When Guanyin Bodhisattva heard this, his expression changed, but he didn't say anything and took his purification bottle back.

Although this Taishang Laojun is a clone of the three pure beings transformed into one spirit, he is still a saint after all, and he is still her uncle to Guanyin Bodhisattva before he entered Buddhism!

She didn't dare to say anything more.

Haotian looked at Taishang Laojun and said with a smile: "I wonder what the Supreme Saint used to subdue this monkey!"

Taishang Laojun laughed, took out something, and said: "Emperor of Heaven, from now on you can just call me Pindao Laojun. As for subduing this monkey, Pindao uses this diamond bracelet. This is Pindao's one piece." The magic weapon is perfect for catching him now!"

When Haotian heard this, he became a little happy.

The face of Guanyin Bodhisattva on the side changed, because she had felt a strong murderous intention from the diamond bracelet.

Does this Supreme Lord want to kill this monkey?

Probably not!

Guanyin Bodhisattva wanted to ask something, but didn't know how to say it.

Taishang Laojun did not hesitate at all and directly raised his hand to knock off the diamond bracelet.

The diamond bracelet reached Huaguo Mountain in an instant, and was currently above Sun Wukong's head.

Yang Jian was fighting against Sun Wukong. Suddenly he looked up and saw the diamond bracelet coming, and his expression changed drastically. Is this? The power of a saint?

And Sun Wukong had already felt it, after all, it was coming for him.

At this moment, Sun Wukong was trembling all over. Because the feeling of having nowhere to escape has locked him in!

It’s over, it’s really over this time!

Sun Wukong thought silently in his heart.

The diamond bracelet has already been struck, and its target is Sun Wukong's head.


After a violent noise, although Li Jing and the others were not in the attack of the diamond bracelet, they were directly overthrown.

Yang Jian was also knocked away, but he was concerned about Sun Wukong's situation and waited for him to come back to his senses and hurriedly looked at it.

I saw a person in front of Sun Wukong protecting Sun Wukong behind him, and his face was extremely pale.

It’s none other than Liu Ming!

And Sun Wukong also came to his senses at this moment, he is not dead!

The smell of death just now made him very desperate. Now that he was still alive, Sun Wukong finally breathed a sigh of relief. When he saw it, it was Liu Ming in front of him.

Liu Ming couldn't help but take a step back, with a very ugly expression on his face.

When he took off the diamond bracelet, he secretly thought something bad and left directly from the void.

It was also at the last moment that he finally stood in front of Sun Wukong.

It's not that Liu Ming wants to deliberately violate Hongjun's rules, but because this diamond bracelet also directly wants to take Sun Wukong's life!

The diamond bracelet came down with the saint's blow.

Let me ask how Sun Wukong was able to catch it. Even Liu Ming mobilized all his strength to barely catch it.

But now Liu Ming feels uncomfortable all over.

It was as if he had been hit with a heavy hammer.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Sun Wukong asked while holding Liu Ming up.

At this moment, Sun Wukong understood that he was such a cheap brother!

It's not ordinary. Sun Wukong had given up on the power just now and was about to be beaten to death, but Liu Ming actually protected Sun Wukong and caught the blow.

Although he is a little weak, he has no other injuries. No wonder Liu Ming is often not in front of him. His strength is really not enough for others to see and interest him!

Liu Ming shook his head. Yang Jian on the side was also a little worried, but with so many people, he couldn't pass because Liu Ming had stopped his progress.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was also startled when she saw this thrilling scene. As soon as Taishang Laojun took action, she screamed in surprise.

But it was too late, and besides, she couldn't stop him, she couldn't stop him!

Now seeing Liu Ming take action, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Taishang Laojun's face was very ugly. Unexpectedly, Liu Ming actually ruined his move.

At this moment, Liu Ming had already calmed down. He took a step forward, looked at the sky and shouted loudly.

"It's too much! Daozu, I dare you to take care of it!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, two thunder dragons flashed in the sky and then headed directly towards the heaven.

Li Jing and the others were also a little dumbfounded. What was going on!

It seems to be beyond their knowledge!

Could it be that this is another big shot’s struggle!

After Liu Ming finished speaking, his eyes darkened and he almost fell to the ground.

Damn it, this Supreme Laojun is so cruel!

He actually used the power of the saint.

It was also at this time that Liu Ming understood. No wonder Hongjun asked him to come down, saying that he was protecting those traveling to the west.

At that time, Liu Ming thought it was unnecessary, because the people who were caught in the calamity had the blessing of heaven, so naturally they were not in any danger!

The four masters and disciples had a near miss every time, because Heaven could not tolerate them being killed!

But unexpectedly, Sun Wukong was almost killed before the calamity began!

It seems that this kind of calamity is still very dangerous!

The two sects of Buddhism and Taoism are going to fight in this calamity!

And I have to be careful in the future, otherwise I am afraid something will really happen.

Liu Ming stared at the sky and wanted to wait for Daozu Hongjun to give him an explanation.

At this moment, in the heaven, two thunder dragons suddenly hit Taishang Laojun's body directly.

After the thunder dragon disappeared, Taishang Laojun did not change at all, but his face became gloomy. He bowed to the east and said: "Master, calm down. I understand that I was wrong. I will be more vigilant in the future and dare not do this again." Like!"

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking, he stood up!

Haotian, Queen Mother, and Guanyin Bodhisattva on the side were all speechless, because the thunder just now represented Hongjun's attitude, a warning!

Taishang Laojun said with a smile: "Haha, I just forgot, this is the human world, naturally I can't bear the ordinary blow of the poor man, it is really a sin, a sin! Well, since I promised the Emperor of Heaven, a good man will do it to the end. !”

With that said, he threw the diamond bracelet down again.

When Liu Ming saw it, he became wary, but he had already seen that this diamond bracelet did not carry the power of a saint this time, nor did it have murderous intent.

It seems that Taishang Laojun has been reminded by Hongjun.

Since there is no danger, it is difficult for Liu Ming to take action. This is a disaster that belongs to Sun Wukong.

Liu Ming got out of the way.

When Sun Wukong saw it, he was about to run, but was hit by the diamond bracelet and fell to the ground instantly.

After Li Jing took one look, he directly ordered Sun Wukong to be tied up.

Yang Jian got Liu Ming's hint and took action instantly. His Meishan brothers captured Sun Wukong and tied him up.

At this moment, Sun Wukong had been knocked unconscious.

When Li Jing saw it, he immediately ordered to take Sun Wukong back to heaven to report to the Emperor of Heaven, and finally captured Sun Wukong.

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