"You, Supreme Master, this disciple does not have this intention. Please tell me, Master!"

The Antarctic Immortal looked at Taishang Laojun and said.

"Haha, Anji, please step aside. I understand. Prince of the Demon Clan, you are really sharp-tongued! Haha, I thought I would let you take a trip to the Ten Thousand Immortals Array. What do you think?"

Taishang Laojun said suddenly.

"Well! I really want to go! But my strength doesn't allow it! I'm afraid my strength is of little use, so let's forget it. Besides, I represent the demon clan, and I can't participate in this matter of your Sanqing, otherwise It’s not good for the demon clan. If my father knows about it, I’m afraid he’ll spank me!”

Liu Ming said, still very seriously.

Who is afraid of those who are messing around!

Ask me to break the formation for you and test the formation. Taishang Laojun has to say that he is evil-minded. This old man is very evil!

Liu Mingcai is not a fool, let him go and dream!

"Haha, you misunderstood. Pindao thought that Tongtian sent someone just now. We should also send someone to tell him, and also take a look at the situation!"

Taishang Laojun actually hasn't given up yet, and is still luring Liu Ming into taking the bait step by step.

"That's it! Oh, how simple it is! You can just send someone there. I'm not a member of the Yuxu Palace, nor a member of the Sanqing Sect. Isn't this appropriate?"

Liu Ming said.

"Haha, what if I insist on you going?"

Taishang Laojun said calmly, and the compulsion in his tone was already felt by Liu Ming.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you what you want to say!"

Liu Ming said suddenly.

"It's nothing. Tell Tongtian that the formation will be broken tomorrow!"

Taishang Laojun said.

When Liu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but get a little angry. This was not just taking off his pants and farting, it was unnecessary. He had just told Chang Er Dingguang Immortal, and he even talked about making love with Maoxian!

This is to make it clear that they want to go to the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and then they can watch themselves die in the formation, and they can also find some clues from it.

But how could Liu Ming let them succeed, otherwise Liu Ming's ambition would be in vain!

"OK, no problem!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he went directly to the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. Under the expectant eyes of everyone, he refused to enter.

"Master Saint Tongtian, listen, Saint Taishang Laojun asked me to send you a message to break the formation tomorrow. He told you to wash your neck and wait, and he will cut you into pieces!"

Liu Ming actually shouted at the top of his lungs next to the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and used his own magic power to transmit his voice into the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.


The entire Ten Thousand Immortals Formation suddenly erupted with a strong force, and Liu Ming was smart enough to avoid it.

"What a great senior brother. Haha, you and Yuanshi Tianzun want to kill me. I'm afraid it won't be that easy. If you come in tomorrow, I'll let you die here!"

The voice of Master Tongtian came directly, and the rage in his tone could be heard even if one was not deaf.

"Sage Supreme, I've given you your face! I've already done it for you. Don't worry, Master Tongtian has been completely angered this time. Your goal has been achieved! You don't need to thank me, you should!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

At this moment, Taishang Laojun really had mixed feelings in his heart.

Unexpectedly, I never expected that Liu Ming would be such a rogue.

"You, you, Pindao, when did you say that you would wash Tongtian's neck clean and kill him!"

The helpless Taishang Laojun asked.

"This! I'm free to express myself. You must be incompatible with each other. Either you die or the other person dies. It sounds more impressive this way!"

Liu Ming said very seriously.

Taishang Laojun just can't bear it anymore, it's ridiculous!

"Well, you demon prince, you and the younger generation bully Pindao like this. Pindao won't be able to do anything for you. Even if Emperor Jun comes, you won't be exempted!"

Taishang Laojun said angrily.

"Sage Taishang, what do you mean? This is your Sanqing matter. What does it have to do with me? You insist that I do it for you. OK, I will give you face. I have already agreed and will do it for you. Now you blame me for not doing it well? I'm at this level, why do you insist on asking me to go?

In addition, Supreme Saint, don’t think that you are awesome because you are a saint. Let me say it again, I am not a disciple of your Bajing Palace and Yuxu Palace. You can’t control me. I’ll give you face once and there won’t be a second time. ! "

Liu Ming's strong attitude made Taishang Laojun furious, and he waved his hand and hit him.

But Liu Ming didn't move, just looked at him.

"Haha, Dao Ancestor is watching from the sky. You, Supreme Laojun Saint, have gone too far. Come on, beat me to death!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Taishang Laojun stopped less than one step in front of Liu Ming.

"Haha, it turns out that you have such deep calculations. I have learned the lesson. It was just a joke!"

Taishang Laojun suddenly laughed.

"Really? I think it's a joke too. How could the saint in the ether be so small-minded, right? Haha!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Taishang Laojun returned directly to Yuanshi Tianzun. Although his expression did not change at this moment, the anger in his heart was probably something that only Yuanshi Tianzun could understand, because he had also been contradicted by Liu Ming in this way.

"Senior brother, let's go see this Ten Thousand Immortals Formation!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said directly.

Taishang Laojun finally found a step and nodded.

As for Liu Ming, who had just contradicted Taishang Laojun, he seemed to be fine and just did whatever he had to do!

Although everyone in Yuxu Palace was a little dissatisfied with this, they couldn't help but admire Liu Ming's boldness and shamelessness.

As for Liu Ming, he didn't care at all.

After Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun looked at each other, their faces showed a trace of solemnity.

I could only see that the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation was obscured by a cloud of mist, and the cold wind was biting. Looking towards the center, I could see five colors of brilliance flowing continuously.

Everyone inside took their respective positions.

And these people are practitioners who practice this kind of technique.

At this moment, Liu Ming was also watching the formation.

He saw someone who made him feel a little strange.

That is Shen Gongbao.

This Shen Gongbao is also in the formation at the moment, and it seems that he occupies a very important position!

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, and the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit also used their magic weapons.

Sitting in the middle is the Lord Tongtian!

Liu Ming's expression changed and he looked back at Yuanshi Tianzun who was standing aside.

This Shen Gongbao appeared in the formation. The Tongtian leader must have thought that this was a helper. In fact, this Shen Gongbao was a pawn of Yuanshi Tianzun!

He has now entered the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation and is also the governor of Ten Thousand Immortals. If he takes action at a critical moment, I am afraid that all the plans of the Tongtian Cult Leader will be useless and he will be plotted against!

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