Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi looked at each other.

Dong Huangtai opened his mouth and said: "Brother, that's all. Since our nephew has already made a plan, we don't need to get involved anymore. Let him do it. All we have to do is follow his arrangement, okay?"

When Di Jun heard what Donghuang Taiyi said, he could only nod his head. It wasn't that he didn't believe Liu Ming, and after experiencing all kinds of disasters, Di Jun had become a little cautious.

Di Jun said: "Okay, if that's the case, then you make your own decision. I originally wanted to hand over the demon clan to you and let you toss it around. Now since the time is not ripe, that's it. We will take charge of the demon clan again until the time is ripe." I’m leaving it to you, and if you need anything, just ask, the demon clan will go all out!”

Liu Ming nodded towards Di Jun.

Now he has no specific ideas and can only find a suitable opportunity first.

After leaving the Demon Emperor's Hall, Liu Ming looked at Kunpeng waiting for him.

Liu Ming looked at Kunpeng and asked, "Are you waiting for me?"

Kunpeng smiled and saluted and said, "Haha, I have met the Demon Emperor!"

Liu Ming laughed angrily and said: "Okay, I'm not the Demon Emperor yet. I haven't agreed. There are still many things to do now. How can I have the mood and energy to guard the Demon Clan every day!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Kunpeng laughed.

Liu Ming looked at Kunpeng in surprise and asked, "Why are you laughing? You don't have any bad feelings in your stomach, do you?"

Kunpeng rolled his eyes at Liu Ming and said, "Prince, you are slandering me! Where did the bad water come from? I was just laughing. I guessed it right. You really didn't accept it!"

Liu Ming frowned and asked, "Tell me, how did you guess it?"

Kunpeng laughed and said: "Haha, it's very simple. Your personality is that you don't like to be tied up. In addition, you are now comparable to the Demon Emperor in terms of strength and status in the Demon Clan. In this case, why don't you be free! "

After Kunpeng finished speaking, Liu Ming laughed loudly.

He pointed at Kunpeng and said: "Haha, it seems that you understand this prince! Come on, I will take you with me when I go out to travel in the wilderness. You have to protect me!"

When Kunpeng heard this, his eyes were bright, and he said directly: "Prince, don't worry, I won't let you down!"

After Kunpeng finished speaking, Liu Ming took him to Yang Jian.

After Yang Jian resisted the attack of the Antarctic Immortal last time, he was forced to activate his heavenly eye.

However, because he could not control it stably, he lost his strength and exhausted all his mana and fainted. Now that he has been in the demon clan for so long, he has recovered some strength.

Yang Jian saw Liu Ming coming, stood up quickly and said, "Master, you are back!"

Liu Ming nodded, seeing that Yang Jian was still in good condition, and said, "Well, I've been back for a while. I'm here to see how you are recovering."

Yang Jian said: "Well, Master, I've almost recovered, but I don't dare to use my Heavenly Eye now, for fear of losing control!"

After listening to Yang Jian's words, Liu Ming nodded.

It seems like it’s time to train Yang Jian properly now!

The Third Eye can't just be active and inactive like this!

Liu Ming looked at Yang Jian and said: "Yang Jian, take good care of your body next, I will give you a good training of your heavenly eye, and try to let him be your helper!"

After hearing this, Yang Jian nodded hurriedly.

Now that this Heavenly Eye has tortured him, he is a little broken!

After Liu Ming arranged everything, he concentrated on studying the Celestial Eye with Yang Jian.

At this moment, Honghuang has returned to peace because of the end of the Conferred God Tribulation.

But beneath the calm there are waves of undercurrents.

Western teaching.

Jieyin and Zhunti are currently sitting and studying their own twelve-grade lotus platform.

All I could see was that he said: "Junior brother, since we can't find this damn Taoist Mosquito this time, that's it. It seems that he is either dead or has been hidden by someone who is interested. We don't need to waste any more time!" "

When Zhunti heard this, he looked at Jieyin with some doubts and said, "Brother, what do you mean by this? Could it be that we just forget about it? This is not an ordinary thing, it is the foundation of our Western religion!"

Jie Yin shook his head and said: "Hey, how could I not know, but now I can't find it. Even if you search all over the world, it won't work. You understand, why don't you think about how to deal with it now? Now that there are no more ten Of the second-grade lotus platform, we only have the ninth-grade lotus platform left, so that’s the ninth-grade lotus platform!”

After Jieyin finished speaking, the anger on his face could still be clearly seen.

When Zhunti heard this, he had no choice but to nod.

"Senior brother, you are right, but this time I think Yuxu Palace is still the most suspect. In addition, this time we helped him Yuanshi Tianzun, it can't be just because these three thousand disciples took advantage of him! Also, we helped him Yuanshi Tianzun this time. It should give us some benefits!”

Zhunti's words made Jie Yin's eyes flash a little brightly.

Jie Yin laughed and said: "Junior brother, I didn't expect you to think so carefully. Haha, yes, we have helped him a lot with Yuxu Palace this time. Naturally, we can't just forget it. In addition, what is Yuxu Palace? We are also a little doubtful about whether it has anything to do with Taoist Mosquito. So, junior brother, you can find an opportunity and ask Ran Deng! After asking, we will go to Yuxu Palace!"

Jie Yin said.

After hearing this, he naturally agreed.

Then Zhunti found an opportunity to meet with Ran Deng, but Ran Deng said that he didn't know about it and had never heard Yuan Shi Tianzun say anything about it.

However, Ran Deng said that he no longer has access to any secrets in Yuxu Palace. Now that Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace has gone into seclusion, he doesn't know the reason.

Zhunti didn't get any useful information, so he had to come back and explain everything clearly to Jie Yin.

After Jie Yin frowned and pondered for a moment, he felt a little strange.

Why is Ran Deng unable to access the core information? Maybe Yuan Shi Tianzun is suspicious!

Jie Yin felt that he could no longer wait. He must go to Yuxu Palace to ask for details this time, otherwise Yuanshi Tianzun would not admit some things after a while!

Jieyin looked at Zhunti and said: "You and I will go to Yuxu Palace in a few days. Some things should be arranged in advance. Now we, the disciples of the Western Sect, should make good arrangements!"

After the introduction, Zhunti nodded.

This time, three thousand disciples were introduced and converted from the Conferred God Tribulation. Now they are all teaching in the West. Now we need to train them well.

Jie Yin and Zhunti divided the three thousand disciples who came from this degree according to their cultivation level and level, so as to facilitate their management.

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