Taoist Duobao said this, which can be regarded as poking a hornet's nest.

The Twelve Golden Immortals were immediately shocked. Duobao was simply too deceptive!

"Junior brothers, this time we need Master and other saints to personally take action to break the Immortal Killing Formation. We should wait and see if we don't get into trouble. After all, the Immortal Killing Formation doesn't need anything else. We can't let anything go wrong!"

Ran Deng looked at the Twelve Golden Immortals and tried to persuade him.

When the Twelve Golden Immortals heard this, they all held back.

But at this moment, Taoist Duobao came out with a sword in hand.

"Guangchengzi, stop!"

Taoist Duobao shouted loudly.

When Guangchengzi heard someone calling him, he turned around and saw that it was Taoist Duobao. Guangchengzi's face suddenly darkened.

Back in Biyou Palace, I was bullied a lot by Duobao and the others!

This time, Duobao dared to come out to so many of his fellow disciples. He was simply seeking death!

"Duobao, huh, back then you bullied me so hard in Biyou Palace, wasn't it just because you had so many people in Biyou Palace? Now you dare to come out to provoke me, do you think that my brothers from Yuxu Palace can still spare you? !”

After Guangchengzi finished speaking, the Twelve Golden Immortals had already looked at Duobao.

Duobao ignored the others and went straight to Guang Chengzi. When Guang Chengzi saw that he dared to attack, he was rude.

The two of them fought together. Although the others did not take action, they stood together around Taoist Duobao, which made Duobao feel a little pressured.

After the two fought for several rounds, Guangchengzi looked at Duobao and sneered, and took out an object in his hand, which was Guangchengzi's Fantian Seal.

As soon as Fan Tianyin came out, he hit Taoist Duobao directly.

Although Duobao had many magic weapons, none of them could withstand the attack of this heavenly seal. He was hit directly on the back. Duobao was in pain. In addition, the Twelve Golden Immortals were looking at him eagerly at this moment. In desperation, He could only take the opportunity to dodge back to the Zhuxian Formation.

Seeing Duobao running away, Guangchengzi couldn't help being furious, and chased after Duobao with Fantian Seal in hand.

"No, come back. In front of you is the Zhuxian Formation. Are you confident that you can come out of the formation alive?"

Ran Deng shouted loudly from the side, which was enough to wake Guang Chengzi up.

He stopped in a hurry and could only watch Duobao escape.

"Okay, let's all go back. We have already seen the Zhuxian Formation. We still need Master to come and decide how to break the formation. Let's go!"

After Ran Deng finished speaking, although the Twelve Golden Immortals were a little reluctant, they knew how powerful the Immortal Killing Formation was and had no choice but to go back.

Jiang Ziya watched the Twelve Golden Immortals and Ran Deng come back and didn't dare to ask any more questions. After all, he couldn't help with this matter and he didn't have the strength.

Yun Zhongzi on the side has been sitting calmly. As for the actions of the Twelve Golden Immortals just now, he didn't care or help.

The one with the same expression was Taoist Lu Ya.

"Master is here!"

Suddenly, Yun Zhongzi stood up and said.

Upon hearing this, everyone hurriedly looked up and saw auspicious clouds blooming in the sky. From the auspicious clouds, the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot flew down directly.

After the Kowloon Agarwood Chariot landed, and after a burst of bells and drums, Yuanshi Tianzun walked out.

Immediately, the surrounding fairy spirit lingered.

"Disciple welcomes Master!"

Yun Zhongzi took the lead, followed by the lanterns, the Twelve Golden Immortals and Jiang Ziya stood in a row and saluted directly to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Taoist Lu Ya stood aside and owed his body.

Yuanshi Tianzun gently raised his hand, and everyone moved out of the way.

I saw Yuanshi Tianzun walking step by step on the reed.

He looked up at the red light in the distance and sighed softly.

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly frowned and glanced at the sky.

Everyone also sensed it and looked over hastily.

As a result, golden lights flashed in the sky, and the golden-winged roc eagle was spreading its wings and flying towards Lu Peng.

While everyone was astonished, the figure on the back of the golden-winged roc eagle gradually became clearer.

"I wonder which fellow Taoist is here?"

With so many people in Yuxu Palace, only Jiang Ziya was weak. He couldn't see very far, so he only saw the golden light and didn't see clearly who was coming.

"Hmph, who else do you think the golden-winged roc eagle can be next to you?"

Guang Chengzi said with a sneer.

Golden-winged Dapeng eagle?

Isn’t this Liu Ming’s mount?

Jiang Ziya was a little confused, but suddenly he realized that it was Liu Ming who was here!

But it is still unclear whether Liu Ming is here to help or to cause trouble!

Not long after, the golden-winged roc eagle retracted its wings, and Liu Ming slowly landed on the ground.

"Prince of the Demon Race, why are you here? Why, do you want to get involved in the affairs of my Yuxu Palace?"

Chi Jingjing looked at Liu Ming and asked.

"I was ordered by the Taoist Patriarch to supervise the Conferring Gods to measure the calamity. Now that I see you all gathered together, I am a little confused, so I want to come and have a closer look. Otherwise, I can't answer the Taoist Patriarch's question! Why, do you have any objections? ?Yes, I can’t control the affairs of your Yuxu Palace, but if you have any objections, you can go to Zixiao Palace and talk to Dao Ancestor!”

Liu Ming spread his hands and said.

Humph, I just forget about being polite to you on weekdays, but now this is the Immortal Killing Formation!

It would be unreasonable if Liu Ming didn't come to see it!


Chi Jing was speechless after Liu Ming was squeezed out.

But Yuanshi Tianzun didn't even look at Liu Ming from beginning to end, his eyes were all on the Immortal Killing Formation.

"Since the prince of the demon clan has an important responsibility, we don't need to ask more questions. However, we also ask the prince of the demon clan to remember his important responsibility and not to meddle in his own business. Haha, I am kindly reminding you, otherwise the consequences will be serious!"

True Monarch Qingxu Daode looked at Liu Ming and said coldly.

"none of your business!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, before Qingxu Daode Zhenjun could take action, he came to Yuanshi Tianzun.

"I've met the Saint of Yuanshi!"

Liu Ming was not arrogant this time, but kept his posture very low.

Yuanshi Tianzun still didn't look at him.

"The arrival of the Saint of the First Emperor in person makes the whole world shine!"

Liu Mingcai didn't care and said to Yuanshi Tianzun again.

Anyway, if you don’t say anything, I will keep chatting with you. I will reach out and not hit the smiling person. I have already done this. If Yuanshi Tianzun hits himself, at least it will have an impact on his prestige as a saint. To use a fashionable word, dignified Saint, the layout is a bit small!

Sure enough, after Liu Ming finished speaking again, Yuanshi Tianzun glanced sideways at Liu Ming.

"You said you supervised the calamity. Now Junior Brother Tongtian of Biyou Palace has used the Immortal Killing Sword that shouldn't belong here. Just go and uphold justice and let him take back the Immortal Killing Formation!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun read Liu Ming, he said something calmly and calmly.

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