"Master, I am wrong, I am truly wrong, but the reason why I am like this is because I was forced to do so. The two senior brothers actually joined forces to deal with me, and also brought in Jie Yin and Zhunti.

I, a disciple of Biyou Palace, have never caused any trouble. It was all Yuxu Palace who kept looking for trouble. I could bear to kill many of my disciples, but later on, Yuxu Palace became more and more excessive, and I couldn’t bear it anymore, so I It led to everything now, but since Master said it, it is my fault! "

The leader of Tongtian said.

Hongjun glanced at him and sighed.

"Hey, you are still dissatisfied! One teaching teaches three friends, and the other two teach each other! Now you are fighting to the death, how can this poor Taoist feel at ease!"

Hongjun said as he stretched out his hand and helped the leader of Tongtian Cult up.

"Tongtian! It doesn't matter who is right or wrong among you, but it is all because of your greed and your anger and ignorance that you have evil desires. Why don't you restrain your disciples? When you set up the list of gods, then Now that everything is known, you deliberately allowed your disciples to go and stop Jiang Ziya, and then he was killed. Instead, you blamed the people of Yuxu Palace for being unkind. If you had restrained them from the beginning, none of them would be allowed to leave, and anyone who left would , you killed me yourself, how could you have the consequences you have now!"

Hongjun said with some annoyance.

Leader Tongtian did not dare to say anything.

Hongjun was right. He had exactly this idea. He thought that since he had so many disciples, it wouldn't matter if a few or dozens of them died. They would also create trouble for Yuanshi Tianzun.

Anyway, just make sure that your core disciples don’t go down.

As a result, he did not expect that even those humble disciples were inextricably linked, which subsequently led to more and more disciples going out to seek revenge.

In turn, he himself fell into anger.

As the saying goes, a thousand-mile embankment collapses in an ant nest!

And his small-mindedness was infinitely magnified by Yuanshi Tianzun, and finally lured Biyou Palace step by step towards the current situation of destruction.

"My disciple is wrong. Master is right. It is all greed and anger! Please punish me, Master!"

The leader of Tongtian said.

Hongjun shook his head.

"Everything is your own fate. How can Pindao punish you? Now that Jiejiao is gone, you have also experienced the punishment brought by mistakes. Hey, when is the time to repay grievances? Tongtian, Pindao wants to reconcile the three of you. , you are willing!"

Hongjun said suddenly.

Upon hearing this, the Tongtian Cult Leader nodded.

Hongjun has already spoken, he has to agree even if he doesn’t agree!

"You all should disperse! Go back to your caves and practice individually. You are able to escape reincarnation this time because you have some foundation and blessings. You can practice well and take care of yourself!"

Hongjun looked at the remaining hundred or so disciples of Master Tongtian and said.

Upon hearing this, the group of people hurriedly saluted Hongjun and left.

Hongjun waved his hand and led Tongtian Cult Master away.

Liu Ming, who was lying down at this moment, suddenly opened his eyes.

The four great saints on top of Lu Peng also stood up.

Hongjun is here!

This was Liu Ming's first reaction.

Just as he finished thinking, the figure of Tongtian Cult Leader appeared.

And there was one person following behind him, that was Hongjun.

"See Master!"

The four saints saluted hurriedly.

The disciples of Yuxu Palace all knelt on the ground.

"See Dao Ancestor!"

Hongjun waved his hand, and everyone stood up.

"Disciples meet with the Taoist Patriarch. May the Taoist Patriarch's holy life be boundless, blessed as the East China Sea, live as long as the Southern Mountains, with boundless magic power, long and far-reaching luck, and control the prehistoric times forever..."

Just when everyone was about to invite Hongjun to take the seat, Liu Ming knelt on the ground and complimented Hongjun.

Yuanshi Tianzun's face turned dark.

The Supreme Laojun can't close his mouth!

The Second Saint of the West widened his eyes.

Leader Tongtian looked confused.

The other disciples of Yuxu Palace were stunned.

This is no longer flattering, this is flattering God, flattering fairy!

Hongjun suddenly laughed.

"Nonsense, what are you talking about? Why don't you give me a reply?"

Hongjun said angrily.

Liu Ming stood up directly.

"O Taoist Patriarch, one day without seeing you is like three autumns. I miss you day after day, just like the surging river, endless..."

Liu Ming just stood up and started to flatter him again.



Everyone fell to the ground.

The flattering saint, yes, can already become a saint, the flattering saint!

"Okay, if you have anything to say, just say it. I just listen, don't talk nonsense!"

Hongjun frowned and said, but Liu Ming clearly saw the slight smile on the corner of Hongjun's mouth.

Come on, I'll wear it a thousand times to flatter you!

Even the current Dao Ancestor Hongjun, the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, is not exempt from vulgarity!

Even though the seven emotions and six desires have been cut off, I still enjoy being flattered by myself!

"Daozu, my disciple has been responsible for supervising the gods and calamities according to Daozu's will. He has been working hard and diligently, working hard and not daring to slack off in the slightest. So I want to ask Daozu, is this disciple still qualified?"

Liu Ming looked at Hongjun eagerly.

"We'll talk about your business later. Please step aside and tell them if you have anything to say!"

The enthusiastic Liu Ming was rejected by the ruthless Hongjun.

Liu Ming couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he had to step back.

Jiang Ziya on the side looked at Liu Ming with some comparison in his heart.

If Liu Ming doesn't show up once a year, and Youzai Youzai is as tired and conscientious as he said, then he has been working alone from beginning to end, wouldn't he have died suddenly several times?

Just when Hongjun came to Lu Peng, the Mosquito Taoist from Mount Sumeru in the west found an opportunity.

Kong Xuan was gone, and the few disciples in the West were busy with other matters.

He came to the main hall and looked at the twelve-grade lotus platform in the middle, and couldn't help but hesitate.

But after a while, his eyes became firm, and after walking over step by step, Taoist Mosquito opened his mouth and bit the twelve-pin lotus platform.

It was also the Taoist Mosquito who was so powerful that he actually bit off the third level of the twelve-level lotus platform.

Only the Nine-Rank Lotus Platform is left.

After being bitten, Mr. Mosquito ran away in a hurry.

Suddenly there was a strong wind on Mount Xumi, and there was lightning and thunder!

The sound of violent lightning strikes echoed throughout Mount Sumeru.

Kong Xuan, who had just returned, gathered with his disciples from the West and looked at the strange scene in the sky and the earth without knowing why.

After nearly an hour, the strange vision of heaven and earth stopped, and the whole sky returned to calm.

"Strange, what is going on! Could it be that someone touched something that made Heaven dissatisfied!"

Kong Xuan secretly said with some doubts.

But I didn't figure it out, because this vision of heaven and earth was a bit inexplicable. Then Kong Xuan returned to the main hall of Mount Xumi.

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