Deng Kun originally wanted to find out the origin of this flag, so that he could find a way to crack it.

It can be regarded as the first certificate of surrender after he took refuge with Jiang Ziya! But I didn't expect that Bian Ji only mentioned the name of the banner and kept silent about its origin.

This made Deng Kun a little helpless.

Afterwards, the two of them looked at Jiang Ziya's camp in the distance and felt a little moved.

The murderous aura emanating from the entire camp is so strong, it seems really powerful. Ji Fa's army should not be underestimated!

"Go and send someone to the other side and ask Jiang Ziya and Ji Fa to come and talk!"

Reggie said.

Ouyang Chun immediately took pictures and went forward.

When Jiang Ziya heard the news in the camp, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. King Wu Jifa was actually required to come forward!

But since someone came this time, he must have something to say, so he had to go to see Ji Fa. When Ji Fa heard this, he agreed.

People wanted to see him by name. As the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, how could he not see him?

Ji Fa then came outside accompanied by Jiang Ziya and many generals.

When Deng Kun and Rui Ji saw a man sitting upright under the red umbrella in front of them, with a dignified appearance, they knew it was Ji Fa.

The old man next to Ji Fa is Jiang Ziya.

"The people coming are Wu Wang Jifa and Jiang Ziya!"

Reggie asked.

"It is this king. Who are you? Why did you ask me to come out?"

Ji Fa asked calmly.

At this moment, Jiang Ziya, who was sitting on Sibishang, looked at Rui Ji and the two of them with some surprise.

"We are Rui Ji, Deng Kun, and Ji Fa who have come under the king's orders. Your father Ji Chang has a great virtue. Although he was imprisoned in Youli for seven years, he has no regrets and abides by his duty as a minister. , and before returning to Xiqi, your Majesty was also gifted by Huang Yue and Bai Yan, allowing you to enjoy all the blessings in Xiqi, but you listened to Jiang Ziya’s slander and rebelled. Ji Fa, you are worthy of your father’s loyal ministers and worthy of the king. Kindness?"

Rui Ji scolded Ji Fa directly.

When Ji Fa heard this, he couldn't help but became furious. After tightening his grip, he looked at Rui Ji coldly. He originally thought that he was called out for something important, but it turned out that the one who came out to cover his face was just to teach him a lesson!

It's really abominable, abominable!

Jiang Ziya looked at Ji Fa being scolded and felt a little embarrassed. After all, he was the one who invited Ji Fa!

"Hmph, that's nonsense, what you said..."

"And you, Jiang Ziya, you deceived everyone in Xiqi. You did not value the courtesy of the king and his ministers. Instead, you rebelled and rebelled. You pretended to be king. It is really abominable and you deceived the king. Now you are following the great Shang Dynasty. Come on, it’s your first crime!”

Rui Ji looked at Jiang Ziya and said. Jiang Ziya wanted to say something just now, but was immediately criticized.

This made Jiang Ziya a little dissatisfied.

This is too much!

If you call yourself and Ji Fa out, you will get scolded!

"You two are King Zhou's minions. It's useless to talk so much. Okay, you two, it's useless to talk fast. Come on, let me see what the people sent by King Zhou can do!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, he waved his hand and killed him.

When Rui Ji heard this, he became furious and waved his hand to kill him.

The two sides started fighting, and Jiang Ziya had many generals, especially Nezha and others, who were very powerful. How could Ouyang Chun's troops be comparable? After a battle between the two sides, the situation gradually became clear.

Deng Kun saw that he was unable to stop him, so he waved his army back.

He retreated directly to the ghost bone flag. Although Dashang's men did not dare to enter the flag, Jiang Ziya's men also did not dare to pursue it.

Both sides just gave up.

After returning to the camp, Jiang Ziya looked a little sad. This big flag really made people feel helpless! His own army was unable to advance at all, and was blocked every time in front of the big banner.

Helpless Jiang Ziya thought of Liu Ming.

He stood up directly and headed towards Liu Ming.

After meeting Liu Ming, Jiang Ziya was a little worried and didn't know if Liu Ming would help!

Liu Ming looked at Jiang Ziya and understood what he meant.

"The Prime Minister came here because of this ghost bone flag!"

Liu Ming asked.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little excited. It seemed that Liu Ming really knew the origin of this flag!

It turns out to be called the Ghost Bone Flag!

Jiang Ziya nodded hurriedly.

"Prince Mingjian, it is for this flag that we came here. Now we have been blocked at Lintong Pass for a long time. It's not that we can't take it down, but that this flag is really a headache!"

Jiang Ziya said.

Liu Ming nodded.

"The prince is not sure about the origin of this ghost bone flag, but it is a thing that can confuse people's souls. It is difficult to crack it!"

Liu Ming said.

"Confuse the soul? Prince, does this mean that Nezha is not affected by this?"

Jiang Ziya also knew that Nezha was supported by a lotus flower and had no soul!

Liu Ming nodded.

"Well, that's right, but Nezha is the only one who can't be affected. It's hard to deal with. Jiang Ziya, don't worry, this matter will have a good result. You won't even need to spend a single soldier to defeat him. Defeat Lintong Pass!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he couldn't help but be a little confused.

"Prince, what do you mean?"

Jiang Ziya asked.

"Haha, the matter happened to the two people sent by King Zhou. The secret must not be leaked. Just go back and arrange for Tu Xingsun to go to Lintong Pass at night. Find these two people and you will understand!"

Liu Ming said.

Although Jiang Ziya didn't understand, since Liu Ming said so, he had no choice but to agree.

After leaving Liu Ming's place, Jiang Ziya returned to his own tent, but he couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried, and even after a quick calculation, he couldn't find any instructions.

"It seems that my moral skills are still a little bad! That's all, since I can capture Lintong Pass without spending a single soldier, why should I bother!"

Jiang Ziya secretly thought to himself.

"Tu Xingsun, come here!"

Jiang Ziya said.

Later, when the Tu Xingsun arrived, he followed Jiang Ziya's instructions and prepared to explore Lintong Pass at night.

At this moment, in Lintong Pass, Deng Kun saw how powerful Jiang Ziya's army was today, and his desire to seek refuge with Zhou became even more serious. He felt that the current Dashang was no match for Jiang Ziya!

In addition, Huang Feihu is still imprisoned, which makes Deng Kun a little confused about what to do.

"I don't know what Rui Ji is thinking, so I just want to find him to find out!"

Deng Kun thought for a while and said.

Now he has made up his mind to join Da Zhou, but if Rui Ji doesn't agree, it will be troublesome, and he must know his thoughts.

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