unclear. In addition, the great road has actually appeared. How can a little Golden Crow lead to the great road? It seems that everything is still based on the God-killing Spear!"

Hongjun didn't understand why Da Dao appeared, but he thought it was because of the God-killing Spear.

After all, the God-killing Spear was originally owned by Rahu, the ancestor of the three thousand gods and demons!

But if you have existed under the Great Dao for a long time, you will naturally be protected by the Great Dao.

But Hongjun quickly shook his head.

If you put it this way, why didn't your magic weapon, the jade dish, reach the avenue?

Hongjun raised his head and hit the jade plate with spiritual power.

Gradually, the jade dish of good fortune emitted a burst of intense light.

Hongjun looked around but showed no reaction.

"Haotian, Yaochi, you two come in!"

The disappointed Hongjun called his two boys directly.

"You two have been in Zixiao Palace for many years, but have you ever had any insights into the way of heaven?"

As soon as Hongjun opened his mouth, the two of them were dumbfounded.

The way of heaven? Any ideas?


Definitely not. As long as there is a little bit, it becomes a saint!

After all, those who are near the water and towers get the moon first, and it is much easier to become a saint by staying by the Taoist ancestor's side!

"Disciple is stupid!"

Yaochi said, and Haotian on the side also nodded.

Hongjun didn't have any dissatisfaction, he just sighed.

"You two go into seclusion. Firstly, you will understand the mysteries of Heavenly Dao. Secondly, I will also close the Zixiao Palace and sense the will of Heavenly Dao!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, Haotian and Yaochi suddenly became confused.

Close Zixiao Palace!

So Taoist ancestors are also going into seclusion?

"Taozu, if the Zixiao Palace is closed, how should we maintain order in the ancient world!"

Haotian asked softly.

Hongjun shook his whisk lightly, raised his hand and released a thunderbolt.

"While I am realizing the will of Heaven, please maintain order on my behalf and on behalf of Heaven!"

After Hongjun looked at the thunder and said something, a strong aura directly shook Haotian and Yaochi out of the Zixiao Palace.

Immediately afterwards, Zixiao Palace disappeared from Yujing Mountain.

"Let's go into seclusion. The day when Daozu comes out of seclusion may be our hope!"

Haotian's eyes flashed with heat.

So Yaochi and Haotian started their practice in Yujing Mountain.

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