At this moment, Tu Xingsun came back from urging for food. He saw Yu Yuan running away in the distance and was stunned.

What Tu Xingsun looked at was the golden-eyed five-cloud camel under Yu Yuan's crotch.

The more Tu Xingsun looked at it, the more he liked it. This golden-eyed five-cloud camel was so beautiful, and it was so fast. Tu Xingsun felt that if he rode it, he would not only be much faster, but also more handsome!

Looking at Tu Xingsun, he felt very itchy, but soon Yu Yuan had disappeared, and Tu Xingsun could not be seen either.

I returned to Jiang Ziya's camp with some regret and handed over the food and grass.

At this moment, Jiang Ziya was also a little upset because of Yu Yuan's matter.

After killing Yu Hua, he originally thought that he had obtained the Bishui Pass, but in the end, Yu Yuan, Yu Hua's master, came.

This Yu Yuan is a disciple of Biyou Palace, or a third-generation disciple. Jiang Ziya doesn't know how to deal with him. The key is that there is no way to deal with him now.

Although Yu Yuan had been injured in the battle just now, the problem was that the magic weapon in Yu Yuan's hand, the Golden Light File, was a powerful magic weapon.

Jiang Ziya sighed helplessly.

After Tu Xingsun returned the food and grass, he returned to his room, looked at Deng Chanyu and walked over.

"Madam, who was that person who passed by just now?"

Tu Xingsun asked.

"It seems to be Yu Hua's master Yu Yuan, what's wrong?"

Deng Chanyu asked.

"It turns out he is Yu Hua's master. No wonder, madam, you don't know. I just saw him leaving. The mount under him was so majestic! I really envy him!"

Tu Xingsun said.

He was still thinking about the golden-eyed five-cloud camel under Yu Yuan's seat.

"Mount? What are you doing!"

Deng Chanyu looked at Tu Xingsun and asked. She knew that Tu Xingsun must have had his own plans when he said this.

Sure enough, Tu Xingsun showed a hint of greed in his eyes.

"His mount is really beautiful. I want to steal his mount. What do you think?"

Tu Xingsun looked at Deng Chanyu and asked.

When Deng Chanyu heard this, she couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"You want to steal Yu Yuan's mount? You know that Yu Yuan is a disciple of Biyou Palace and has extraordinary strength. I'm afraid your strength is not enough. You will only die in vain if you go!"

Deng Chanyu said with some disdain.

But Tu Xingsun actually laughed.

"Madam, no matter how strong or weak he is, the key is that he is not on guard. In addition, I just ran away, stole his mount and ran away. He can't catch up with me!"

Tu Xingsun said very confidently.

After hearing this, Deng Chanyu couldn't help but frown.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with this! It's better not to do this!"

Deng Chanyu looked at Tu Xingsun and said.

After Tu Xingsun heard this, he shook his head. He had already made up his mind about this matter. In addition, he was already thinking about the situation when he rode the golden-eyed five-cloud camel in his mind. It was very exciting!

Tu Xingsun can no longer extricate himself from his fantasy.

"Hey! Since you want to do this, I can't stop you. Go explain it to the Prime Minister and see how he arranges it!"

Deng Chanyu looked at Tu Xingsun's expression and knew that Tu Xingsun had already made up his mind.

So I thought about letting him go to Jiang Ziya. At least Jiang Ziya could persuade him, and even if it didn't work, he could give him some ideas.

But after Tu Xingsun heard this, he shook his head.

"No need, why bother alarming the Prime Minister with this trivial matter? Just wait for me, I'll come right away!"

After Tu Xingsun finished speaking, he disappeared directly with Tu Dun.

Deng Chanyu could only sigh.

At this moment, in the Sishui Pass, Yu Yuan couldn't help but look more and more gloomy looking at the injuries on his body. Jiang Ziya and the others dared to hurt him. He couldn't bear it anymore.

Yu Yuan, who was about to go to bed, suddenly felt something bad, so he counted with his fingers again, and then his face showed a hint of gloom.

Tu Xingsun directly escaped to Han Rong's camp. He found Yu Yuan's tent and escaped directly into it again.

Just after revealing his head, Tu Xingsun saw Yu Yuan sleeping beside him, and next to him was the golden-eyed five-cloud camel.

Tu Xingsun couldn't help but be overjoyed. He came directly to the Golden Eyed Wuyun Camel and rode on it. After playing with it for a while, Tu Xingsun looked at Yu Yuan and walked over directly. He picked up the iron rod in his hand. He hit Yu Yuan directly and heard a bang, hitting Yu Yuan on the head.

Then he hit it again, but there was no change in Yu Yuan who was lying on the bed. Tu Xingsun couldn't help being a little shocked.

"That's all, I forgive you today. Let's talk about it tomorrow. I'll steal the mount first!"

After Tu Xingsun finished speaking, he climbed directly onto the Golden Eyes Wuyun Camel, slapped his head and flew out.

And just as he left, Yu Yuan opened his eyes.

Tu Xingsun rode the golden-eyed five-cloud camel and ran out directly, but when he arrived at Sishui Pass, the golden-eyed five-cloud camel stopped directly.

No matter how much Tu Xingsun slapped and shouted, he was indifferent.

Then the golden-eyed five-cloud camel fell down and threw Tu Xingsun to the ground.

Tu Xingsun had just stood up and was about to have a seizure. Suddenly he felt himself being lifted up. When he turned around, he saw Yu Yuan.

"You thief, how dare you steal Pindao's mount? It's really abominable. Come here!"

Yu Yuan directly carried Tu Xingsun back to the camp. Tu Xingsun had already been blocked by him.

After returning to the camp, Han Rong was alerted and came over.

"Taoist Priest, what's going on!"

Han Rong asked hurriedly.

Yu Yuan told him about Tu Xingsun stealing his mount.

When Han Rong heard this, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. How courageous!

"But Taoist Master, the thief has been caught, why don't you put him down and insist on carrying him!"

Han Rong asked.

"You don't know something. This thief can use Earth Escape. As long as his feet touch the ground, he will escape through Earth Escape. This is the only way. You go to my place and bring me the Qiankun Ruyi bag on my futon, and I will put him in it. !”

After Yu Yuan finished speaking, Han Rong hurriedly went to Yu Yuan's futon to get the Qiankun Ruyi Bag.

I saw Yu Yuan directly put the Tu Xingsun in.

Later, Yu Yuan used the Samadhi True Fire to burn Tu Xingsun in the Qiankun Bag.

He wanted to burn Tu Xingsun to death.

Tu Xingsun tried to struggle in the Qiankun Ruyi Bag, but he couldn't get out.

The flames below were gradually getting stronger and stronger, and Tu Xingsun could no longer bear it.

"Let me out, hurry up, burn me to death!"

Listening to Tu Xingsun yelling, both Yu Yuan and Han Rong smiled.

"Today in this bag of good fortune, no matter how much you struggle and scream, it's useless. You just have to wait until you turn into a pile of powder!"

After Yu Yuan finished speaking, he once again strengthened the power of Samadhi True Fire.

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