I saw Zhulong directly blocking Liu Ming who was attacking.

"Stop it!"

After Liu Ming listened to Zhulong's words, he directly pressed down the God-killing Spear.

do not fight?

"Hmph, Di Jun's son, you are very powerful, stop it! Your purpose in coming to my Dragon Clan is to fight me to the death, right?"

Zhulong said angrily.

He just looked down and saw that his people had suffered a lot!

This god-killing spear is truly overbearing, and its reputation as an innate killing weapon is truly worthy of its reputation.

"That's right, I came to see you for something!"

Liu Ming was a little confused. He wasn't fighting well. Besides, Zhulong still had the upper hand overall!

Why did you stop suddenly!

"Tell me what you want to do with me! If it's for revenge for Yinglong chasing you, then don't blame me. I won't let you do anything to Yinglong?"

Zhulong responded coldly.

Liu Ming took a look at it and understood.

No wonder Zhulong stopped fighting. It turned out to be because he accidentally killed many people from the dragon clan.

You can't blame yourself for this. This is a drawback of the God-killing Spear.

Once the power of the God-killing Spear is activated, sometimes he cannot control it.

The God-killing Spear is truly worthy of being the number one killing weapon in the world!

The killing power is too strong.

Back in Wuzhuangguan, the ginseng fruit tree in Zhen Yuanzi was accidentally interrupted.

Now a lot of dragons have been killed.

"When Yinglong chased me, it was because of the Wu clan. Although I was a little angry, but now it's the same thing, and I won't pursue it anymore!"

Liu Ming shook his head.

Zhulong frowned, "Then what do you mean? Could it be that you are here to show off to my dragon clan!"

Liu Ming shook his head.

"I came to the Dragon Clan because I want to talk to you about something!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, a glimmer of light flashed in Zhulong's eyes.

"Okay, in that case, I wonder if the demon prince has the courage to go to my deep-sea dragon palace!"

As soon as Zhulong stretched out his hand, the entire deep sea instantly opened into a great avenue!

"Haha, why don't you dare, please!"

Liu Ming said and headed directly towards the deep sea.

Zhulong accompanied Liu Ming directly into his main hall.

Lingjiu Mountain.

Yuanjue Cave.

There are many loose cultivators in the ancient world, so naturally there are also strong ones.

At this moment, an old man in the cave is closing his eyes to rest.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and a glistening golden glass lamp beside him gave him a cold light.

"Who comes to my Yuanjue Cave as a guest? Why don't you reveal your true identity? Is it possible that you are sneaky and want to do something evil?"

The old man said calmly.

At this moment, two people appeared directly.

"Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, Guangchengzi and junior brother Chi Jingjing met fellow Taoist Randeng!"

Guangchengzi and Akejie both owed their bodies to the old man.

"Who do I think it is? It turns out to be the two disciples of Saint Yuanshi Tianzun. Haha, you are such a rare visitor. Please sit down!"

Taoist Ran Deng pointed to the stone bench next to him.

"I'm sorry to disturb fellow Taoist Qingxiu. I'm here to follow Master's orders this time. I want fellow Taoist Ran Deng to go to Yuxu Palace. I wonder what you think, fellow Taoist?"

Guang Chengzi asked with a smile.

Before leaving, Yuanshi Tianzun gave him some instructions in his ear.

He told him about Randen Taoist.

This is also one of the reasons why Guangchengzi did not compete with Duobao for the Yin Yang Taoist position.

Because compared to Ran Deng, Yin Yang Taoist is just a scumbag!

You must know that Taoist Ran Deng takes the form of a glass lamp.

There were only three innate treasure lamps in the entire prehistoric period.

One is located in Taishang Laojun's Bajing Palace, one is in Yuxu Palace, and the other is Lingjiu Mountain.

What's more important is that only Lingjiu Shan, the lamp-burning Taoist, was formed from the cultivation of the glazed lamp, and relied on the accompanying magic weapon glazed lamp to occupy one side.

The other two lamps did not have this luck.

Taoist Ran Deng didn't speak, just smiled softly.

Guang Chengzi frowned, Taoist Ran Deng's attitude was a little confusing to him!

"I don't know you?"

Guang Chengzi asked.

"Haha, it's rare that Saint Yuanshi Tianzun can send someone here in person, but Yuxu Palace is full of talents, with the Twelve Golden Immortals sitting in charge, and even the Antarctic Immortal and Yun Zhongzi, two ancient great masters. I'm afraid it won't matter if the poor man goes there. Its function is to guard Lingjiu Mountain!"

Taoist Ran Deng said and shook his head.

It is better to have a chicken head than a phoenix tail. This principle is not unclear to Ran Deng.

In Lingjiu Mountain, he was the master, but when he went to Yuxu Palace, he became his subordinate!

Guangchengzi had already understood what Rendeng Taoist meant and declined politely.

"Dare to ask my friends, what do you think of today's prehistoric times!"

Guang Chengzi asked.

"Haha, this is the will of heaven, how do I know it!"

Taoist Ran Deng said with a smile.

"I'm afraid fellow Taoists must have sensed a hint of Tianji's intention! Today's prehistoric era is in chaos. Master speculates that this is the intention of Tiandao to prepare for great prosperity after the chaos. Therefore, whether we can survive the chaos is probably unknown!"

Guangchengzi clicked until he finished speaking, and then looked at Rendeng Taoist.

Sure enough, when Ran Deng heard this, his expression became a little serious.

"Sage Yuanshi Tianzun has already made inferences about the great calamity? So, everything is true!"

Ran Deng said and stood up.

"Fellow Taoist, once the prehistoric calamity arises, think about it. Do you think you can resist it by hiding in Lingjiu Mountain? No! It's better to have strength in numbers, haha!"

Hironariko said and looked at Aka Seiko.

"Fellow Randeng, what our senior brother said is right. In addition, when we came here this time, our master specifically told us that when we came to Honghuang, no one else told us, but we must pay a visit to Fellow Taoist Randen. Fellow Daoist Deng holds a lot of weight in Master’s heart!”

Chi Jing said with a somewhat envious expression.

Ran Deng couldn't help but feel a little excited after hearing this. He didn't expect Yuan Shi Tianzun to value him so much.

"By the way, Master also said that as long as fellow Taoist Ran Deng goes to my Yuxu Palace, apart from anything else, your status is above the Twelve Golden Immortals, and you are the deputy headmaster of my Yuxu Palace, and the Antarctic Xian Weng and Yun Zhongzi are the master’s right-hand men!”

Chi Jing looked at Ran Deng's expression and said directly again.

These words destroyed the last trace of concern or worry in Ran Deng's heart.

Yuanshi Tianzun is a saint, and he can actually give him such a status, which is enough!

It's great that a small casual cultivator can get such an opportunity. I want any bicycle I want!

"Since the kindness of Saint Yuanshi Tianzun is hard to refuse, I have no choice but to be respectful rather than obey his orders. Haha, we will be brothers in the future. I hope you two can give me some advice!"

After Ran Deng finished speaking, Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi showed smiles on their faces.

It's done!

This is more cost-effective than Duobao and the others finding a dozen people.

Because Yuanshi Tianzun has long since forgotten it, the Lingjiu Mountain Lantern is very lucky!

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