After a group of three people arrived at a place, they suddenly heard shouts from all around, and the sounds were somewhat tragic.

This Guanyin Bodhisattva is a Bodhisattva who saves people from suffering. When he heard this voice, he showed an unbearable look and directly looked for the place where the voice came from.

After the three people came to the place where the sound came from, they saw what it was.

It turns out to be a dragon!

The dragon was hung in mid-air and kept shouting.

When Guanyin Bodhisattva saw it, he asked: "The poor monk is the Buddhist Nanhai Guanyin Bodhisattva. Who are you, the divine dragon, and why are you suffering again?"

When the little dragon saw someone, he was a little excited. Finally, someone was here! He is still a Buddhist Bodhisattva!

I only saw him say: "Bodhisattva, I am the son of the Dragon King of the West Sea. Because I let the pearl in front of the palace burn, my father reported it to heaven. The emperor of heaven ordered me to be hung here and whipped. I will be executed in a few days." Kill me!"

After the white dragon finished speaking, Guanyin Bodhisattva's expression changed, and there were such things.

And Liu Ming looked at the little white dragon with some sympathy at this moment. This is also a bit nonsense!

This Dragon King of the West Sea is really cruel!

Isn't it just burning a pearl? If it's such a big thing, you can handle it yourself. Why did you tell the Emperor of Heaven and let the Emperor torture your son like this?

After Liu Ming thought about it, he felt that Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, was not so cold-blooded!

He has some relationship with the Dragon King of the Four Seas. He was responsible for them being able to enter the heaven. How could Ao Run be like this!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said: "There are still such things! That's all, I am now looking for the Buddhist scripture seeker. Since you are suffering here, it is to enlighten you. You become the disciple of the Buddhist scripture seeker and become his mount. As for the heaven I will go to heaven to explain your punishment to the Emperor and ask him to pardon you!"

When Bailong heard this, he quickly thanked him.

Then Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Liu Ming and asked: "Prince, let's come together!"

Liu Ming shook his head and said, "You go ahead! The Emperor of Heaven doesn't like me. If I go, he will definitely not agree. This is not harming others!"

Upon hearing this, Guanyin knew that Liu Ming was unwilling to go, so he didn't say much and left with Mu Zha.

Liu Ming came to Bai Long and asked, "Why is Ao Run so cruel?"

When Bailong heard this, his expression changed and he said nothing.

Liu Ming did not force him and went directly to Xihai.

Ao Run was startled when he saw Liu Ming coming suddenly. Why is this demon prince here?

Ao Run said: "Prince, why are you here? The little god is polite!"

Liu Ming waved his hand and said: "Let me ask you something, Ao Run. This time I met your son, the white dragon. He said that he burned the pearl and asked you to report it to heaven. The emperor of heaven issued a decree to kill him. Him, what’s going on here!”

When Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, heard this, his face became a little helpless and painful. He said: "Hey, Your Highness, you don't know something. It's not that the little god is ruthless. It's really hard to have both ends when he kills his own son like this. This pearl It was a reward from the Emperor of Heaven, but the white dragon was playful and accidentally damaged it. I originally thought it was nothing, but suddenly one day the Emperor of Heaven wanted to see this pearl, and the little god couldn't bring it out, so I had to report it truthfully!"

After the Dragon King of the West Sea finished speaking helplessly, a cold light appeared in Liu Ming's eyes.

What a good trick Haotian has!

He wants to use this method to make the Dragon King of the Four Seas dare not be disloyal to him. This is deterrence and suppression!

Haotian is now trying to build Tianting into his own independent kingdom!

Those who are disobedient will be punished.

After Liu Ming learned about the situation, he left Xihai.

Guanyin Bodhisattva also came back from heaven. She came forward to ask the emperor to release a small white dragon. How could the emperor not give this face?

After the little white dragon was put down, he was grateful to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva said: "Just wait here for a long time. After the pilgrim comes, you will accompany him on his journey to the west. You have taken refuge in my Buddhism and are my disciples. You will definitely gain merit in the future!"

After hearing this, Xiao Bailong nodded hurriedly.

As long as it can save your own life, that's fine.

It doesn't matter whether you convert to Buddhism or another sect.

After leaving the little white dragon, Guanyin Bodhisattva glanced at Liu Ming and said: "Prince, the Five Elements Mountain is in front of you. This stone monkey has something to do with you. Why don't you go and enlighten him yourself!"

When Liu Ming heard this, he shook his head and said, "It's because I have some relationship with him that I can't go. At any rate, I should avoid suspicion, so you go, I won't go, you're done and go find the pilgrim." Remember to call me when you arrive!"

Liu Ming escaped directly into the void.

I was already very dissatisfied with the reincarnation of Sun Wukong, and now I have to personally initiate him into Buddhism. This is too bullying!

Liu Ming was afraid that he couldn't control his emotions.

After Guanyin Bodhisattva watched Liu Ming leave, a smile appeared on her lips. The reason she said this was to avoid Liu Ming.

Otherwise, there were many things that she could not and would not be able to say to Sun Wukong.

After Guanyin Bodhisattva brought Muzha to Five Elements Mountain, Sun Wukong soon discovered them.

"Destined person, save me, save me!"

Sun Wukong shouted directly.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva came to him and said: "You monkey, this poor monk is Nanhai Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. He is not your destined person, and I can't let you go, but I can give you some opportunities, but I don't know if you are willing." !”

When Guanyin Bodhisattva said this, Sun Wukong had some doubts in his eyes and said: "You are Guanyin Bodhisattva. By the way, that boy is your disciple. Haha, he was even beaten by Lao Sun. Yes or no, you can tell me Listen, what an opportunity!"

Mu Zha looked a little unhappy, this monkey was really a little arrogant.

When Guanyin Bodhisattva heard this, he knew that this Sun Wukong was not as difficult to deal with as the previous three people.

So he directly said: "Monkey, you have angered the Heavenly Court and caused trouble. You were originally going to be killed by the Heavenly Court. I, the Tathagata Buddha of Buddhism, am compassionate and cannot bear to see you being killed, so I suppress you here. You are poor today." The monk comes here just to enlighten you. When you enter our Buddhist sect, when the pilgrim comes, you will protect him as he travels west to retrieve scriptures. When the pilgrimage is over, it will be the manifestation of your merits, and it will also be able to turn all your sins into Wu You, you are willing!"

When Sun Wukong heard this, his eyes rolled around a few times.

Let yourself protect others and learn from others?

He is the Qitian Emperor!

Guanyin looked at Sun Wukong and hesitated, and then said: "Since you have concerns, that's all. Just pretend that the poor monk didn't say anything. The poor monk will go look for someone else. But you are trapped here. I'm afraid the heaven will kill you soon." is you!"

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