Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 493: Entering the formation and taking a look

Then, after looking around the Immortal Killing Formation, he directly chose the due east position and fell down.

The one placed due east is the Zhuxian Sword, which is the Zhuxian Sect!

The Twelve Golden Immortals, Ran Deng, Yun Zhongzi and others watched Yuanshi Tianzun enter the Immortal Killing Formation and hurried over to watch.

Liu Ming on the side was also a little curious and couldn't help walking over.

He wanted to see what kind of power this Immortal Killing Formation had.

But when I first looked at it, it seemed to be ordinary, nothing special!

There is only the Zhuxian Sword hanging high in the entire Zhuxian Sect, there is nothing special about it!

While Liu Ming was staring, Yuanshi Tianzun also walked over step by step.

When Master Tongtian saw that Yuanshi Tianzun had entered the formation, he sneered and threw a palm thunder in his hand.

After hearing a loud noise and shaking, the Zhuxian Sword shook, and a change occurred in an instant, and the entire Zhuxian Sect became extremely weird.

Liu Ming couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw all the changes in the Zhuxian Sect. The aura around him was flowing, and the power of strangulation was exuding everywhere.

Moreover, Liu Ming might be able to withstand at least one of this power, and then he would have to resign himself to his fate.

Seeing this change, Yuanshi Tianzun's expression also changed. As soon as he stretched out his hand, golden light emitted from his body. A golden lotus appeared under the golden light, and another golden light appeared under the golden lotus. It kept changing.

And Yuanshi Tianzun stepped on the golden lotus and walked over step by step, wearing golden light.

Only after Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the southeast, northwest, and then retreated from the Immortal Killing Formation.

Others may not have seen it clearly, but Liu Ming could see it clearly. The golden lotus and golden light on Yuanshi Tianzun withstood all the attacks from the Zhuxian Sect, and kept disappearing and regenerating.

This was naturally Yuanshi Tianzun using his magic power to resist the damage from the Zhuxian Sect. By the time he came out, the last golden lotus on his body had disappeared.


Liu Ming couldn't help but sighed. Even the dignified Yuanshi Tianzun could not walk easily in the formation. His calmness just now was an illusion. Yuanshi Tianzun was actually using his own magic power to resist with all his strength.

The Zhuxian Formation and the Zhuxian Sect are so powerful. No wonder the formation set up by one Saint cannot be broken without the Four Saints!

When Hongjun teamed up with many Hongmeng bosses to break the Luohu Immortal Killing Formation, it might have been just as difficult!

The disciples of Yuxu Palace saw Yuanshi Tianzun coming out and surrounded him.

Only Yun Zhongzi and Ran Deng may have seen some clues about Yuanshi Tianzun.

Others found nothing at all and thought that Yuanshi Tianzun just went in for a casual walk and then came out.

"Master. How about this Immortal Killing Sword Formation!"

Master Huanglong asked.

"I can't tell, I can't see through it!"

Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head.

When Master Huang Long heard this, he couldn't help but become a little confused.

What a feeling!

"Master, since you entered the great formation, why don't you just break his Immortal Killing Formation and let him suffer a lot!"

Fear Liu Sun asked.

Liu Ming on the side couldn't help but want to laugh after hearing what Fear Liusun said.

It’s not that your master can’t break it, he can’t!

He is really a fool. If he can break the formation, how can the majestic Yuanshi Tianzun, the most scheming and shameless person, not break it and keep it for the New Year!

It’s just that there’s nothing he can do!

Now Zhen Liusun actually asked directly, isn't this causing trouble for Yuanshi Tianzun!

"Ahem, this heaven-reaching Immortal Killing Formation is not as simple as you think. After all, it is a great killing formation in the ancient times. It is not easy to break. In addition, my senior brother has not come yet, so I can't take action. I can't make a decision until my senior brother comes. You guys understand the etiquette!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said calmly.

After everyone listened, they understood.

It's amazing. This mouth doesn't make you a saint. If you go out to tell people's fortunes or do business, you're just a talented person. You obviously can't break it yourself. In the end, he became a model of respecting teachers and respecting morality! Not only did he cover up his embarrassment and embarrassment, he also became the object of worship by everyone.

Liu Ming sighed in his heart, he was absolutely inferior!

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, he was extremely shocked in his heart. This Immortal Killing Sword Formation is indeed powerful!

When Luo Hu used this Immortal Killing Formation to deal with Hongjun and the others, Yuanshi Tianzun and the others had never experienced it. Now that they entered the Immortal Killing Formation for the first time, they felt how powerful it was.

Liu Ming's guess was correct. Yuanshi Tianzun did use his own magic power to resist. The golden lotuses were directly broken, and then condensed again, and the cycle started again!

Unexpectedly, the Immortal Killing Formation was so powerful. Yuanshi Tianzun was thinking about it again now.

At this moment, Qingyun suddenly descended from the sky!

A person on the Banjiao Qingniu appeared holding floating dust in his hand.

Taishang Laojun is here.

Yuanshi Tianzun hurriedly led his disciples to greet him.

The Great Master Xuandu before Banjiao Qingniu also saluted Yuanshi Tianzun.

Also coming with him was the Antarctic Immortal. He was sent by Yuanshi Tianzun to find Taishang Laojun before he came, because Yuanshi Tianzun knew that he could not do it alone.

Only by calling Taishang Laojun can I have support.


Taishang Laojun asked.

He knew that Yuanshi Tianzun must have entered the formation.

"Hard to break!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said.

With many disciples in front of him, he couldn't explain it too clearly. In fact, he just couldn't break it.

"Well, that's natural. The power of the Four Swords of Zhuxian is extraordinary. Let's do this. I'll go meet Junior Brother Tongtian for a while and then we'll talk!"

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun nodded.

"Senior brother, be careful. Tongtian has completely broken up with you and me now. He won't estimate the love between the Three Pure Ones. Naturally, he won't leave any room for action. Don't be careless!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said.

"Haha, I know this clearly. Everything that has a cause must have an effect. Hey, that's it. Let's go meet for a while and talk about it later!"

Taishang Laojun asked Xuandu to stay, and he climbed onto the Banjiao Qingniu alone and headed towards the Zhuxian Formation.

Liu Ming couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Taishang Laojun entering the formation.

They should know how powerful the Immortal Killing Formation is! Why bother testing it.

If you still try to test something even though you know it is too serious to be done, then there must be something hidden in it.

"That's it!"

Suddenly, Liu Ming muttered something in a low voice, and he suddenly understood the key.

"Did the Demon Clan Prince think of a way to break the formation?"

Yuanshi Tianzun turned his head and glared at him.

"No, this Immortal Killing Formation is so powerful that only a saint can break it. Naturally, I am not qualified. I was thinking about something about the demon clan and that's why I lost my temper!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Liu Ming suspiciously, but soon his eyes were on Taishang Laojun without stopping too much.

After all, Taishang Laojun has entered the battle now, and we don’t know what the situation will be like.

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