Liu Ming's determination made Jiang Ziya feel a little relieved.

He felt that Liu Ming must have thought of a countermeasure. After all, Yang Jian was his disciple and there was no way he could watch Yang Jian die.

At this moment, Yang Jian has arrived at Golden Turtle Island.

But now he is not his own appearance, but has used his transformation method to become Yu Hua's appearance.

He was following Liu Ming's instructions.

"Master! You can't harm me! This is the base camp of Jiejiao!"

After Yang Jian thought silently in his heart, he came to Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan was meditating when he suddenly saw his apprentice coming in and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Didn't you go to assist Han Rong in dealing with Jiang Ziya? Why are you back!"

Yu Yuan asked.

"Master, you don't know something. I did go to deal with this Jiang Ziya, and I also used the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword to injure both Nezha and Lei Zhenzi under his command. But then Yang Jian came, and he was a bit powerful. , when I was dealing with him, I was accidentally scratched by the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword, and now I feel uncomfortable all over, please help me, Master!"

Yang Jian transformed into Yu Hua at this moment, but the wound on his shoulder was still there.

When Yu Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

He took a look at the wound on Yang Jian's shoulder. It was indeed the wound from the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword!

Now he completely believed the words of Yu Yuan, the incarnation of Yang Jian.

"You are really careless. But who is this Yang Jian? He was able to accidentally injure you under the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword. By the way, when he was refining this Blood-Transforming Divine Sword, he was refining it with his master. The three pills are to detoxify the poison of the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword. Now that you are holding the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword, it is useless to keep this pill with me. You can take it together! It is also considered as giving it to yourself. A guarantee!"

After Yu Yuan finished speaking, he handed the three pills to "Yu Hua".

Although Yang Jian was a little surprised when he saw that he had obtained the antidote, he did not dare to show it, but looked calm.

After saying goodbye to Yu Yuan, Yang Jian ran away directly with the antidote.

After Yu Yuan watched his apprentice leave, he couldn't help but be a little confused. Who is this Yang Jian, who could actually hurt Yu Huadu, especially now that Yu Hua has the blood-transforming magic sword!

"The blood-transforming magic sword refined by Pindao can kill people when exposed to blood. Yang Jian is actually not afraid. Is it a bit strange? Huh? Will he die when exposed to blood?"

Yu Yuan suddenly froze on the spot. Only then did he think of the key point. Since Yu Hua himself had been stabbed, why could he insist on coming to see him?

The more Yu Yuan thought about it, the more strange he felt, so he just counted it with his fingers.

In an instant, Yu Yuan's expression changed drastically, and his whole body was filled with anger.

"Okay, you must be Yang Jian! You actually dare to come here to cheat me on the elixir. It's really hateful. I will make sure you never come back this time!"

After Yu Yuan finished speaking, he chased directly outside.

He just counted with his fingers and realized that the person just now was not his disciple.

Yang Jian didn't dare to stop after taking the elixir, and kept running wildly along the way. However, Yu Yuan was very familiar with Golden Turtle Island, and secondly, the golden-eyed camel he was sitting on was also a very fast mount.

It didn't take long before Yu Yuan discovered Yang Jian.

And Yang Jian also heard the movement behind him and threw his three-pointed two-edged knife directly.

Yu Yuan looked at the flying weapon and turned sideways to avoid it.

But when he turned around, Yang Jian had already left Golden Turtle Island.

Yu Yuan couldn't help but feel a little unwilling, but now that he had left Golden Turtle Island, he returned to Jiang Ziya. Yu Yuan felt that if he chased after him, he might cause trouble, so he might as well wait for the opportunity to act on his own initiative!

Then he returned to his dojo.

But Yang Jian didn't dare to stop along the way, and returned to the camp not long after.

"Master, I got the antidote, but Yu Yuan had already discovered it, and actually chased him out. I almost caught him. Fortunately, I ran fast!"

Yang Jian said with some fear.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. It's time for Yu Yuan and his disciple Yu Hua to be on the list of gods. Go and give the elixir to Jiang Ziya and let him rescue Lei Zhenzi and Nezha!"

Liu Ming gave instructions, and Jiang Ziya was probably already looking forward to it!

Yang Jian directly followed Liu Ming's arrangement and came to Jiang Ziya's camp. Seeing Jiang Ziya's frown, he smiled.

"Prime Minister, I'm back!"

After Yang Jian finished speaking. When Jiang Ziya looked up, his face suddenly became a little surprised.

"I'm back, okay, okay, I got the antidote!"

Jiang Ziya asked with some anticipation.

Yang Jian nodded, and then took out the elixir and gave it to Jiang Ziya. Jiang Ziya was overjoyed and hurriedly arranged for someone to deliver it to Lei Zhenzi.

"Muzha, come here and deliver this antidote to Nezha!"

After listening to Jiang Ziya's words, Mu Zha nodded and walked out directly.

After Nezha was injured, Master Taiyi was worried and sent a boy to pick him up.

This time Yang Jian stole the elixir and could only give it to Nezha.

The next day, Yang Jian went directly to Han Rong's camp to call for formation.

When Han Rong saw that Dazhou Jiang Ziya actually dared to call for battle, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, and directly ordered Yu Hua to go out.

Yu Hua went to kill outside, and when he saw Yang Jian, he couldn't help but be a little shocked. This Yang Jian was hit by his own blood-transforming magic sword, and he could still fight?

"Yu Hua, you wouldn't have thought that I could still be so active after being stabbed by you. Haha, to be honest with you, you have the knife, and I have the antidote!"

After Yang Jian finished speaking, Yu Hua was stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian actually had the antidote to his own blood-transforming magic sword. In this case, his blood-transforming magic sword would be useless!

Yu Hua suddenly panicked, but when Yang Jian saw his appearance, he sneered and killed him directly.

Yu Hua's heart sank when he saw Yang Jian coming to kill him, and he swung his weapon and struck him.

Since his magic weapon, the Blood-Transforming Magic Sword, is useless, he will have to fight to the death with Yang Jian!

The two fought for more than ten rounds, and Yu Hua became even more panicked because he was no match for Yang Jian.

Yang Jian became more courageous as he fought, while Yu Hua retreated more and more as he fought.

It is said that after Lei Zhenzi took the elixir brought by Yang Jian, it didn't take long for him to recover from his injuries.

As soon as he heard that Yang Jian went out to fight Yu Hua, he became angry. Yu Hua almost killed him. He would not let him go this time, so he waved his wings and went out.

After reaching the sky, he saw Yu Hua and Yang Jian fighting. He sneered in his heart and smashed the golden stick in his hand.

The target was Yu Hua's head, which was retreating at this moment.

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