Looking at Tang Sanzang who was still chanting sutras with his eyes closed, Sun Wukong lightly kicked him and said: "Master, master, wake up, don't sleep, hey!"

After Tang Sanzang was alarmed, he opened his eyes and scolded, "You monkey head, my teacher is chanting sutras, why did you interrupt? How can you be disrespectful to the Bodhisattva here!"

Sun Wukong curled his lips and said: "The Bodhisattva has left long ago. Master, it's time to wake up!"

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he looked up and saw that he was really gone!

He looked back and saw the white dragon horse.

Tang Sanzang asked with some confusion: "Why did the white horse come back? Why did it become a little prettier, and why did the white horse become fatter?"

Sun Wukong pointed at the white dragon horse and said: "This is not the white horse we had before. That one has been eaten by the white dragon. This one is the white dragon in the stream that was enlightened by the Bodhisattva and turned into a white dragon horse for you to ride." Yes, Master, the Bodhisattva just came, could it be that you didn’t hear anything?”

Sun Wukong asked with some confusion. He was not talking in the void just now, but by this stream!

Could it be that Tang Sanzang didn't hear anything?

My ears are also a little too deaf!

Tang Sanzang shook his head. As soon as he saw the Bodhisattva coming, he devoted himself to chanting sutras to the Buddha. How could he hear anything he said?

Sun Wukong had no choice but to explain the origin of the white dragon horse clearly.

Only then did Tang Sanzang understand. Unexpectedly, he lost a white horse, but gained a white dragon!

Riding a dragon is definitely more exciting than riding a horse!

After Tang Sanzang got on the white dragon horse, he moved forward with Sun Wukong.

After walking for a day, it was getting dark before I knew it.

Tang Sanzang looked at a courtyard in front of him, and shouted to Sun Wukong: "Wukong, there is someone's courtyard in front of you. How about we go and stay here for a night today!"

Sun Wukong looked up and sighed, his cheap master was not only deaf, but also had something wrong with his eyes!

This is no one's yard, this is a place like a temple.

The three masters and apprentices walked in directly. This place was indeed a temple, a shrine to the shrine!

After the master and apprentice and Bai Longma entered, they saw an old man.

The old man saluted them and said, "You guys are here for business!"

Before Tang Sanzang could speak, Sun Wukong spoke.

"Old man, we want to stay at your place for one night, is that okay?"

Tang Sanzang glared at Sun Wukong and said: "My disciple was reckless and bumped into the donor. The poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the east and went to the west to worship Buddha and seek scriptures. It is getting late today and I want to stay in this precious place for one night!" "

When Sun Wukong heard this, he couldn't help curling his lips. This was no different from what he said!

Isn't it just saying a little too much and being polite?

When the old man heard this, he nodded and invited the two of them in.

After Sun Wukong settled the white dragon horse, he saw that there was a rope in the yard, so he took it and put it on the white dragon horse. It was considered to have a rein.

It’s just that a saddle is missing!

And Tang Sanzang was already chatting with the old man, which was very lively.

Afterwards, food and drink were arranged for them. After the old man went out for a trip and came back, he picked up a pair of saddles.

I only heard him say: "I just saw Master's white horse without a saddle. How can I ride it? I liked riding horses when I was young, but later I got older and couldn't ride anymore, so I gave my treasured saddle to Master. Okay, by the way, there is a riding crop here, and I gave it away too!"

Tang Sanzang hurriedly stood up and thanked him. This was really great. Originally, the white dragon horse was a bit unstable without a saddle, but now it is stable with this thing.

Sun Wukong was not polite and took it directly out and put it on the white dragon horse.

Although the white dragon horse has become a mount at the moment, it is the incarnation of the white dragon after all. He was a little unhappy when he saw a saddle added to his body.

I am a dragon!

Can you please be respectful? Now that I have a saddle on, I feel a little uncomfortable.

Sun Wukong glared at him and said angrily: "Humph, you little white dragon, don't look at Lao Sun like this. This is your master. No, our master has to put it on. In order to ride you comfortably, it is not Lao Sun's." I mean, if you want to blame, blame him, and you’d better kick him to death to vent your anger!"

When the white dragon horse heard this, he directly raised his hoof and kicked towards Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong turned sideways and dodged.

"You monkey, you are harming me and want me to die. If I dare to kick Master, Guanyin Bodhisattva will kill me tomorrow. You have bad intentions!"

Sun Wukong laughed heartlessly, "You still know! You know you don't give me a good acceptance, huh, a little saddle just doesn't want to do it!"

Bai Longma didn't want to say anything more to Sun Wukong at the moment. Sun Wukong was just a bastard.

During the fight, it was already getting cold.

As for Sun Wukong and the others, they also packed their things and prepared to leave. Tang Sanzang also wanted to thank some old men.

As a result, I suddenly discovered that the temple had disappeared. At this moment, it was just a flat ground with nothing.

"Don't be afraid, Holy Monk. I am the mountain god here. I have been ordered by the Bodhisattva to deliver saddles and whips to the Holy Monk. I also provide a temple to shelter from the wind and rain. Now that the task is completed, it is time to leave. , I wish the holy monk a safe journey and reach the bliss of the West as soon as possible!"

Suddenly, there was a sound in the air.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he realized that it was the Bodhisattva who sent people to deliver things to them!

Kneel down quickly and kowtow.

Sun Wukong, on the other hand, leaned on the white dragon horse and watched quietly.

After Tang Sanzang kowtowed, he slowly got up. When he saw that Sun Wukong was about to fall asleep leaning on the white dragon horse, Tang Sanzang was a little angry and shouted to Sun Wukong: "Wukong, what are you doing? Why are you doing this?" If you don't worship the Bodhisattva with Master, you know that now you are also a Buddhist, how can you do this!"

Sun Wukong opened his eyes and said slowly, "Master, even if Old Sun saw the Emperor of Heaven, he would simply salute. Besides, even if he should salute to the Bodhisattva, he must have seen the Bodhisattva! But! He is just a little mountain god now, and you are giving him too much face by saluting like this!"

Tang Sanzang thought about it carefully and found that it was indeed the case. He bowed to the mountain god and couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"Hmph, this mountain god is under the orders of the Bodhisattva, which is equivalent to the Bodhisattva's visit in person. Why not salute? Okay, you don't need to talk anymore, hurry up and get on your way!"

After Tang Sanzang finished speaking, he got on the white dragon horse. This time with the saddle, it was indeed a bit comfortable.

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