Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 532 Watching the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation

After Jiang Ziya and the others came to Lu Peng, Master Yuding looked at the Lu Peng and was very satisfied.

Just as the three of them were talking, multiple streams of light suddenly fell from the sky.

Jiang Ziya and the others looked up and saw that people from Yuxu Palace were coming.

"Haha, all the fellow apprentices are here!"

Master Yuding said.

I saw Guangchengzi, Chi Jingzheng, fearful grandson, Taiyi Zhenren, Samantabhadra, Cihang Taoist, Qingxu Daodezhenjun, Lingbao Master, Daoxing Tianzun, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun all came.

This is when the twelve golden immortals gathered together.

Then Taoist Ran Deng and Yun Zhongzi also came.

All the disciples of Yuxu Palace came to the Zhuxian Formation, and this time all the members of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation came.

This is also their calamity. Although they have gone through the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation and been cut off from the top of the Three Flowers, and experienced the Immortal Killing Formation, there is still another calamity.

This is the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. After passing the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, their mortal calamity is completely over.

So they cannot ignore it.

After everyone arrived, Jiang Ziya stepped forward to salute one by one.

"Brothers, it really makes Ziya very happy to come!"

Jiang Ziya said hurriedly.

Everyone climbed onto the reed.

Jiang Ziya felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing that everyone was not very enthusiastic about him, Jiang Ziya did not ask for trouble.

But after all, so many people are here, so it’s impossible not to speak.

"How to break this Ten Thousand Immortal Formation!"

Jiang Ziya asked.

"Master is here and of course he will find a solution!"

Ran Deng said calmly.

Jiang Ziya couldn't help but want to slap himself, what a shame!

Why are you talking so much about this burning lamp?

Then Jiang Ziya said no more.

At this moment, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. Suddenly she saw something unusual in front of her, and when she came out, she saw that it was the disciples from Yuxu Palace who were here!

Then there was a wave of hands, a thunder sounded, and suddenly the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Formation was activated by the Golden Spirit Mother.

The Ten Thousand Immortals Formation was displayed.

When everyone in Yuxu Palace saw this situation, they hurried over and took a look. They saw that everyone in this sect was different. There were really many people. People from three mountains and five mountains were here, and their looks were also strange!

"Hey! It is said that thousands of immortals from Biyou Palace come to court, and there is no distinction between education and distinction. Now I understand that after seeing it, there is nothing wrong with it. It is really like this!"

Ran Deng said.

"Yes! There are so many people in Biyou Palace! I think there are only a few dozen people in Yuxu Palace!"

Yun Zhongzi also said from the side.

Then Master Huanglong just watched the Golden Spirit Mother come out to show off her power to them, and couldn't help but become a little angry.

"Brothers, since the founding of Xuanmen, only Taoism has been respected. Today's Biyou Palace is simply acting wantonly. It has handed down so many disciples, but all of them have not practiced our Xuanmen Taoism. It's really How sad!”

After listening to Master Huang Long's words, everyone nodded a little.

This Biyou Palace is really a bit too much!

At the beginning, the three religions stood side by side, and Taoism and the three Qing Dynasties all respected the preaching of Taoism. However, I did not expect that Biyou Palace would slowly abandon its principles in the end, and everyone would join Biyou Palace. Gradually, Biyou Palace After the threshold was lowered, more and more people went to Biyou Palace.

In the end, the power of Biyou Palace grew more and more, and before the time of Conferring Gods and Tribulation, Biyou Palace had already firmly suppressed Yuxu Palace and Bajing Palace.

Of course, it was precisely because of this that the Tongtian Cult Master of Biyou Palace attracted the dissatisfaction of Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun, and finally suppressed Biyou Palace with the help of the Conferred God Measuring Tribulation.

"Since we encountered this formation today, we might as well go and take a look. What do you think?"

Master Yuding said.

When everyone heard this, they somewhat agreed.

After Ran Deng listened, he couldn't help but frown.

"We'd better wait here for Master to come. Don't rush into the formation, otherwise we might be in trouble!"

Ran Deng said hurriedly.

This is the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation!

This is no small matter.

"Haha, Brother Randeng, don't worry, we are just going to have a look, we won't get into the formation, don't worry, let's go!"

After Guangchengzi finished speaking, he walked out with the Twelve Golden Immortals.

Ran Deng wanted to say something more, but seeing that the Twelve Golden Immortals had left, he had no choice but to sigh.

Isn't this just adding to the trouble for no reason?

The Twelve Golden Immortals soon arrived near the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and they looked over.

It can be seen that this Ten Thousand Immortal Formation is complex and murderous, making people feel threatened.

"Junior brothers, look at the Taoist friends in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation in Biyou Palace. They are all murderous. They have no Taoist practice at all, and only have the fighting spirit to be strong and competitive. They are really inappropriate! Bi Traveling in the palace, the Three Pure Ones, the Xuanmen orthodoxy, to be like this, alas!"

Guangchengzi looked at the people in Biyou Palace and said.

The tone was full of disdain.

Their Yuxu Palace has always regarded itself as the orthodox leader of Xuanmen, so naturally they look down on this more educated and non-classical practitioner than Biyou Palace.

After listening to Guangchengzi's words, everyone else in the Twelve Golden Immortals laughed.

Obviously they also agreed with Guangchengzi's statement.

The Twelve Golden Immortals looked at it for a long time, but found nothing except the power of this formation, because they could not break the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation at all, or they were planning to leave.

At this moment, a person came out of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

"Fellow Taoists of Yuxu Palace, what's going on? Have you finished reading?"

The person coming is none other than Ma Sui!

The Taoist name is called Chixian!

Guangchengzi and the others stopped and looked at Ma Sui and couldn't help laughing.

There are twelve people here, but they are still afraid of a little Ma Sui.

"Hmph, since you set up the Ten Thousand Immortals Array, you naturally showed it to us. Why, you won't let us see it! Then you just put the Ten Thousand Immortals Array away!"

Guang Chengzi said with a smile.

"Hmph, even if you come here secretly to see the formation, you won't break the formation. I guess your Yuxu Palace doesn't have the strength anymore. Come on, who dares to compete with me!"

Ma Sui said directly.

"Hmph, the time is not yet up. When the time comes, I will naturally show you a good look!"

Master Huang Long said.

"That's it, hahaha, it's okay, the disciples of Yuxu Palace are just showing up and don't dare to take action! You talk about Taoism every day, so you are probably deceiving yourself! Okay, since you don't dare to , then just leave!”

Ma Sui said with a proud smile.

When everyone in Yuxu Palace heard this, they couldn't help but become furious. This was too much!

I was ready to leave, but Ma Sui deliberately caused trouble!

"Ma Sui, you really deserve to die, but I won't argue with you now. We have other things to do. When we break the formation, we'll see how much you weigh!"

Guang Chengzi said.

There was no way, it wasn't that he didn't want to fight, it was just that he didn't want to cause trouble.

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