Liu Ming was a little funny after hearing this. He didn't expect that Kunpeng was touched!

Liu Ming also naturally ran away and accepted Kunpeng's admiration.

Is not this nonsensical? If you also traveled through time, you would naturally understand everything. Isn't this an innate advantage?

After Liu Ming and Kunpeng returned to the Monster Clan, they went to see Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

He told Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi everything he had done in Yuxu Palace and the results of his analysis with Nuwa.

After hearing this, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Because this thing sounds a little too incredible!

Yuanshi Tianzun was so generous that he gave away four of his disciples and direct disciples, the Twelve Golden Immortals, to the West.

And Liu Ming's judgment made Di Jun and Dong Huangtai understand Yuanshi Tianzun even more deeply. He was so scheming!

I am afraid that Di Jun would not be able to figure this out in ten thousand years.

Di Jun looked at Liu Ming and said, "What should we do in this situation now?"

Liu Ming sighed and responded: "Father, we'd better wait and see what happens in this matter, otherwise we will easily fall into this whirlpool and wait and see the result!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Di Jun nodded, indeed he could not participate.

And Liu Ming left the Emperor Jun Demon Court and returned to his Prince's Palace.

This time, he took advantage of the opportunity of Conferring Gods to Measure Tribulation to break through the quasi-sage cultivation level. In addition, Liu Ming gained a lot of luck from the Great Zhou Dynasty. This time Liu Ming was ready to practice hard and strive for his mastery of the way of heaven. The understanding is deeper.

Let your realm be consolidated and stable.

Mount Sumeru in the West!

After Jie Yin and Zhunti came back with the five Ran Deng people, they asked Kong Xuan to summon all the Western disciples.

Zhunti looked at Jieyin and said: "Junior brother, God is helping me this time. Yuanshi Tianzun actually gave his disciples to us! Haha, this old boy seems to be seriously injured. I'm afraid he won't be able to help me." Agree to our conditions!"

After hearing this, Jie Yin frowned a little. After coming back, after thinking about it, Jie Yin felt that it was a bit unreal!

Jie Yin said: "Why do I feel that this matter is a bit strange! Junior brother, you have figured it out! What Yuanshi Tianzun did this time is a bit confusing. Could it be that he is really giving us benefits and pleasing us? , It shouldn’t be, Yuanshi Tianzun has always been extremely arrogant, even among the Three Pure Ones, he looks down on Master Tongtian, and only has some respect for Taishang Laojun, how can he be so generous to us!"

After Jieyin finished speaking, Zhunti laughed and said.

"Senior brother, you are a little worried. As I said, Yuanshi Tianzun's injury must be serious this time, so he can no longer use his own strength to suppress us, so he gave us a big gift to show us Okay, this is equivalent to telling us that we can no longer ask for anything from him, and today is the final concession. After all, under the witness of everyone in the prehistoric era, we can no longer force him!"

After Zhunti finished speaking, Zhunti's brows relaxed. It had to be said that Zhunti's analysis was still somewhat convincing.

So although Jie Yin had some doubts and murmurs in his heart, he still accepted Zhunti's judgment.

They all only thought that they suppressed the current Yuanshi Tianzun because of their strength, but they forgot about Yuanshi Tianzun's character.

Not to mention the two Western saints and Western religions.

He is as powerful as the leader of the Tongtian Cult, holds the Four Swords of Killing Immortals, and can fight against the existence of the Four Saints alone. The strength of Biyou Palace is so strong, and it has not been taken care of by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Now it's their Western religion's turn. Do they think Yuanshi Tianzun has changed his temperament and shown favor to them?

It’s really clear that the authorities are confused by the onlookers!

No, only Liu Ming and the others are aware of this. Others are probably still hazy.

Kong Xuan came in and said: "Two saints, the disciples have gathered together!"

After hearing this, Jie Yin and Zhunti walked out.

Ran Deng was seen taking Taoist Cihang, Samantabhadra, Manjusri and Guangfa Tianzun, and Wei Liusun naturally stood at the front of the many disciples.

Ma Yuan on the side looked at this Yuxu Palace disciple with some surprise.

Although the Conferring God Calamity Tribulation is now over, how come there are so many disciples of Yuxu Palace appearing in the Western Sect?

Ma Yuan didn't know what this meant, and Ran Deng and the others had nothing to explain to everyone.

Jieyin and Zhunti soon appeared.

Jieying looked at the crowd and said: "Disciples, Taoist monks Randeneng of Yuxu Palace, Taoist Cihang, Samantabhadra, Manjusri and Guangfa Tianzun, fearful grandsons have come to my West, and they are now my disciples of the West. The future is to practice my Western teachings!”

After Jie Yin finished speaking, he glanced at everyone.

In an instant, the entire Western religion was in a state of chaos.

The disciples all looked at Jie Yin with shock on their faces. These more than 3,000 disciples were originally transformed by Zhunti and Jie Yin from the Conferred God Calamity Tribulation.

Naturally, they knew the status and identity of these people in Yuxu Palace, but now they did not expect to become Western cultivators.

is it possible?

Seeing everyone's confusion, Jie Yin nodded towards Ran Deng.

Ran Deng and Taoist Cihang saluted Jie Yin and Zhunti.

Jie Yin raised his hand, and then the others got up.

"Although you have doubts, this is a fact and cannot be doubted. Today, Senior Brother Yuanshi Tianzun in Yuxu Palace announced to Honghuang that several of them are already my disciples of the Western Sect. You should be aware of their abilities and abilities. Ran Deng, Cihang, Samantabhadra, Manjusri, Wei Liusun, Kong Xuan, you are the six major disciples of the Western Sect, your status is second only to Pindao and Zhunti Junior Brother, and you are in charge of everyone in the Western Sect!"

After Jieyin finished speaking, the six of them saluted Jieyin and Zhunti.

Kong Xuan was very dissatisfied at the moment. He was in charge of everything in the Western Sect just like Taoist Mosquito.

Now the mosquito Taoist has disappeared, and he was led by Zhunti to join forces with Yuanshi Tianzun to plot, and now he has become Zhunti's mount. He has already calmed down his heart, and at least he is the number one person under the two of them. .

But now that the five people have come to Yuxu Palace, he has become the sixth person! Super sub?

Kong Xuan was dissatisfied, and Ma Yuan on the side was even more dissatisfied. This disciple with such a high status did not have him.

Could he still be the same as those three thousand disciples?

No matter what the two of them are thinking at this moment, now that these five helpers are here, Western religion will be able to flourish just around the corner!

"Randeng, Cihang, Samantabhadra, Manjusri, and Wei Liusun, the five of you are the core of Western Sect today. Our Western Sect has had a bumpy road since its establishment, but now it is finally getting better. I hope you can spread the Sect. Dharma, let Western religion spread throughout the wild lands!"

Jie Yin said very sincerely.

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