Zhunti's face suddenly darkened after hearing Jiang Ziya's words.

"Jiang Ziya, why, it's so difficult for a poor Taoist to find a single person. Do we still need to invite your master, Yuanshi Tianzun, to come?"

Zhunti looked at Jiang Ziya and said coldly.

After Jiang Ziya heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little relieved, big brother! You'd better let my master speak.

This way it will be easier for any of us to explain!

"I don't dare to ask the saint to appease his anger. Originally, this matter was a trivial matter, but now it is about calamity. I'm afraid something is wrong!"

Jiang Ziya said with a smile.

"Humph, in that case, Pindao can tell you that your master passed down the word at the beginning that the West will help you break the Immortal Killing Formation. Naturally, you will also save some people who are destined to the West. Now this Dajie clan is destined to the West, Pindao. Dao will come to pick him up today, and it doesn’t matter whether you let him go or not. You can’t stop Pindao from taking him away! It’s just that you and I don’t look good!”

Zhunti looked at Jiang Ziya and said.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he felt a little embarrassed. Seeing Zhunti being so strong, he could no longer stop him at this moment.

"Since Saint Zhunti is like this, Ziya naturally doesn't dare to stop him by force. That's all. This law and precepts will be given to Saint Zhunti to take away, but we can't let him harm my plans for the Eastern Expedition!"

Jiang Ziya said.

"Don't worry, this Dharma and Precepts are destined to me in the West. If I take him away, I will save him and practice in Mount Sumeru. He will not come down again!"

After Zhunti finished speaking, Jiang Ziya had no choice but to nod.

"In that case, that's the best thing, Dharma. Since you have a connection with the West, go ahead!"

Jiang Ziya said.

Fajie looked at Zhunti and couldn't help but feel grateful. No matter where he went, at least he didn't have to die now!

Just when Zhunti was about to leave, Jiang Ziya suddenly rolled his eyes.

"Oh, Ziya was negligent when it came to mentioning the saint. Ziya can no longer make the final decision regarding the Dharma and Precepts. Now the prince of the demon clan is sitting in charge of the Eastern Expedition, supervising the calamity. If he is blamed, it will be difficult to deal with it! It must be! Speaking of saints, it’s better to say hello to the prince of the demon clan, so as not to be blamed in the end and Ziya will suffer another unreasonable disaster!"

Jiang Ziya looked directly at Zhunti and said.

Zhunti was already preparing to leave with the Dharma Ring, but now that Jiang Ziya said this, his face suddenly changed color again.

"Jiang Ziya, what do you mean? Using the demon prince to suppress me?"

Zhunti asked directly.

Jiang Ziya saluted hurriedly.

"Zhunti Saint, it's not that Ziya did this intentionally, but that the prince of the demon clan is really hard to speak. If Ziya did this, I'm afraid he would inevitably be blamed by him in the end, and he would even kill Ziya in a fit of anger. Please Sage Zhunti, seeing that Ziya has always had a hard time, you might as well tell him!"

Jiang Ziya's pleading look made Zhunti angry.

"Okay, in that case, I'll just talk to him, hum, where is the prince of the demon clan? I have something to tell you!"

Zhunti shouted directly into the void.

Not long after, a figure was seen falling in the void.

It was Liu Ming who came.

In fact, he had known all this for a long time. In addition, Liu Ming was unwilling to participate in the matter of Dharma and Precepts because it was useless. The Ma Shan incident almost made Zhunti furious last time. Now Liu Ming is not willing to offend him again. .

Although he has been offended many times, Liu Ming does not want to cause more conflicts.

At this moment, the prehistoric times have changed, and the situation is turbulent.

With the withdrawal of Biyou Palace, the Demon Clan will naturally take its place, and from now on it will be Yuxu Palace, Bajing Palace, the West, and the Demon Clan.

At this critical moment, Liu Ming didn't want to make enemies everywhere.

So I don’t want to say anything more about what Zhunti mentioned.

But now Jiang Ziya, a bastard, actually plotted against Liu Ming and asked Zhunti to go find Liu Ming himself.

Helpless Liu Ming could only come forward.

Zhunti saw that Liu Ming had come out and took a look.

"Prince of the Demon Clan, this Dharma Ring belongs to my destined person in the West. Now I want him to go to the West to practice. I don't know what you want!"

Zhunti looked at Liu Ming and asked.

After Liu Ming heard this, he said nothing and just glanced at Jiang Ziya.

"Prince, this Zhunti Taoist has come and wants to leave with the Dharma and Precepts. I don't dare to make a decision, so I invite the Prince to come and check it out!"

Jiang Ziya said.

Liu Ming's expressionless look made Jiang Ziya feel a little uneasy.

"Sage Zhunti, this matter doesn't seem to have anything to do with me! This God's Measuring Tribulation is the Three Purities Measuring Tribulation. If you want to take someone away, naturally you shouldn't come to me. Just ask Jiang Ziya directly!"

When Liu Ming spoke, Jiang Ziya was stunned for a moment.

Zhunti's face was also a little ugly.

He thought Jiang Ziya and Liu Ming had a plan and were pushing and pushing him back and forth to deliberately embarrass him.

"Humph, I asked Jiang Ziya, he asked me to find you, and you asked me to find you. Are you two just pretending to be me and playing like children?"

Zhunti couldn't help but become angry.

"I dare not, Zhunti Saint, I don't know about this matter, and I am not involved, but if you take him away, you only need Jiang Ziya's consent!"

Liu Ming once again stated his attitude.

Zhunti had already looked at Jiang Ziya at this moment.

"Okay, in that case, I would like to ask again, can this Dharma ring be taken away? Jiang Ziya, tell me!"

Jiang Ziya saluted hurriedly.

"Sage Zhunti, since the prince of the demon clan is not involved in this matter, it is naturally possible. Ziya does not dare to stop it!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, he felt very dissatisfied. This was not a waste of time!

If you let yourself be taken away early, wouldn't it be the end? You have to go through it for so long.

Zhunti waved his hand and left with the Dharma Ring.

And Jiang Ziya could only watch Zhunti leave.

After Zhunti left, Jiang Ziya looked at Liu Ming and hesitated to speak.

"what do you want to say?"

Liu Ming asked.

His tone was still unhurried.

Jiang Ziya sighed.

"Prince, this Zhunti is a Western saint. I can't stop him too much, so..."

"Haha, you can make your own decision on this matter, because the calamity of the Conferred God is your three pure calamities. In addition, this Dharma Ring is not a person on the list of Conferred Gods. As for his fate, I don't care and I will not participate. do you understand?"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Jiang Ziya's expression changed.

Regarding the fact that Dharma Precepts are not on the list of gods, Jiang Ziya naturally controls the list of gods, but he doesn't know how Liu Ming got the news.

This made Jiang Ziya a little confused.

If Liu Ming had known this a long time ago, he might have already made his choice.

It turns out that I was kept in the dark about everything!

Jiang Ziya already felt a little regretful at this moment.

If I had known earlier, I would have let the Dharma Ring be taken away directly.

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