"Zhen Liusun, you are waiting for me here!"

Yu Yuan couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw that Fear Liusun had tied him up.

He was accidentally caught by Zhen Liusun.

After hearing this, Zhen Liusun laughed.

"Yu Yuan, you are also ignorant. The days are like this, and you have to come to stop it. Now you have suffered such a disaster. This is your own fault. You can't blame others!"

After Zhen Liusun looked at Yu Yuan and finished speaking, he directly raised his hand and took away Yu Yuan who was tied up with the immortal rope.

Seeing that Yu Yuan had been captured this time, Jiang Ziya couldn't help but be overjoyed and hurried back to his camp.

Seeing that Yu Yuan had been brought back, Jiang Ziya directly ordered Yu Yuan to be killed.

Huang Feihu got the order and took Yu Yuan out.

But after a while Huang Feihu came back again.

"Prime Minister, I don't know what kind of magic Yu Yuan used. The sword used to kill him was actually split open, making it impossible to kill him!"

Huang Feihu said a little depressed.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, what a guy, he can't even kill him with a knife.

Then Wei Hu was asked to go forward. After Wei Hu received the order, he directly hit him with the demon-subduing pestle.

But it was still useless. Flames burst out all around, but Yu Yuan was still intact.

This made Jiang Ziya stunned for a while.

Can't kill anymore?

"Master, this Yu Yuan is really abominable. Now that I have tried all my methods, it still has no effect. What should I do?"

Jiang Ziya asked.

After hearing this, Yan Liusun thought for a moment and said.

"In my opinion, the current situation is that Yu Yuan cannot be subdued by ordinary means. Ziya, this is what you need!"

Fearful to stay Sun said something in Jiang Ziya's ear.

Jiang Ziya nodded after hearing this, and directly ordered someone to make a large iron cabinet according to the method of fearing Liu Sun.

Then Yu Yuan was put into it, and Jiang Ziya personally supervised and threw the large iron cabinet containing Yu Yuan into the sea.

Jiang Ziya felt relieved when he saw the iron cabinet completely sinking into the bottom of the sea. In this way, Yu Yuan would probably die at the bottom of the sea and not be able to come out.

Only then did he feel relieved and return to his camp.

In the void at this moment, Liu Ming looked at Yu Yuan who had sunk to the bottom of the sea and couldn't help but laugh.

"Master, this Yu Yuan has no hope of survival! This time Yu Hua was killed. His master Yu Yuan came, but he couldn't escape being killed. He really lost his apprentice and his master!"

Yang Jian looked at Liu Ming and said.

"Haha, you are wrong. This Yu Hua is indeed dead, but this Yu Yuan is not so easy to kill!"

Liu Ming shook his head and said.

"What? Yu Yuan has been put into an iron cabinet, surrounded by the spell seals of Fear Liu Sun and Jiang Ziya. Could he still be alive?"

Yang Jian asked with his eyes widened.

"Haha, even though he was locked up in an iron cabinet, you have to know that Yu Yuan is a disciple of Biyou Palace, or a third-generation disciple, just like Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao and the others. In addition, he is known as a Qi Immortal. He has no real ability at all. It's impossible, do you understand? So even though Yu Yuan was sunk to the bottom of the sea, he couldn't be trapped!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Yang Jian once again cast his gaze into the seabed, but he didn't see any clues. Yu Yuan didn't come out either!

"Master, can this Yu Yuan really escape?"

Yang Jian still said with some disbelief.

"It is estimated that the remaining Yuan will be able to escape in a few breaths at most. If you don't believe it, just watch!"

Liu Ming pointed to the seabed and said.

After Yang Jian heard this, he looked at the bottom of the sea. He was a little curious that Yu Yuan came out like this.

It is said that Yu Yuan was locked in an iron cabinet and thrown into the sea.

Originally, Yu Yuan was able to escape through water, but now he was given a chance. Although the iron cabinet had a seal, the five elements were incompatible with each other and could not play any role in the water. Yu Yuan used his magic to break free.

After Yu Yuan escaped from the trap, he did not show his face at the bottom of the sea and swam directly towards the deep sea. Suddenly, a clearly visible ripple appeared on the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, Yang Jian looked at Yu Yuan's figure in the void, and his expression changed. He really ran out. What a great skill. He clenched the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand and shot towards the bottom of the sea.

And Liu Ming was even more quick-witted and quickly held him down.

"What are you going to do!"

Liu Ming asked angrily.

"Master, this Yu Yuan has run away! Why don't you take the opportunity to kill him? You must know that he is against us! Besides, this Yu Yuan has run away, and I am afraid he will become the enemy of Da Zhou!"

Yang Jian said hurriedly.

"You can beat Yu Yuan. In addition, this Yu Yuan is going to Biyou Palace to complain, and it can also cause great dissatisfaction from the disciples in Biyou Palace and even the leader of Tongtian. This is a great thing. It can trigger a head-on conflict between Yuxu Palace and Biyou Palace. If you kill him, it won't spoil the matter!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he let go of Yang Jian's hand.

Yang Jian listened and touched his head. He had a feeling that his master Liu Ming seemed to have everything under his control.

"Master. This Yu Yuan was captured by Jiang Ziya and that Wei Liusun after a lot of effort. If he ran away this time, he might not be able to capture him next time! I guess Jiang Ziya was also kept in the dark at the moment. I thought I caught Yu Yuan!"

After Yang Jian finished speaking, Liu Ming glanced at him.

"What does Jiang Ziya's matter have to do with us? How about love? Anyway, this Yu Yuan is the key to triggering a full-scale counterattack by Biyou Palace. We can't let anything happen to him. Hurry up and go back to your Biyou Palace and Tongtian Leader, let’s complain properly!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he laughed and left with Yang Jian with a wave of his hand.

At this moment, Yu Yuan has been swimming under the sea for a long time.

Looking at the Golden Turtle Island that was already in front of him, Yu Yuan finally felt overjoyed and hurriedly swam over with all his strength.

Just after approaching Golden Turtle Island, Yu Yuan went directly to the island.

There happened to be a boy patrolling nearby, and he was shocked when he suddenly saw Yu Yuan appearing on the island.

"Who are you? This is a saint's ashram, how dare you be so blasphemous!"

The boy said directly to Yu Yuan.

"Hmph, you boy, don't you know Pindao? Pindao is a disciple of the Golden Spirit Holy Mother of Biyou Palace, and he has more than one spirit! Now he is being bullied by Jiang Ziya of Yuxu Palace, which is why he is in this situation, hurry up Take me to see my master!"

Yu Yuan scolded the boy, but now the boy saw clearly, it turned out that Yu Yuan was really an immortal!

But I don’t know why I’m in such a situation, I look a little down and out, and I’m also a little injured.

Then the boy didn't dare to delay and hurriedly helped Yu Yuan to the palace of Our Lady of Jinling.

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