Among them, the one who made Zhen Yuanzi firm up his determination was Liu Ming, the demon prince.

He was actually no match for him, armed with the God-killing Spear, an innate weapon.

Coupled with the abnormal physical defense!

The demon race may still be the strongest race in the prehistoric times.

Zhen Yuanzi felt that it was most appropriate for him to join the demon clan!

And in Liu Ming's room at Wuzhuang Guan.

Sun Wukong, who was refining the ginseng fruit, suddenly felt a tremendous power released from his body.

Gradually Sun Wukong regained his composure.

"Ah, I broke through to Daluo Jinxian"

Sun Wukong jumped up excitedly.

Da Luo Jinxian!

Sun Wukong's shout made Liu Ming also open his eyes.

The spiritual power in his body has been refined, but his realm has not been broken through.

He is still the Great Luo Jinxian, infinitely close to the quasi-sage, but he cannot break through this layer of paper.

This made Liu Ming understand. It seemed that Daluo Jinxian was not a problem with spiritual power. It was because he had not understood the key.

"Master, you're awake!"

Sun Wukong showed his realm to Liu Mingming who opened his eyes.

It has to be said that the colorful stones formed by the refining of the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil by the Qiankun Cauldron are indeed powerful.

Sun Wukong was born from it, and his talent and physical strength are the envy of many people.

"Hmph, what are you proud of? Let's go and say hello to Zhen Yuanzi. It's time for us to leave!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he took Sun Wukong to say goodbye to Zhen Yuanzi and left Wuzhuang Temple.

I went back and sent Lingbao and the remaining seven ginseng fruits.

After seeing the ginseng fruit, Emperor Jun directly rewarded the demon commander, increasing their mana!

And Liu Ming took Sun Wukong to the ancient land without stopping.

After all, there is still a big gap in Lingbao.

"Master, where are we going this time! Didn't Bai Ze say that there are still 500,000 spiritual treasures left? Oh, where can we find so many?"

Sun Wukong really scratched his head.

Liu Ming reached out to the deep sea in the east.

"Did you see that? That's our destination. Let's go. I'm afraid I won't be as easy to talk to as Zhen Yuanzi this time!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he took Sun Wukong directly towards the deep sea.

Dragon clan territory, deep sea area!

Since the last time he ambushed Yuan Feng, Zhulong has never made a move again!

Even if Zhunti and Jieying came to lobby for him to take action in the Lich War, he reluctantly agreed, but in the end he didn't move.

It's not that he doesn't want to, and Zhulong feels that he can't lead the dragon clan into too deep.

Now, the biggest enemy, the Monster Clan, has retreated to the 33rd Heaven, and the Dragon Clan is no longer a threat!

"Lord Zhulong, it's not good, the demon clan is here!"

After Zhulong heard his men shouting, he immediately stood up.

Monster clan?

Hasn’t it already retreated to the thirty-third heaven?

Why did you call me again?

"Yinglong, Qinglong, go quickly, mobilize the dragon guards, and follow me out to take a look. By the way, send people to the Wu Clan. We are in trouble this time. The Wu Clan can't just sit idly by and ignore it!"

Although Zhulong was a little panicked, he quickly made a plan.

"Sir, there is only one person there!"

The arm Zhulong just raised stopped in mid-air.

"What did you say?"

"Sir, there is only one, oh, no, two, and a monkey with a hairy face and a thunderous mouth!"


Zhulong knocked his subordinates away with one palm.

Above the deep sea!

Liu Ming was waiting for the dragon clan members to appear.

"Master, if you want me to say it, just punch it in, why bother mother-in-law!"

Sun Wukong has already reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian, so he naturally thinks that he can kill everyone and be happy.

"Good idea, go for it!"

Liu Ming calmly pointed to the deep sea.

Sun Wukong was no fool, so he naturally heard the strangeness in Liu Ming's tone.

"Master, does this dragon clan have powerful masters?"

Liu Ming's expression suddenly changed and he pointed at the deep sea!

"Didn't that come out?"

Zhulong came out of the deep sea with Yinglong, Qinglong, and several White Dragon Guards behind him.

Sun Wukong took a look, what a guy! Three quasi-sages and hundreds of Da Luo Jinxian!

No wonder the master never moved.

This is much more powerful than Wuzhuang Guanzhen Yuanzi!

"Golden Crow?"

After Ying Long saw Liu Ming clearly, he immediately exclaimed.

"Humph, Yinglong, you must have not forgotten the time when you and Zhu Rong chased and killed this prince!"

Liu Ming stared at Ying Long and said coldly.

Ying Long didn't speak, he just looked at Zhu Long.

"Who was I at that time? It turned out to be Di Jun's son who didn't even have a full head of hair. Humph, why, he came to our Dragon Clan to raise an army to question him?"

Zhulong looked at Liu Ming disdainfully.

That subordinate of his is really damned, isn’t he just a little Golden Crow?

He also said that someone from the demon clan was coming, and he was so frightened that he thought the demon clan was attacking in a big way!

The anger in Liu Ming's eyes had gradually gathered.

Zhulong is really looking for death!

He actually insulted himself like this.

"You dare to say that about my master, you are seeking death!"

Before Liu Ming could move, Sun Wukong beside him killed him directly.

Go straight to Zhulong!

With Optimus Xuanhai Pillar in hand, Sun Wukong directly smashed it with a stick.

Zhulong looked at Sun Wukong who suddenly came to kill him, without any interest at all.

I saw the green dragon on the side soaring into the air, and shot it out with one palm.

The two fought together instantly.

Sun Wukong, a spiritual monkey who had just broken through to the Great Luo Jinxian, actually did not lose in a fight with Qinglong, a quasi-sage.

This surprised Liu Ming, and the one who was even more surprised was Zhu Long.

He underestimated this monkey!

"Zhulong, let me test how many pounds you have!"

Liu Ming saw that there was no big deal on Sun Wukong's side, and faced Zhulong directly.

Although this time he came to ask for spiritual treasures from the Dragon Clan, Liu Ming knew that if he asked, he probably wouldn't give them to him.

Prehistoric people value strength. If this is the case, then defeat him!

Let him have to give it to himself!

As soon as all his spiritual power came out, Liu Ming turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Zhulong.

Zhulong still didn't move, but Yinglong beside him charged directly.

"Thousands of years ago, you were chasing me. Now, I want to see what you are capable of!"

Liu Ming waved his hand and shot out a stream of Sun Sutra flames.

Yinglong relied on his speed to dodge, but soon he found that his actions were suppressed.


Liu Ming moved his hands toward the sky, and instantly communicated with the flames of the Sun Star to surround Ying Long.

Looking at such powerful flames, Ying Long was afraid that his skin would peel off even if he didn't die, so he hurriedly ran away.

"Spatial confinement, leave it to me!"

A space law struck directly around Yinglong. How could Yinglong escape?

And with a sneer at the corner of Liu Ming's mouth, the sun started to rotate again, and Ying Long was doomed.

Being reasonable, Yinglong directly transformed into his own body, and the dragon's body directly wrapped around him, trying to break through the space!

But Yinglong found that he was powerless and could only watch the sun's shocking flames coming.

"you dare!"

Zhulong finally moved!

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