After Tang Sanzang said goodbye to Liu Boqin, he continued to move forward. The white horse he sat on took him directly to the foot of Five Elements Mountain.

Tang Sanzang couldn't help but be a little surprised and shocked when he saw how majestic the Five Elements Mountain was. However, although he had never traveled far, his experiences along the way made Tang Sanzang understand that this mountain is a mountain! There must be a monster, because only monsters can occupy such a place.

So Tang Sanzang directly urged his white horse to get there as soon as possible.

At this moment, Sun Wukong was pressed under the Five Elements Mountain.

He had nothing to do every day and couldn't go out, so he could only sleep to get by.

After hearing the sound of horse hooves, he looked up and saw a white horse carrying a panicked monk running wildly.

Sun Wukong shook his head disdainfully, this monk is so unstable now!

What's so urgent! Not interesting!

Liu Ming was currently looking at Tang Sanzang in the void.

When I saw him coming to Five Elements Mountain, I felt a little emotional. It seemed that Sun Wukong's five hundred years of suppression was coming to an end!

Yes, this monkey has suffered a lot and it’s time to come out.

Nowadays, Buddhism is booming, and it is a good choice to get benefits from this calamity.

Thinking about it, his disciples Yang Jian and Nezha are also very important figures in heaven. Sun Wukong will later gain opportunities in Buddhism and achieve merit. He can be regarded as cultivating some powerful disciples who are distributed among various forces.

Liu Ming looked down, wanting to see how the master and the apprentice looked like during this calamity, and how it was different from the movies and TV shows.

But soon the smile on Liu Ming's face faded, gradually solidified, and finally turned into surprise and shock.

Not because of anything else, but because Tang Sanzang was riding a white horse and running wildly, running directly in front of Sun Wukong.

This is not the point, but Tang Sanzang is about to run out of the Five Elements Mountain at this moment!

No, he had already gone out. Tang Sanzang was already a little far away from Five Elements Mountain.

That's right, Tang Sanzang, the elder Tang who traveled to the west to seek Buddhist scriptures, the holy monk, and his younger brother, just walked away from Sun Wukong, his best protector, so calmly.

Walk away naked, walk away lightly, without taking away a single cloud!

The master and apprentice had the most perfect encounter, and then they missed it!

Liu Ming slapped his head hard, and when he looked carefully, he could hardly even see Tang Sanzang's white horse butt!

I go!

It’s broken!

Liu Ming went directly to the foot of Five Elements Mountain and looked at Sun Wukong humming something with grass in his mouth.

Liu Ming kicked Sun Wukong directly in the head.

Sun Wukong was instantly furious. He opened his eyes and saw, Hey, his big brother!

Sun Wukong said: "Brother, why are you kicking me? I'm already miserable enough!"

Liu Ming took a deep breath and said: "Monkey, I understand. You don't want to go out, right? You are going to be suppressed in the Five Elements Mountain for eternity, right?"

When Sun Wukong heard this, he shook his head like a rattle and said: "No, no, brother, I want to go out! But the Buddhist monks Guanyin Bodhisattva said have not come yet, how can Old Sun go out! Didn't we agree to five A hundred years, but it’s almost here now, and no scripture seeker has appeared yet, what can I do! Why don’t you release me!”

Sun Wukong said something complaining.

I have been waiting for a long time, but what can I do if they don’t come?

Liu Ming didn't know what to say now.

Could this be the legendary no-call?

He said helplessly: "Monkey, has Guanyin told you what to do if you encounter this Buddhist monk?"

When Sun Wukong heard this, he said: "What else can I do! Of course I have to shout loudly and ask him to come and save me!"

Liu Ming nodded and said: "It's good that you know, then let me ask you, why did you just watch the Buddhist monk slip away from you, but you didn't say a word!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Sun Wukong stretched his head out and looked outside. He became a little confused and asked: "Where is the Buddhist scripture seeker? No! Brother!"

Liu Ming was about to faint with anger, this hozen!

"Just now, just now, did you see that monk riding a white horse? He is the Buddhist monk. Didn't you see? You are blind!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Sun Wukong thought for a moment, suddenly widened his eyes and looked incredulous, and said: "No, brother, you said that the monk in a hurry is the Buddhist monk. Could it be that all Buddhists have this kind of virtue? Besides, he was a mortal! What kind of experience did he have? It would be weird not to die on the way!"

Liu Ming had recovered his mood at this moment. It seemed that this monkey was really not the same person as Tang Sanzang. There was no tacit understanding and resonance!

It wasn't a bad thing to miss him like this. Tang Sanzang himself would let him go to the West alive.

But you may not have to worry about the troubles along the way.

But the problem is that Sun Wukong and Tang Sanzang are not allowed to meet. Tang Sanzang cannot save Sun Wukong!

Being trapped under the Five Elements Mountain and unable to go west to obtain Buddhist scriptures, it is estimated that Sun Wukong will most likely be killed!

This is the fatal thing.

Liu Ming explained to Sun Wukong for a long time, and then Sun Wukong finally understood. It turns out that this monk is also a reincarnated person!

Suddenly Sun Wukong looked at Liu Ming and asked: "Well, big brother, what should we do now! He has left, and Old Sun can't get out!"

Liu Ming snorted coldly. It's a trivial matter that you can't get out. Because you monkey didn't participate in measuring the calamity, I'm afraid Buddhism will be angry in the end. Heaven will originally want to kill you, and Taoist ancestors will also change because of the calamity measurement and take action!

Liu Ming threw all the weeds out of Sun Wukong's mouth and said: "Huh, now I know I regret it! What did you do at that time? It's not easy for someone to come. Don't care whether he is or not. Why don't you shout twice first? That’s it! Come on, just wait, I’ll bring you the pilgrims!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking helplessly, he disappeared directly.

Sun Wukong, on the other hand, was speechless. He had waited for so long, five hundred years, and yet he still missed it.

What is this, an ominous sign!

I'm afraid that I won't be able to coexist peacefully and harmoniously with this Buddhist practitioner in the future!

At this moment, Liu Ming had already chased him out, but he took a look in the void and found that there was no trace of Tang Sanzang.

I couldn't help but feel shocked, wasn't it? This Tang Sanzang wouldn't have just been eaten by a monster after missing Sun Wukong because he had no one to protect him!

When Liu Ming thought about it, he felt even more panicked. It was very possible! This place is very dangerous for a mortal!

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