Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 538: The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit took action and was beaten

Leader Tongtian felt a little helpless at this moment.

The Spirit Tooth Fairy who had just come out had not yet exerted its effect, but was captured and became the mount of the disciples of Yuxu Palace again.

How could Master Tongtian endure this?

The key is that the current Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun and Samantabhadra are stimulating him!

"Humph, it's so abominable!"

Leader Tongtian said dissatisfied.

Then there was a loud noise, and a person came out, it was Jin Guangxian.

He looked at the people in Yuxu Palace and walked over.

"Whoever is going to break the formation this time, just come over!"

Jin Guangxian said.

On the side, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun looked at the disciples of Yuxu Palace, and finally Yuanshi Tianzun pointed at Taoist Cihang.

"Go and break its four-image formation! Remember, this four-image formation is unpredictable. You must not get lost in it. Remember to keep your mentality. In addition, I will teach you how to break the formation!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said a few words in Cihang Taoist ears.

Then Taoist Cihang rushed in.

Jin Guangxian looked at him and couldn't help but sneer.

"Cihang, you'd better get out quickly, you are no match for me, you can't break my four-image formation!"

Jin Guangxian's expression made Taoist Cihang's expression change.

This is too much!

I haven't broken the formation yet, so why can't I break it?

"Jin Guangxian, don't be brave. Huh, look at the people in front of you. Not all of them have been captured. Now that I have captured you, I will make you my mount!"

Taoist Cihang said.

When Jin Guangxian heard this, he couldn't help but became furious. This Taoist Cihang actually wanted to ride on him!

It's really abominable.

Jin Guangxian directly entered his four-image formation, and Taoist Cihang behind him was not polite and followed him into it.

After the two entered the formation, the Golden Light Immortal waved his seal and instantly activated the Four Symbols Formation.

The power of the Four Symbols Formation made everyone outside feel a little powerful. However, Taoist Cihang, who was in the formation, walked over step by step. A cloud of light appeared above his head, directly pulling him away. Protected.

After the sound of thunder, Taoist Cihang also transformed into his true body.

Jin Guangxian's Four Symbol Formation was naturally broken.

Jin Guangxian knew that he was no match for Taoist Cihang before the formation broke, so he ran away in advance.

But little did he know that Taoist Cihang had been paying attention to him. Just when he was about to run away, he threw out the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi and immediately captured the Golden Light Immortal.

Jin Guangxian was captured, and naturally the Four Symbol Formation was also broken.

After arriving at Yuanshi Tianzun's Lu Peng, there was no need for Yuanshi Tianzun to remind him. The Antarctic Immortal took Jin Guangxian away directly.

Then there was a fight. Although the Jinguangxian was captured, he still didn't want to be treated as his mount, so naturally he didn't cooperate well. The Antarctic Immortal hit him several times in anger, and he suddenly lost his true form.

This true form is a golden retriever!

Seeing the original form of the Golden Light Immortal, Yuanshi Tianzun laughed and pointed at Taoist Cihang.

"You ride him!"

When Taoist Cihang heard this, he was not polite. He climbed directly on top of the golden retriever and stood aside.

Now, the Tai Chi Liang Yi Four Symbols Formation of the Tongtian Cult Master's Ten Thousand Immortals Formation has all been broken.

And Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Cihang Taoist, and Samantabhadra all got mounts.

As a result, Master Tongtian didn't know what to say.

If your skills are not as good as others, you can only accept your fate.

But he accepted his fate, Yuanshi Tianzun still wanted to stimulate him!

"Haha, Tongtian, thank you for sending the mount to my disciple!"

As soon as Yuanshi Tianzun said that, Tongtian Cult Master couldn't bear it anymore, so he directly pulled out his sword and wanted to kill him.

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit on the side directly stopped the Tongtian Cult Leader.

"Master, there is no need to be angry. You will be besieged by them if you go out. This is what Yuanshi Tianzun plans to do, to deliberately anger you. You must not go out. Disciple, go and meet him first!"

After the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit finished speaking, she went out to kill her.

She wanted to take revenge from Guangchengzi. Guangchengzi had bullied them when he went to Biyou Palace. This time, the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit was ready to take revenge.

But Guangchengzi didn't wait for anyone to arrive, but he was afraid of leaving a grandson.

Fearful Liusun looked at the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother and hit her.

"Hmph, it's not you I'm looking for. Go down quickly and let Guang Chengzi come out and fight me!"

Holy Mother Turtle Spirit said.

"Haha, you win first and then let me talk, otherwise you won't be able to see Senior Brother Guangchengzi!"

Fear Liu Sun said.

When the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit heard this, she became furious. Anyway, killing one is still killing, and killing two is still killing.

The two fought, and then the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit took out her Sun and Moon Pearl. Fearful Sun didn't recognize the thing and was defeated directly. After the defeat, Fearful Sun ran away.

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit chased him out, thinking of killing the fearful grandson completely.

The two of them were chasing after each other, and they were slowly getting closer.

However, a person suddenly appeared, waved his hand and sent away Fearful Sun, and stopped next to the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother.

"Haha, there's no need to chase him. This fearful grandson is a destined person from the West. He will convert to the West in the future. You can't kill him."

The person came said.

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit looked at the person in front of her and felt a little angry.

"Jie Yin, if you don't feel carefree in your West, you have to come to our Biyou Palace to cause trouble for us!"

Holy Mother Turtle Spirit said.

That's right, it was this Western sage who came to welcome us.

He let go of Wei Liusun and only stopped the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirits.

How could the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit endure this?

"Haha, it's not easy for you to practice, especially because your body is really strange. It's not easy to practice spiritual things like this. You'd better go back! You can't interfere in this matter. I am merciful and let you go for once! "

Said the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit who took you in.

If the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit went back now, she might be able to survive the disaster, but he didn't.

"Sage Jieyin, if you are not in the west, you have to come to my east to make trouble and bully my Biyou Palace several times. Do you join forces with Yuanshi Tianzun and others to destroy my Biyou Palace? In this case, I will start today I’ll kill you first!”

After the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit finished speaking, she hit him.

And when he looked at it, he smiled contemptuously. Fighting with him was asking for death!

It was seen that this guide only moved a finger, and the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit could no longer move.

Jie Yin looked at her and laughed, took out a rosary, and hit it directly, knocking out the original form of the Turtle Spirit Mother.

This original form is a big turtle.

Jie Yin saw that the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit had transformed into her original form and walked over.

"I asked you to leave, but you refused. Now you have accepted the disaster! Hey!"

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