Sun Wukong looked at Tang Sanzang and asked: "Master, are you awake now? If these people don't kill them, they will kill you. If you blame me for killing them, that's fine. If this happens next time, I will kill you." Sun promises not to do anything, let’s see what happens!”

Tang Sanzang snorted coldly and said: "The poor monk is a monk and a disciple of Buddhism. He would rather die than commit murder. If they want to kill me, just kill me. Even if I die, I will be alone. But you did kill six or seven. This It’s a sin!”

When Sun Wukong heard this, his expression suddenly changed, "Okay, what a kind monk!"

He said directly: "Huh, okay, you know how many people Lao Sun killed when he was released in Huaguo Mountain. How many people are there now? Besides, since you are so kind, why do you want me to protect you? No matter who comes. Now, just go forward with your chest high and let him kill you, because don’t you just want to seek death? How good is this? I want to see how you go to the West and learn from the scriptures after you die. What are you dreaming about? Go ahead, if this is the case, why not go back, you will die sooner or later anyway!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, Tang Sanzang's face became a little gloomy.

He glared at Sun Wukong and said: "Humph, now that you have entered Buddhism, you are now a disciple of Buddhism. If you don't repent and continue to kill and kill people at will, you are not worthy of staying in Buddhism. You also You don’t deserve to be a monk, you know it!”

Tang Sanzang's words were a bit harsh, and Sun Wukong's expression suddenly changed when he heard this.

Waiting for Tang Sanzang fiercely, his eyes were already shining with his own fiery eyes.

Looking at Tang Sanzang with red eyes.

Tang Sanzang couldn't help but take a step back.

Sun Wukong said one word at a time: "Okay, since you said that I can't be a monk and can't go to the Western Heaven, it's just right. I won't be comfortable with you because I won't run all the way with you. I'll take my leave!" Go to the West slowly by yourself, I wish you a safe journey and seek the true scriptures as soon as possible!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, a somersault cloud disappeared.

Tang San was left hiding in place, looking at the corpses on the ground and the empty wilderness around him.

"Hey, I just said a few words to him, and now he just left. It's really frustrating! This monkey didn't listen to my teachings, and now he's running away. I'm afraid I'm not destined to have a disciple! That's all, that's all. ah!"

After Tang Sanzang finished speaking, he shook his head.

At this moment, Liu Ming in the void also sighed. The first conflict between the master and the disciple broke out!

In fact, we cannot say who is right or wrong.

Tang Sanzang was right. Because he believed in Buddhism, he always had to be compassionate and thought that even if he could save the world, he also had the Buddhist precept not to kill!

And Sun Wukong is a monster monkey, and he was the one who caused the wrath in the Heavenly Palace. He naturally wants to take revenge, and it is impossible for a few ordinary bandits to bully him.

Naturally, the killer must be killed. In addition, for Sun Wukong, there is no concept of killing or not. He can only say whether he has beaten or not.

If you hit it too hard, you will naturally kill your opponent, because the golden cudgel is very heavy and no one can bear it.

And naturally you can't kill the opponent if you can't defeat him.

Liu Ming thought for a while that maybe he could explain it to Tang Sanzang, and then he showed up.

When Tang Sanzang saw Liu Ming coming out, he felt excited and told Liu Ming what had just happened. It was considered a complaint!

In fact, Liu Ming already knew everything clearly, why did he need to introduce it.

After listening to Tang Sanzang's ramble, Liu Ming sighed and said: "Hey, this matter is not about you and Monkey, who is right or wrong, it's just that you two can't consider the problem from each other's perspective now, so this is the case. There is a disagreement, you have to know that this monkey is already accustomed to killing, including me, but your Buddhist sect emphasizes compassion, so there is a conflict!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Tang Sanzang looked a little regretful after thinking about it.

He already understood what Liu Ming meant, but he was a little too hasty. The monkey had just followed him, so naturally he couldn't let him correct it immediately.

There has to be a process!

Seeing that Tang Sanzang was deep in thought, Liu Ming continued: "Actually, Tang Sanzang put down his butcher knife and became a Buddha immediately. This requires a process and requires someone who can understand. If nothing else, for you Buddhists, Even the Tathagata Buddha, the Ancient Buddha of Lanterns, including Guanyin Bodhisattva, before you can escape into Buddhism and achieve Buddhism, if you ask them, they have killed, but..."


Suddenly, just as Liu Ming was about to say something, a Buddha's chant came from the sky and interrupted him.

Liu Ming looked up and saw Guanyin Bodhisattva coming.

"Okay, I'm telling you this much just to let you know that your savior is here and she will find a solution for you!"

Liu Ming disappeared directly.

Guanyin Bodhisattva came directly in front of Tang Sanzang, looked at him and asked: "Tang Sanzang, where are your current disciples?"

Tang Sanzang didn't dare to hide anything and told everything.

Guanyin Bodhisattva directly threw out a hat and a piece of clothing!

She said: "Tang Sanzang, this demon monkey was born from a spiritual stone. Naturally, he will not give in to you so easily. Now, I will give you two things. You can trick him into wearing them. Here is a mantra that tightens the spell. You will be a good general." He has learned that if this monkey is disobedient in the future, just by reciting this tightening curse, he will not dare to disobey you again!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva then passed this tight mantra to Tang Sanzang.

Tang Sanzang soon knew it by heart.

He looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and hurriedly saluted, and said: "Thank you Bodhisattva. Although this monkey has some murderous nature, it must have been a short time since he entered Buddhism. Naturally, he cannot understand the true meaning of Buddhism. His disciples will definitely be able to teach him, but now this monkey cannot I know where he went, but I can’t talk to him even if I have a thousand words to say!”

After hearing this, Guanyin Bodhisattva laughed and said: "Tang Sanzang, you don't have to worry. This monkey will definitely come back. I will find a way for you. In addition, this monkey is a monster monkey. You don't have to be merciful." You must control him, so that your journey to the west can go smoothly. Buddhism is the most important thing about understanding, so Tang Sanzang, you must not be deceived by other words. You must keep your original intention and turn to the Buddha wholeheartedly, so that you can obtain the true scripture!"

After Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finished speaking, Tang Sanzang bowed again and said: "Yes, Bodhisattva, I understand. I will definitely devote myself to the Buddha and obtain the true scriptures as soon as possible and send them back to the Tang Dynasty!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Tang Sanzang and nodded, gave a few instructions and then left.

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