Xu Fang looked at Lu Yue and said.

After hearing this, Lu Yue understood what Xu Fang meant.

"Hmph, your great pressure has nothing to do with me. If you want to please King Zhou of Shang, you can just send the few people you captured before to Chaoge. Jiang Ziya, it's not that I don't want to give it to you, and I don't want to give it to you at this moment. You can’t capture him, do you understand?”

After Lu Yue finished speaking, Xu Fang had no choice but to give up.

He originally thought of sending Jiang Ziya, Huang Feihu and others to Chaoge. In this case, King Zhou would probably directly give him a huge gift.

Now since Jiang Ziya couldn't capture them, they had no choice but to take Huang Feihu and the others away.

Xu Fang arranged for his confidant Fang Yizhen to escort the four people to Chaoge.

Fang Yizhen led the troops and escorted the four people towards Chaoge.

Chuanyunguan is not very far from Chaoge. It can be reached in a day or two at most.

When the four of them learned in the prison car that the four of them would be escorted to Chaoge, they felt a little emotional. They might be dead or alive this time!

At this moment, in Yuxu Palace, Lord Qingxu Daode was meditating when he suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's time! Yang Ren, come here for a moment!"

True Lord Qingxu Daode called his apprentice.

After Yang Ren heard this, he hurried over.

"Master, what are your orders?"

Yang Ren asked.

"Now Junior Brother Ziya is in the plague formation, and the other four generals of Dazhou are also in danger. You go down and break the formation, and rescue those four people by the way!"

Qingxu Daodezhen looked at him and said.

Yang Ren couldn't help but change his face when he heard this. Going to break the formation by himself?

"Master! I am a scholar, how can I break the formation and perform the duties of a military commander!"

Yang Ren asked doubtfully.

"Haha, we are all practitioners. Why distinguish between civil and martial arts? You can't break it. I'll just teach you how to break the formation. Come on, come here!"

Qingxu Daodezhenjun said.

"Yes, Master, but Master, why don't you take action yourself? Isn't this a meritorious thing?"

Yang Ren was still a little confused.

"You just have to do whatever the poor Taoist teaches you. Where do you come from so many words? Humph!"

Qingxu Daodezhen snorted coldly, and Yang Ren didn't dare to say anything more for a moment.

Qingxu Dezhenjun did not want to go down because he was afraid that if he met Liu Ming again, there would be another fight.

Yang Ren was also smart. True Monarch Qingxu Daode taught him how to break the formation, and he quickly learned it.

"You mount my Yunxia Beast, and also take the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan, and when you go into the formation, do this, then you can break the formation, so why not destroy Lu Yue! In addition, you First save Huang Feihu and the other four, and then break the formation, you understand!"

After Qingxu Daodezhen finished speaking, Yang Ren nodded.

Then he directly got on the Yunxia Beast, patted the Yunxia Beast and came down to the human world.

Not long after, Fang Yizhen's army was seen advancing.

Yang Ren directly urged the Yunxia Beast to rush over.

Fang Yizhen's men were a little surprised when they saw Yang Ren and the Yunxia Beast under his command, and hurriedly went to report back to Fang Yizhen.

When Fang Yizhen came out and took a look, he was really a strange person!

"Who are you and why are you blocking the road!"

Fang Yizhen asked.

"Hey, I am Yang Ren, a great business official. You must have heard of it, right?"

Yang Ren said.

When Fang Yizhen heard this, Yang Ren?

This was a senior official of the Great Shang Dynasty, but he was later killed by King Zhou.

"You are truly a great doctor. What do you want to do when you come here now?"

Fang Yizhen asked.

"Hey, General, please let these four people go. At this time, the Great Shang has reached its end, and the Great Zhou has risen. Why are you so stubborn for a Great Shang? Please recognize the reality and surrender to the Great Zhou!"

Yang Ren looked at Fang Yizhen and said.

When Fang Yizhen heard this, he immediately became furious.

"Okay! I originally thought you were a minister of Dashang who came to help me, but I didn't expect that you have become a traitor of Dashang now! Let me let these four people go. Huh, you're dreaming, I gave you my family The general ordered us to escort them to Chaoge. Get out of my way and don't force me to take action!"

Fang Yizhen said coldly.

"Hmph, I tried to persuade you with my good words, but you still persist in your stubbornness. You followed the orders of your general, and I also followed the orders of your master. You must let these four people go today, or you must let them go. But you are clear!"

Yang Ren also lost his temper and said directly.

This is because Yang Rennai was a civil servant. If he had been a military commander, he might have decided the winner with Fang Yizhen at this moment.

Fang Yizhen waved his hand and stabbed out with a spear, and Yang Ren also took out his own spear to block it.

After a few rounds of fighting, Yang Ren was a civil servant after all. He was either Fang Yizhen's opponent, or he remembered the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan given by Lord Qingxu Daode, and waved it in desperation.

Yang Ren didn't know how powerful this thing was, and Fang Yizhen didn't know either.

After waving the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan, Fang Yizhen disappeared without a trace, including his people and horses. A strong wind blew him to an unknown direction.

Fang Yizhen's men were also blown around, and the entire escort team was blown away in an instant. Those who survived hurriedly ran back to Xu Fang's Chuanyun Pass.

Yang Ren couldn't help but be dumbfounded, this Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan is so powerful!

He hurriedly took back the magic weapon.

Huang Feihu and the others looked at such a powerful person in front of them and couldn't help but feel curious.

"I don't know where this Taoist priest comes from?"

Huang Feihu asked.

"Haha, King Wu Cheng, you don't recognize me! I am Yang Ren!"

Yang Ren looked at Huang Feihu and said.

At the beginning, he and Huang Feihu were both ministers of Dashang.

It was only later that Huang Feihu escaped from Chaoge, and Yang Ren also bluntly remonstrated with King Zhou and allowed him to be harmed. True Lord Qingxu Daode rescued him and treated his injuries with elixir, which made him become a little different. , so Huang Feihu didn’t recognize it for a while.

After listening to Yang Ren's words, Huang Feihu looked carefully and recognized it.

"It turns out it's really Doctor Yang! What are you doing?"

Huang Feihu asked.

Later, after Yang Ren told what happened to him, Huang Feihu understood.

"Master sent me down this time just to save the four of you, and also to break the formation. Now that I have saved the four of you, you four don't have to go back in a hurry. You can find a hidden place to hide first, and wait for me to break the formation." With Lu Yue's formation, if you cooperate with Master Jiang Ziya outside, you will be able to take Chuanyun Pass, remember, remember!"

Yang Ren looked at the four people and said.

This is also the explanation given by True Monarch Qingxu Daode.

"Okay, Yang Ren, you have a good idea. You go and break Lu Yue's formation first. After waiting for the command from the camp, we will find a way to respond from this level. This time we will definitely win Chuanyun Pass! "

Huang Feihu said.

Yang Ren nodded, said goodbye to the four of them, and headed towards the Great Zhou camp.

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