Yuanshi Tianzun directly threw the Zhuxian Sword and the Immortal Trapping Sword.

At this moment, he already hated Liu Ming to the extreme.

But given the current situation, he naturally understood that this was the only way to go.

Otherwise, the Second Saint General of the West and the demon clan would join forces to force him.

In addition, the reason why these two swords were thrown out was because Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun had already experienced the lessons in Zhuxian Sect and Falling Immortal Sect, so they were naturally very familiar with them.

Only the Slaughter Immortal Sect and the Jue Immortal Sect have not learned the lesson, so they naturally have to keep it and cannot fall into the hands of others.

This is why Yuanshi Tianzun himself cannot set up the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, because he can't! Otherwise, now that he has set up this Immortal Killing Sword Formation, no one would dare to say anything.

In fact, he is not afraid even if he sets up the Zhuxian Sword Formation, because Liu Ming will be fine already.

The two sages from the West, Di Jun and Taiyi from the East, together with Nuwa, were able to break through his Immortal Killing Formation. If Tongtian were to be found at this time, Yuanshi Tianzun would probably peel off his skin even if he were not dead!

Jie Yin looked at the two Zhuxian Swords thrown out and glanced at Liu Ming.

"Haha, you come first to welcome the saint. After all, it is to decompose the dangers of the Immortal Killing Formation, not to use it to enhance strength. We, the demon clan, don't care, you choose first!"

Liu Ming waved towards Jie Yin.

"Haha, I, the West, have the same idea. Everything is for the safety of the prehistoric times. Naturally, I, the West, don't care. Please invite the demon clan!"

At this moment, Jie Yin was too embarrassed to take it first. If he took it, it would appear that he really wanted it, which would make Yuanshi Tianzun even more resentful.

"Oh, you are still generous and magnanimous in welcoming the saint, so I won't be polite!"

Liu Ming directly reached out and took the Zhuxian Sword in his hand.

Jie Yin was stunned for a moment, shouldn't he be polite, but now there was only the Zhenxian Sword left, and he could only hold it.

"Are you okay?"

Yuanshi Tianzun stared at Liu Ming and said.

"No more, I send you off to the Saint of Yuanshi!"

Liu Ming saluted and said.


Yuanshi Tianzun got into the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot and left.

Taishang Laojun did not stay and went back together.

Jie Yin and Zhunti didn't say anything more, and disappeared in a flash of golden light.

Only Liu Ming, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were left.

"My son! You don't have to worry about it all day long!"

Di Jun looked at Liu Ming and smiled bitterly. He was a little nervous just now, because if Yuanshi Tianzun takes action, Taishang Laojun will definitely help him. If the two saints join forces, it will be difficult to deal with it.

In addition, the Second Saint of the West is also an unstable factor!

"Haha, wealth can be found in danger. If not for this, we would have perished together with the Witch Clan. Can we still retain our strength until now?"

Liu Ming said calmly.

When Di Jun heard this, he was also a little stunned.


I have overlooked this point. Every step the demon clan takes is inseparable from Liu Ming!

If he hadn't tried his best, the demon clan would probably be gone.

"Hey, that's right! You and the demon clan take the most credit! I'm not as good as you in this regard, and I don't have your courage and wisdom!"

Di Jun shook his head, but he couldn't hide the joy in his eyes.

"Okay, you two, father and son, don't need to flatter each other anymore. Nephew, you took the risk of being killed by Yuanshi Tianzun this time to get this sword. I'm afraid it's not just because of the power of this Immortal Killing Sword. If you have any other ideas, please tell me so that your father and I can understand and cooperate with you!"

Donghuang Taiyi looked at Liu Ming and said.

After hearing this, Liu Ming glanced at the two of them, then went up into the void, followed by Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

In the void, Liu Ming looked at the two of them and said.

"Father, uncle, this time can be regarded as paving the way for the rise of the demon clan. Since the Lich War, my demon clan has escaped disaster, but in order to prevent the law of heaven from continuing to target, I have made the demon clan retreat. It’s been tens of thousands of years! It’s time for the demon clan to come out!”

Upon hearing Liu Ming's words, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi knew that Liu Ming had already made a plan.

"The Conferred God Tribulation has now entered a stage. The Biyou Palace of Tongtian Cult has been severely suppressed, and then it may be completely suppressed, and the West will also take the opportunity to rise again. We can no longer retreat at this time. If it comes When the West rises, the Biyou Palace disappears, and the Yuxu Palace and the Bajing Palace have the final say in the East, then our danger has really come!"

Liu Ming said.

Whether it's the West or Yuxu Palace, they all have a grudge against the Monster Clan, or Liu Ming. Although it hasn't broken out now, it doesn't mean they have forgotten it.

Of course, Liu Ming will not forget it either!

Once these forces really rise, the demon clan may inevitably end up being destroyed.

Therefore, at this time, the demon clan must keep up with the pace and rise up, so that they can fight against each other!

Only then can we continue to exist!

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi naturally understand it. They have lived for tens of millions of years, don't they still understand this truth?

It's just that they don't know how to operate it. Fortunately, Liu Ming has already thought of it.

The current situation has caused the demon clan to slowly move towards the front of the stage from its previous retreat.

"But this time, I am afraid that we have already formed a deep hatred with Yuxu Palace! Yuanshi Tianzun will not let us go!"

Di Jun said worriedly.

"Haha, he won't let me go, and I won't let him go. Even if this thing hadn't happened now, he wouldn't have been nice to us. Humph, there's nothing to be afraid of in Yuxu Palace. He's the Twelve Golden Immortal because The disaster of crossing the mortal world has been cut off from the top three flowers, and I am afraid that he will not be able to regain his strength for a while. Now Yuanshi Tianzun has also been injured, and now he can no longer be arrogant!"

A cold light flashed in Liu Ming's eyes.

Di Jun and Donghuang Tai looked at each other with endless shock in their eyes.

Liu Ming's calculations were so thorough.

It can be said that the current Yuxu Palace, especially Yuanshi Tianzun, suffered this injury because of Liu Ming.

"We will do whatever you say from now on. Don't worry, the demon clan has your back!"

Di Jun said, in fact, Di Jun already thought so.

"Okay, now I have to supervise this calamity. Father, please go back with the Zhuxian Sword. When the time is right, I will go back! Then we will discuss how to deal with it!"

Liu Ming gave the Zhuxian Sword to Di Jun.

"You have now offended Yuanshi Tianzun, and this god's calamity is mainly controlled by Yuanshi Tianzun, so be careful!"

Di Jun gave instructions.

"That's right, you must be careful. Although Yuanshi Tianzun will not take action openly, he will make many small moves in the dark. You can't take it lightly! Remember, you must tell us if you have anything!"

Donghuang Taiyi also looked at Liu Ming and reminded him.

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart. If there is danger, I will need my father and uncle Donghuang to help me!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

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