The demon king looked at Tang Sanzang and the others and laughed.

Finally some food has arrived!

The demon king shouted loudly and said, "Come here, tie these three people up for me, carry them back, and enjoy them!"

In an instant, the monster carried Tang Sanzang and the others back.

As soon as we returned to the cave, someone came to report that Mr. Xiongshan and the special agent were here!

The demon king came in directly.

These two people are good friends of the devil!

After the two people came in, they saw Tang Sanzang and the others.

I only heard Xiong Shanjun say: "Haha, where did these three pieces of food come from? It's really interesting! Is this what you use to entertain the two of me?"

When the devil heard this, he also laughed. Since they are all here, he has to share it with them!

Then they invited these two people to go together.

Tang Sanzang was a little panicked when he saw these three people. They were trying to eat people like this!

And his two apprentices had already fainted from fright.

The demon king directly grabbed the two of them and threw them to the ground.

The three monsters directly ate up two of Tang Sanzang's disciples, leaving only some bones.

This made Tang Sanzang tremble all over.

Because of the huge size of this Xiongshanjun, he licked his tongue a little when he looked at Tang Sanzang.

"I said, let's eat the rest. Anyway, there is one left, so let's have a good time together!"

After Xiongshanjun finished speaking, he walked towards Tang Sanzang. When the Demon King saw it, he hurriedly stopped him and said, "No, I've already eaten two of them. You can't eat any more. At least one is left! You have to know that no one is coming here now. Do you want to find something to eat?" It’s easy, let’s talk about it tomorrow!”

Seeing that the Demon King was unwilling, Xiong Shanjun had no choice but to give up.

Because after all, this is the food someone caught.

Don't go too far.

After the three of them finished eating, they left here and went to the cave to drink.

And just after the three people left. Tang Sanzang breathed a sigh of relief, his life was saved!

But when he saw the pile of bones on the ground, he felt a little sad. Two of his apprentices were killed like this!

"What, are you scared? If you are scared, it's still too late to go back now! I'll take you back!"

Suddenly, there was a sound in Tang Sanzang's ears. When he looked back, he saw a young man in front of him. He didn't know how he suddenly appeared here.

"May I ask who you are, the donor?"

Tang Sanzang asked directly as he saw that this young man did not look like a bad person.

Liu Ming sneered and said: "You don't need to know who I am. If you change your mind now, I will send you back. Don't worry, I have the ability to send you away!"

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he shook his head and said, "Impossible. The poor monk was sent by His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to go to the West to worship Buddha and obtain scriptures. He cannot go back!"

After Liu Ming heard this, he glanced at Tang Sanzang with a smile.

At this moment, two little demons came over and shouted to Tang Sanzang.

"Then monk, what are you talking to yourself about? Shut up, or I will eat you!"

At this time, Tang Sanzang showed a surprised look on his face, seeing that Liu Ming was indeed in front of him!

He asked doubtfully: "Why can't they find you! Who are you? What kind of magical power is this!"

Liu Ming said disdainfully: "This is not some magical power, just a little trick. They can't see me, only you can see it. Now it's time to believe that I have the ability to take you out! Let's go and take you back to Datang. You He was originally an eminent monk and mage of the Tang Dynasty. Why didn't he just stay in the Tang Dynasty? Why did he have to run out?

Look, you have just left the Tang Dynasty and are still thousands of miles away from the West. Now you probably won’t survive tomorrow! Think about it for yourself, why bother! "

Liu Ming's words made Tang Sanzang fall into deep thought, and Liu Ming looked at him expectantly. If he said these words under such circumstances, it would be impossible for Tang Sanzang not to want to go back!

Although Tang Sanzang was the reincarnation of Buddha's golden cicada, the problem was that he was now a mortal, a monk. How had he ever seen such demons and ghosts eating people directly?

Aren't you scared to death?

After waiting for nearly a moment, Tang Sanzang directly raised his head and looked at Liu Ming and said: "The poor monk has sworn in front of the Buddha and His Majesty that if he fails to journey west, he will go to hell. Even if he dies outside, he will never go back. Since you With such magical powers, it must not be difficult for you to leave. Just go, don't let the poor monk implicate you. As for the poor monk, he will not leave even if he is eaten by a group of monsters like them tomorrow, which is considered a relief.

The Buddha was able to cut his flesh and feed it to the eagle because he couldn't bear the suffering of all sentient beings. Now why can't the poor monk use his body to give it to the monster? It can be regarded as an act of mercy! "

When Liu Ming heard this, his eyes widened immediately, right? Brother, why do you sound so arrogant?

Is there any mistake? You are going to be eaten now, and you said that this is what you want. You want to use your body to fill the monster's belly. This is compassion!

Liu Ming looked at Tang Sanzang and after he finished speaking, there was a faint breath of Buddhism coming out of his body!

It can be seen that what he said is true! He said he really wanted to do this.

Whether it's because he has already reached this level of cultivation, or because he knows that he can't go back unless he is eaten by monsters, so he broke the jar and broke it, it is worthy of admiration.

I’m so impressed!

This also reflects from the side why this Buddhism can rise.

The two great saints, Tangtang Jieyin and Zhunti, were pushed aside.

It can also prove the power of Buddhism!

Tathagata, Ran Deng, the three great Bodhisattvas and others are quite powerful. They may have found a powerful power.

It is this powerful force that has allowed them to achieve such great success!

This is the power of faith!

Whether it is Taoism or the previous Western religions, after accepting followers, they teach the techniques, let the followers practice, and finally use them.

However, this Mahayana Buddhism teaches a kind of belief. Once the belief is formed, it can stabilize the mind and soul of the believer, and I am afraid that he will never betray.

As Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, they can use the power of faith of all living beings to provide them with the ability and luck to practice.

This may be the scary thing about Buddhism.

Perhaps Hongjun has seen this, so he did not stop him, because there is no point in stopping him. The only way is to let him vent completely, and everything that flourishes must eventually decline.

Perhaps Hongjun's purpose of measuring the calamity this time was to make Buddhism grow to the extreme, and eventually he declined!

And the way of heaven is also able to make up for itself in these calamities.

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