In the Wa Palace, Nuwa was meditating. Suddenly she felt a breath of air. When she looked up, she saw auspicious clouds. Nuwa hurriedly walked out.

At this moment, Sun Wukong's body lying outside was slowly disappearing, which made Nuwa a little surprised and shocked. She was just about to stop him, but suddenly a figure from Heaven flashed past.

Nuwa slowly took her hand back.

"The calamity is about to begin, you must not stop it! If you have any questions, go to Zixiao Palace!"

After a word was heard in the air, he disappeared, and Sun Wukong disappeared too!

Nuwa's expression changed. This Sun Wukong was Liu Ming's disciple. Now that Daozu has taken Sun Wukong away, it is obvious that Daozu's purpose is...

Nuwa disappeared in a hurry when she thought of this.

Monster clan.

After Liu Ming heard that Jie Yin and Zhunti Zun were the Lord Buddha and Mother Buddha of Buddhism, he understood a little. It seemed that these two people had temporarily retreated!

Yes, they are afraid that they are at their wits end now!

Suddenly, Liu Ming looked at the fluctuations around him and hurried out, but Di Jun, Donghuang Taiyi and many demon commanders had already greeted them.

Nuwa is here!

After Nuwa arrived, she looked directly at Liu Ming and said, "You guys go back, I want to see him if I have something to do!"

Nuwa pointed at Liu Ming, and Di Jun and others hurriedly retreated. At this moment, only Nuwa and Liu Ming were left.

Liu Ming looked calm and asked, "What happened?"

Nuwa nodded.

Then he sighed and said: "Your apprentice, that monkey was taken away!"

After Nuwa finished speaking, Liu Ming's expression changed and he asked: "The Second Saint of the West?"

Nuwa shook her head and said: "Zixiao Palace!"

Liu Ming was stunned when he heard this. Zixiao Palace?

I thought it was Jie Yin and Zhunti. After the two retreated, they secretly plotted to promote the journey to the west, but I didn't expect it to be Zixiao Palace.

In this way, Hongjun is pushing for this matter. If you think about it carefully, Hongjun is the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, and only Hongjun can control the calamities brought by Heavenly Dao.

Liu Ming sighed and said, "What does Dao Ancestor want?"

Nuwa said: "I don't know either. If you have any questions, Daozu asked you to see him in Zixiao Palace! I think you should let it go. The monkey has his own destiny, and you don't need to participate!"

After Nuwa finished speaking, Liu Ming smiled bitterly.

Said: "Haha, Dao Ancestor took action, how could he let me just let go and end it so easily? You don't understand Dao Ancestor yet. If he let you be so simple, it would be abnormal. Dao Ancestor must be waiting for me in Zixiao Palace at this moment. It’s okay if you don’t go!”

After listening to Liu Ming's words, Nuwa's eyes flashed, yes, how could it be so easy.

Although Daozu's behavior was unremarkable, who could really think so.

"When are you going?"

Nuwa asked.

Liu Ming thought for a while and said: "As soon as possible, no, go now, how can I let Daozu wait for me, haha, I will go and see how the situation is?"

Liu Ming flew directly towards Zixiao Palace.

Nuwa was a little worried in the Monster Clan, but there was nothing she could do.

This concerns Dao Ancestor, and not everyone can interfere.

Western Spirit Mountain.

A clone of Yuanshi Tianzun came here, and the Ancient Buddha, Tathagata Buddha, the three great Bodhisattvas, and the fearful grandson Buddha all came out.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at these people and couldn't help but nodded.

My original plan finally became a fact today!

"Amitabha, I have met the saint Yuanshi Tianzun!"

Ran Deng and others saluted Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun waved his hands and said: "That's all, Ran Deng, Duobao, Cihang, Samantabhadra, Manjusri, Wei Liusun, you guys have done a good job, and now you have forced Jie Yin and Zhunti into such a situation. Haha, let’s do this, Pindao will send people to help you again, the west must belong to my Yuxu Palace in the end!”

Yuanshi Tianzun said.

But after he finished speaking, these people did not respond. Yuanshi Tianzun looked back.

Ran Deng looked at a few people, walked over, and said: "Amitabha, Yuanshi Tianzun Saint, and the poor monks are people of Western Buddhism. Their past lives have been ended. Now they have converted to Buddhism and practiced Buddhism. All kinds of cause and effect have been abandoned. !”

After Ran Deng finished speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun's face became a little surprised and gloomy.

I saw him saying, "What do you mean by this? Ran Deng, Ci Hang, Samantabhadra, Manjusri, and Fear Liu Sun, what do you mean by what you are talking about?"

Only a few people were seen calling the Buddha's name to Yuanshi Tianzun and shouting in unison: "Amitabha!"

Yuanshi Tianzun's expression suddenly changed, and he exuded bursts of murderous intent, saying: "Are you going to rebel? Ah, I ask you, do you still remember that you are disciples of Yuxu Palace!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva bowed to Yuanshi Tianzun and said: "Amitabha, Yuanshi Tianzun, saint, and several poor monks have entered Buddhism and practiced Buddhism. Naturally, they are Buddhists. As for what you are talking about, it is about the past life. The past life, I am afraid of it." Become empty, empty means nothingness, it is sin, Amitabha!"

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the current attitudes of these people and understood. If he didn't understand, he would be a fool!

Unexpectedly, the disciples he sent out were just for the sake of receiving Yin and Zhunti, and also to gain access to the West.

Now this goal has been achieved, but the problem is that there are no more disciples, and they have become the masters of Western Buddhism.

They have become themselves and no longer obey the orders of Yuxu Palace!

This is really a waste of time.

Yuanshi Tianzun spent so much time in vain!

Yuanshi Tianzun, who became angrier the more he thought about it, immediately revealed his power as a saint.

But Ran Deng and the others stood directly together, bursts of Buddha light flashed.

"Okay, let Pindao see how strong this traitor from Yuxu Palace is now!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was furious and took action directly.

The Buddha's light of Ran Deng and others is gathering to resist Yuanshi Tianzun.

But just when the two sides were about to come into contact, suddenly a series of thunder dragons rolled in the sky, and under the thunder dragons were bursts of auspicious clouds. A person stepped on the auspicious clouds and appeared. When Yuanshi Tianzun saw it, he turned out to be the leader of Tongtian.

"Senior Brother Yuanshi, according to Master's decree, please return to Yuxu Palace to practice as soon as possible and do not cause trouble!"

The leader of Tongtian said.

After Yuanshi Tianzun heard this, he sneered and was about to take action when the Tongtian Cult Leader came directly to him.

"Senior brother, are you going to go against Master's will? Or are you going to go against heaven? Go back and don't force me to do anything!"

Leader Tongtian said that although he still hated Yuanshi Tianzun a little at this moment, Tongtian now understood in Zixiao Palace that all of this was calculated by Heaven and was not the work of Yuanshi Tianzun alone!

So this time he naturally wanted to persuade Yuanshi Tianzun.

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