Then Zhang Kui sent his wife to fight because he couldn't make a sneak attack. However, he was hit directly in the face by Deng Chanyu's five-color stone and had no choice but to retreat.

It is said that when Tu Xingsun, the governor of Liang, came back, he found that Huang Feihu was missing, so he asked for details. After learning that Huang Feihu was killed, Tu Xingsun couldn't help but became furious. Zhang Kui really deserves to die.

Later, Jiang Ziya told him that Zhang Kui was also capable of earth escape, which made Tu Xingsun even more surprised that there were still people who knew his own magic. At the beginning, his master never said that there were still people who knew his own earth escape spell!

This made Tu Xingsun even more interested in Zhang Kui, and he asked for orders to kill him the next day.

After the two fought for several rounds, they both escaped. The two fought again underground. In the end, Nezha, Yang Jian and others came to help. Zhang Kui was afraid that he would be defeated, so he ran away. Xingsun chased after him, but he could only travel a thousand miles a day. Zhang Kui could travel 1,500 miles a day, which was much faster than Tu Xingsun. Tu Xingsun had no choice but to give up. I can’t catch up!

After returning to the camp, Jiang Ziya was a little surprised to learn that Zhang Kui's Tudun was actually more powerful than Tu Xingsun.

"By the way, when your master was afraid that Liu Sun would capture you, he used the magic of turning the ground into steel. Now that Zhang Kui is an earth escaper like you, why don't you use this method to deal with him!"

Jiang Ziya said.

When Tu Xingsun was bewitched by others to fight against him, Fear Liusun used this method to capture Tu Xingsun!

When Tu Xingsun heard this, his face lit up.

"I understand, but I don't know how to do this, so I can only ask my teacher!"

Tu Xingsun said.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he nodded and told Tu Xingsun to go early and come back early.

Tu Xingsun said goodbye to his wife Deng Chanyu and left directly to find his master, fearful sun.

After Tu Xingsun had just left, Zhang Kui and Gao Lanying were discussing how to deal with Jiang Ziya.

Suddenly, the Mianchi County flag broke and fell down.

"No, this is an ominous sign!"

Gao Lanying's expression changed, and she hurriedly counted with her fingers that Tu Xingsun had gone to move reinforcements.

"Go quickly. Stop this Tu Xingsun, otherwise when he finds a way to deal with you, you and I will be in danger!"

Gao Lanying said hurriedly.

When Zhang Kui heard this, he hurriedly ran out with Earth Escape. His Earth Escape was faster than that of Tu Xingsun. When Tu Xingsun arrived, Zhang Kui had already been waiting for him.

Tu Xingsun thought he had arrived, so he relaxed his guard, but Zhang Kui suddenly rushed out. Tu Xingsun was cut in half without any precautions.

After Zhang Kui succeeded, he took Tu Xingsun's head and ran back directly.

After returning. He hung Tu Xingsun's head on the city gate.

Jiang Ziya was in the camp when he suddenly heard that Tu Xingsun had been killed. He couldn't help being shocked. When he went out to see it, he was really Tu Xingsun!

"Hey, it's all my fault! I didn't expect that Zhang Kui could actually calculate the secrets of heaven. Damn it, damn it!"

Jiang Ziya couldn't help but feel regretful.

When Deng Chanyu heard that Tu Xingsun had been killed, he couldn't bear it anymore and killed him directly.

Zhang Kui was about to go out when Gao Lanying stopped him.

"It's just a female general. I'll deal with him!"

After Gao Lanying fought out, he directly fought with Deng Chanyu. The two fought for several rounds. Gao Lanying shot his own Sun God Needle again. Deng Chanyu was directly hit in both eyes. She was decapitated by Gao Lanying.

The poor couple both lost their lives.

Jiang Ziya was going crazy at this moment.

"Damn Mianchi County, damn Zhang Kui, a small county, a tiny place, actually blocked our army to this point, and cost nine lives in vain. I have never suffered such a defeat since I started the army!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, everyone was silent, and the atmosphere became somewhat solemn.

From Ji Fa's two brothers, to Five Mountains Huang Feihu, Chong Heihu, and Tu Xingsun and his wife, so many generals under Jiang Ziya of the Great Zhou Dynasty died, but they still couldn't take Mianchi County.

"Prime Minister, if this is the case, even if we send out a large army, I understand that even a small county town cannot stop the army from attacking!"

Someone suddenly suggested.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he realized that this was also a way. In the face of absolute advantage, all methods were in vain, so he ordered the army to go out in three directions and directly besieged Mianchi County.

However, Zhang Kui and his wife kept mobilizing troops and defending in all directions. After fighting for nearly two days, Jiang Ziya's army still could not capture Mianchi County. In desperation, Jiang Ziya had no choice but to withdraw his troops.

It seems that the strong attack is no longer effective!

I can only think of other ways.

If we continue to attack like this, the losses will be even more severe.

Gao Lanying and Zhang Kui also looked ugly.

Although Jiang Ziya failed to capture Mianchi County with his forced attack, they also lost a lot of troops and it would not work if they continued like this.

After the two discussed it, they wrote a letter to the court and asked King Zhou to send troops to rescue.

After all, Mianchi County is no different from other places. It is very close to Chaoge. If we don't save it, King Zhou's dynasty will be in danger.

The officer also knew the importance of this letter and ran away.

In the void.

Liu Ming looked at Yang Jian in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

Yang Jian came and told Liu Ming what happened in the past few days.

Liu Ming didn't expect Zhang Kui to be so powerful that even Tu Xingsun would be hit by it!

Liu Ming has recently been focused on thinking about how to deal with the prehistoric battles and the reshuffle of forces after the end of his Conferred God Tribulation, so he doesn't pay too much attention to the situation of the battle.

This is what caused Tu Xingsun and his wife to be killed. Of course, this was also the number of days.

"Master, how could Zhang Kui be so powerful! Even the disciples of Biyou Palace, even the second generation of powerful disciples, could not force Jiang Ziya to such an extent!"

Yang Jian asked.

"This is because Sanqing has been completely taught by Taoist Hongjun and does not dare to intervene at will. It also prevents Jiang Ziya from getting help from Yuxu Palace. I said that there are powerful people in the three mountains and five mountains, and now they are That’s all the problem Jiang Ziya is facing, if Jiang Ziya still can’t take down Mianchi County this time, I will help him once!”

Liu Ming said.

It's not that Liu Ming is merciful, but because Liu Ming wants to quickly activate this god's calamity to end, so that he can return to the prehistoric era by establishing the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Now that the Prehistoric Biyou Palace has ceased to exist in name only, it is time to reorganize the forces.

How could Liu Ming not care about this critical moment?

But Daozu Hongjun probably saw this and took Sanqing away. This was the reason why Liu Ming was allowed to continue supervising the calamity. The calamity was not over and Liu Ming was not allowed to go back.

But Liu Ming wants to go back now!

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