When Tang Sanzang heard this, he also felt that it made some sense. Now that there was no white horse, how could he obtain the scriptures? Walking was too far. In addition, this luggage also contained the customs clearance spy given by the Tang Dynasty and other very important scripture-obtaining items. !

Tang Sanzang slowly let go of Sun Wukong and said: "You have to be careful, don't let the dragon sweep you away too, go back quickly!"

Sun Wukong immediately took a look at the river. After searching for a long time, he could not find any trace of the white horse. It must have been eaten!

In desperation, Sun Wukong took out his golden cudgel and struck it directly into the middle of the snake and the eagle.

After the golden cudgel was struck, the entire stream was shaken.

There was indeed a dragon at the bottom of the water at this moment. After he ate the white horse, he was ready to rest, but Sun Wukong's golden cudgel hit him, which shocked him so much that he couldn't live peacefully.

The dragon was furious and rushed out.

At this moment, when Sun Wukong saw him coming out, he sneered, grasped the golden cudgel tightly, and struck him.

After the two fought in the air for more than ten rounds, the dragon was already a little exhausted. He was no match for Sun Wukong!

In addition, Sun Wukong's golden cudgel is also very powerful. Every time he hits it, it is extremely powerful.

The dragon saw that he could not defeat Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong was becoming more and more brave now. In desperation, he jumped into his own river while Sun Wukong was not paying attention, and never came out again.

Sun Wukong stood on the bank, cursing, and stirring the river water with the golden cudgel, but it was still in vain, and the dragon would not come out.

This made Sun Wukong a little angry, but was there anything he could do?

In desperation, he could only go back to see Tang Sanzang and said: "Master, this loach is hiding in the river and can't come out. It's scared of being beaten by Old Sun!"

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he asked: "Is it true that he ate my horse? Well, what should I do? The salute is very important. Wukong, don't you have great abilities? Could it be that you can't take down this dragon?" !”

When Sun Wukong heard this, he realized that Tang Sanzang was looking down on himself!

He just flew away again. This time, Sun Wukong turned the golden cudgel into the length of the sky, inserted it directly into the river, and then stirred it.

The dragon originally wanted to endure it, but this time Sun Wukong smashed the golden cudgel directly to the bottom of his river. This stirred up the entire river, and even the mud at the bottom of the river was stirred up. In an instant, a whole day The crystal clear river water became turbid.

How could this dragon endure it? He couldn't see anything at the bottom of the river now, and he even ate a mouthful of mud. In desperation, he could only reappear.

The white dragon looked at Sun Wukong and couldn't help but feel a little angry, and said: "You hairy-faced monk, you have gone too far to bully others! Do you really think you are so powerful?"

Sun Wukong held the golden cudgel in his hand, looked at the white dragon coldly, and said: "Humph, you guy, it was obviously you who ate our horse first, and I came to you to ask for the horse, but now you Do you still blame me? Let me tell you, if it weren’t for the fact that you are a dragon, I would have killed you long ago. Give me the horse back quickly, I am too lazy to care about you!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, the white dragon said directly: "Huh, your white horse has been eaten by me. I will return it to you wherever you go. You can just find another one!"

Sun Wukong's expression changed. He had never seen such a shameless person before!

You ate my horse and asked me to find another one. Okay, if you eat my horse today, I will eat your dragon meat.

Sun Wukong swung his golden cudgel and hit him. Bailong quickly pulled out his sword to deal with it.

But Bailong was soon defeated. He did not return to his own river this time. He couldn't stay in the river anymore. He transformed into a water snake and burrowed into the grass and disappeared.

Sun Wukong went crazy again. This white dragon was a bastard. He ran away so fast. Sun Wukong searched for a long time but found no trace.

In desperation, Sun Wukong stomped on the ground.

This step shook out the earth god in this place.

The Earth God looked at Sun Wukong and his expression changed. Oh dear, it turns out to be this demon king!

The earth god hurried over to salute.

When Sun Wukong saw it, he couldn't help but have an idea. What a strange combination of circumstances!

He told the story of his fight with Bai Long.

When the earth god heard this, he told Sun Wukong everything he knew.

It turns out that this dragon is the son of the Dragon King of the West Sea, who was enlightened by Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and was here waiting for Buddhist scripture seekers.

And this Eagle Chou Stream is also unusual, because the water in the river is so clear, even the eagle will feel distressed when it comes. Its own figure is clearly visible in the water, thinking it is a companion, and it will be eaten by the white dragon when it flies down.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he realized that it was Guanyin Bodhisattva who gave him the enlightenment, and he was waiting for people to learn the scriptures!

Isn't that what happened to me?

Aren’t the pilgrims waiting somewhere?

This white dragon actually has eyes and cannot recognize Mount Tai.

When Sun Wukong came to Jianshui again, he shouted and told Bailong to come out and meet the pilgrims quickly, but Bailong was not moved at all.

Sun Wukong had no choice but to go back and tell Tang Sanzang the truth.

After Tang Sanzang heard this, he felt quite relieved. At least this was not a monster, but something waiting for him after enlightenment from Guanyin Bodhisattva.

I saw Tang Sanzang tidying up his clothes and walking to the edge of the stream.

He sang the Buddha's name and said: "Amitabha, the poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the east. He went to the West to pray to Buddha and seek scriptures. I heard that you were enlightened by the Bodhisattva, and I was looking for and waiting for the poor monk. Now that the poor monk is here again, you are still here. Come out and see me quickly!"

After Tang Sanzang finished speaking, a smile appeared on his lips.

But Sun Wukong's expression changed, and he flew away directly, dragging Tang Sanzang away.

As soon as he landed, the water column from the stream hit the spot where Tang Sanzang had just stood.

If it weren't for Sun Wukong's cleverness, Tang Sanzang might have been splashed with water at least, or he would have been swept away long ago!

Sun Wukong looked at Tang Sanzang and snorted angrily. He had beaten the dragon twice but failed to subdue it. Tang Sanzang actually wanted to call him out with just a few words.

How naive!

Tang Sanzang only woke up now and looked at the river with some fear.

Sun Wukong was sitting on the ground in a daze.

Tang Sanzang walked over and asked: "Wukong, you heard clearly, this is the waiting teacher enlightened by the Bodhisattva, why does he still beat me! What should I do now!"

Sun Wukong said angrily: "I also heard what the land god said. He is the land here, so he naturally knows everything and there will be no lies. As for now, I can only go to Guanyin Bodhisattva!"

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