After Han Rong finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh, so he hurriedly called his two sons to pack their things quickly.

"Father, stop, you can't leave. You are the commander-in-chief of Sishui Pass of Dashang. Now you have the important task of stopping Jiang Ziya, how can you leave so easily!"

Han Sheng said.

"Hey, I don't know what you are talking about. The Chengtang Dynasty treated the Han family well and appointed my father as the chief military officer of Sishui Pass of the Great Shang Dynasty. My father also wanted to protect the Great Shang Dynasty, but the problem is now As a father, I really feel like I can’t hold on! You have to understand that Jiang Ziya has many soldiers in the Great Zhou Dynasty, so what can we do to defend Sishui Pass!"

Han Rong sighed to himself as he spoke.

After hearing this, Han Sheng shook his head.

"Father, the child you are talking about knows that you were rewarded with a high position by a great businessman, a wife and son, and enjoyed the glory and wealth. Now that the great businessman is in danger, once Jiang Ziya breaks through the Sishui Pass, he will drive straight in and head towards Chaoge. , My father has thought about this. A loyal minister and a good general must defend his family and country to the death to show his loyalty. Now my father has packed his bags and is running away, which makes everyone in the world laugh at him!"

After Han Sheng finished speaking, Han Rong's expression changed.

"I understand what you said, and I don't want to do this, but we can't lead so many people to die in vain! Even if we defend to the death, in the end we will only let Jiang Ziya kill tens of thousands more dead souls in vain!"

After Han Rong finished speaking, Han Sheng suddenly laughed.

"Father, don't worry, Jiang Ziya may not be able to break through the Sishui Pass this time. My brother and I have been studying this strange formation these days, and now we have achieved some results. Now we can resist Jiang Ziya!"

After Han Sheng finished speaking, Han Rong looked at him in surprise.

"Hey, although I know that you are loyal wholeheartedly, you don't understand the dangers of war. If Jiang Ziya is dissatisfied, blood will eventually flow into rivers and lives will be ruined!"

Han Rong felt that Han Sheng might have had a sudden idea and did not understand the dangers of war!

"Father doesn't believe it. When I get this treasure, he will know it when he sees it!"

Han Sheng directly fetched an object that looked like a windmill from the study. There was a pole in the middle of the thing, and there were rotating turntables around it. On the turntable were four flags, earth, fire, water, and wind!

"Isn't this a children's toy? What does it do? You are kidding!"

Han Rong shook his head and said.

"Father, it's not convenient to show it now. You can see the effect after I get off the school grounds!"

After Han Sheng finished speaking, Han Rong had no choice but to go to the school grounds.

Han Sheng and Han Bian were seen muttering words and waving their flags.

In an instant, the windmill started spinning and hundreds of sharp blades were shot out.

Han Rong didn't hold much hope at first, but now he was a little dumbfounded when he saw such a battle. The blade was so powerful that after it flew out, it was directly inserted into the wall.

"Father, how effective is this! This is the Ten Thousand Blades Chariot, extremely powerful!"

Han Sheng said boastfully.

"It's really awesome. How many more of these do you have?"

Han Rong asked hurriedly.

"Father, we have made nearly three thousand. Regardless of whether Jiang Ziya is a million-strong soldier or hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers, in front of this thousand-edged chariot, he is as white as a bone, and there cannot be any ability to stop him!"

After Han Sheng finished speaking, Han Rongcai's face showed excitement.

Three thousand. If they were sent out together, it is estimated that more than 10,000 Jiang Ziya people would be killed in one encounter.

In this way, Jiang Ziya's hundreds of thousands of people will be gone after more than a dozen times!

In this way, why can't we defend the Sishui Pass!

After returning to his camp, Han Rong was no longer as anxious as before.

"By the way, you two have been following me. How did you learn such spells and abilities? It's really strange!"

Han Rong looked at Han Sheng and asked.

They have been guarding Sishui Pass for these years, and the two of them have been by Han Rong's side, and they have never learned any magic!

"Father, when you went to the court to pay homage to the king, my brother and I met a beggar, and later gave him some food. Seeing that we both had some wisdom, the tutu insisted on accepting us as disciples and taught us this magic. , he said that he would definitely be able to use it if he met Jiang Ziya in the future.

But for so many years, the two of us didn't know who Jiang Ziya was, and we didn't understand until Jiang Ziya came to Sishui Pass. Therefore, the two of us have been practicing secretly to make this ten thousand-blade chariot, and now it is worthy of use. "

After Han Sheng finished speaking, Han Rongcai suddenly realized that he had had such an opportunity many years ago.

It seems that there is hope for me to defend the Sishui Pass this time.

"Okay, God will not kill me, but it will also help my Han family to create a loyal person. You two will recruit some men and horses, and immediately go to study and master this thousand-blade chariot, so that you can fight against the enemy as soon as possible!"

After Han Rong finished speaking, Han Sheng nodded.

Then the entire camp of 3,000 people were studying the Ten Thousand Blades Chariot.

After Jiang Ziya killed Yu Yuan, he finally relaxed and felt extremely relaxed.

"Although Han Rong is still guarding Bishui Pass now, I'm afraid that if he can hold on for a few days at most, he will collapse! Haha, we don't have to rush to attack the city, we can just wait. What do you think?"

Jiang Ziya asked.

When everyone heard it, they felt it made sense.

Jiang Ziya wants to defeat others without fighting!

But he thought simply.

Liu Ming, who was having nothing to do, suddenly felt a strong murderous intention in Han Rong's camp.

Liu Ming hurriedly looked up into the sky.

I could see that the entire Sishuiguan camp was practicing this Ten Thousand Blade Chariot.

This thousand-blade chariot is so powerful because the four flags of earth, fire, water, and wind are planted on it, so it can activate countless sharp blades. After being blown by the wind, the flaming blades are even more powerful.

After reading it, Liu Ming couldn't help but feel a little unbearable.

This Thousand-Blade Chariot must have caused heavy losses to the entire Great Zhou Dynasty!

Although the Ten Thousand Blades Chariot was a flash in the pan in the end, once the problem came out, it would definitely cause the entire Great Week to lose nearly tens of thousands of soldiers.

Liu Ming frowned. This thing hurt too much. If it were a normal fight, Liu Ming would not care. This is a normal thing. There is no way to fight without death.

The key is that this Wanbian Chao is somewhat harmful to Tianhe!

"Hey, I didn't want to intervene at first, but now this situation really cannot be ignored! Just tell Jiang Ziya and let him take precautions early, otherwise it will be this mortal who will be harmed in the end. I don't want to see such a killing!"

Liu Ming secretly thought to himself. He originally thought about destroying the Ten Thousand Blade Chariot, but then he thought about it. This was also one of the catastrophes, and it was also destined by the gods to measure the calamity. Someone had already secretly taught the Thousand Blade Chariot. It's hard for me to intervene.

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