Zheng Lun couldn't help but feel that he was humiliated, so he stood up again.

"Tomorrow, I will fight him again, and I will definitely kill him this time."

Zheng Lun said dissatisfied.

A day later, Zheng Lun really went there, and Chen Qi also felt a little strange about Zheng Lun. After the two met, they couldn't help but become a little wary of each other.

"You and I have the same spells, so naturally we can't tell the winner. Let's do this. Today, neither of you or I are going to use our own magical powers and magic power. We all rely on our strength. How about that?"

Chen Qi looked at Zheng Lun and asked.

When Zheng Lun heard this, he nodded. It was indeed true. If the two of them relied on their own magic power, they would probably fight for a long time without any results.

The two of them raised their weapons and killed him directly.

The fight was dark, but there was still no winner, so we had to give up in the end.

After Zheng Lun returned to the camp, Huang Feihu was gathering people to discuss how to break the Qinglong Pass.

"Now that Tu Xingsun is here, why don't I go and open the gate of Qinglong Pass, and Tu Xingsun will go and release our troops from the prison. King Wu Cheng, you lead the army to fight out, and we will cooperate inside and outside to capture Qinglong Pass!"

Nezha said suddenly.

When Huang Feihu heard this, he thought it made sense and made the arrangement.

At this moment, Qiu Yin saw that Huang Feihu and his men had no intention of retreating. In addition, now that he and Chen Qi had been targeted by Nezha and Zheng Lun, they were unable to play a role, so he was a little troubled.

And just received the news that Jiameng Pass had been broken, which made Qiu Yin panic.

So he wrote a letter to ask King Zhou for help, asking King Zhou to send someone to help.

Just after he finished writing, he suddenly heard some commotion outside.

"Come here, something happened!"

Qiu Yin shouted loudly, but no one responded. He secretly said something bad and ran out in a hurry.

And Nezha Chen Zheyuan stepped on the Hot Wheels directly at night and came to Qinglong Pass. After opening the big lock of Qinglong Pass, the city gate opened in an instant, and Huang Feihu gave an order and led the people to kill him.

Tu Xingsun also escaped to the prison, released Tai Luan and others, and started fighting directly behind Qiu Yin's camp.

Qiu Yin felt a little uneasy when he looked at the situation outside.

"Quick, guard me, don't let them in, hurry up!"

After Qiu Yin finished speaking, he picked up his weapon and fought out.

Chen Qi had long realized that something was wrong. Just when he came out, he met Zheng Lun, and the two naturally started fighting.

The entire Qinglong Pass is now in a crisis, and the people are running away frantically. Qiu Yin couldn't help but stop after fighting for a while.

Because at this moment he was surrounded, Tu Xingsun, Tai Luan, and others surrounded him. Qiu Yin was just about to use his magical power and left-handed magic when Nezha's Qiankun Circle came.

Qiu Yin was very afraid of Nezha. Knowing that he would not get anything good after being surrounded by Nezha, he retreated directly.

Everyone was chasing after him. Qiu Yin knew that he would be killed if he couldn't run this time, so he ran away desperately. Finally, he found an opportunity and escaped directly.

Looking at Qiu Yin disappearing, Nezha couldn't help but feel annoyed again. He missed the opportunity again, otherwise he would have been killed long ago!

Helpless Nezha had no choice but to lead everyone to help Huang Feihu.

Without Qiu Yin, and Chen Qi was now restrained by Zheng Lun, there was no one in Qinglong Pass who could support the overall situation. Huang Feihu drove straight in and killed everyone in Qinglong Pass.

Soon the entire Qinglong Pass was under control.

Chen Qi had enough to deal with Zheng Lun, and with Nezha and the others coming to take action, Chen Qi soon lost to these people. After hurting his arm, he was directly stabbed in the ribs by the spear in Huang Feihu's hand. When he fell, he died in an instant, and he couldn't die anymore.

Once Chen Qi died, Qinglong Pass had become Huang Feihu's territory.

After taking control of Qinglong Pass, Huang Feihu arranged for the generals to guard the pass, and then sent Nezha to report the news to Jiang Ziya first. He and his army arrived soon after.

Nezha arrived at Sishui Pass in a hurry. After telling Jiang Ziya about the situation, Jiang Ziya felt relieved.

After waiting for Huang Feihu's army to return, Jiang Ziya welcomed them out.

"The purpose of dividing our troops into three groups this time is for my great plan of the Eastern Expedition. Jiameng Pass and Qinglong Pass are important passes that inhibit our food routes. If we cannot win, King Zhou will control our food and grass." Yes, our Eastern Expedition was full of difficulties. After winning these two levels this time, we felt much more relaxed. However, it was a pity that many generals under our command this time, Deng Jiugong also died, Huang Tianxiang also died, and many others Soldiers!"

Jiang Ziya said sadly.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ziya directly ordered to pay homage to many dead generals.

Afterwards, Jiang Ziya gathered everyone in his tent.

"Everyone, now we have won two of the three passes. Only the Bishui Pass in front of us is left. I am calling everyone today to ask everyone to cheer up. Our three armies will use our lives to take the Bishui Pass directly!"

Jiang Ziya said.

Then everyone expressed their stance together and vowed to capture Sishui Pass.

Jiang Ziya wrote a letter directly and ordered Xin Jia to come.

"General Xin, please deliver my handwritten letter to Han Rong at Sishui Pass!"

Jiang Ziya said.

When Xin Jia heard this, he nodded and went to Han Rong's camp.

Han Rong's face darkened after seeing the letter.

"I understand. Go back and tell Jiang Ziya that I will fight to the death with him tomorrow!"

After Han Rong sent Xin Jia away, he read Jiang Ziya's letter again.

The content in it was nothing more than stating the purpose of his expedition. Han Rong was also a little panicked at the moment. After all, Jiang Ziya was quite powerful. He defeated many people of Dashang in Xiqi.

Now that Xiqi is out again, it is natural that he is bound to win.

"General, it's bad, the people who inquired about the news are back. Jiameng Pass and Qinglong Pass have been occupied by the Zhou people!"

Han Rong's deputy general ran directly to Han Rong's tent and said.

"What did you say? Even Qinglong Pass was captured. Where is Qiu Yin?"

Han Rong asked hurriedly.

"It is said that Qiu Yin ran away and Chen Qi was killed. Now Huang Feihu's general is guarding Qinglong Pass!"

After his men finished speaking, Han Rong became even more agitated. So Jiang Ziya is now a three-pronged army united in one place!

Now tomorrow's battle will be a bit difficult.

It would be okay if there were only Jiang Ziya and his team, but now that all three people are gathered together, it may be a bit difficult to handle now!

There are only tens of thousands of horses and horses in Sishui Pass, but Jiang Ziya has hundreds of thousands of people!

After Han Rong thought about it, he felt that there was no good way. He would have to act according to the situation tomorrow!

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